add water level pond component

This commit is contained in:
jiaming 2018-12-17 16:49:09 +08:00
parent 4c1af63c91
commit 5622555d4b
1 changed files with 328 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
<div class="water-level-pond">
<svg class="svg-container">
<linearGradient :id="id" x1="0%" y1="100%" x2="0%" y2="0%">
<stop v-for="lc in linearGradient" :key="lc[0]"
:stop-color="lc[1]" />
<text :stroke="`url(#${id})`"
:x="arcOriginPos[0] + 8"
:y="arcOriginPos[1] + 8">
{{ (level && Math.max(...level)) || 0 }}%
<ellipse v-if="!type || type === 'circle'"
:cx="arcOriginPos[0] + 8"
:cy="arcOriginPos[1] + 8"
:rx="canvasWH[0] / 2 + 5"
:ry="canvasWH[1] / 2 + 5"
:stroke="`url(#${id})`" />
<rect v-else
x="2" y="2"
:rx="type === 'roundRect' && 10" :ry="type === 'roundRect' && 10"
:width="canvasWH[0] + 12"
:height="canvasWH[1] + 12"
:stroke="`url(#${id})`" />
<canvas :ref="ref" :style="`border-radius: ${radius};`" />
export default {
name: 'WaterLevelPond',
data () {
return {
ref: `water-level-pond-${(new Date()).getTime()}`,
canvasDom: '',
canvasWH: [0, 0],
ctx: '',
id: `water-level-pond-${(new Date()).getTime()}`,
defaultColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9'],
defaultWaveNum: 3,
defaultWaveHeight: 0.2,
defaultWaveOffset: -0.5,
waveAdded: 0.7,
arcOriginPos: [0, 0],
drawColor: '',
linearGradient: [],
waveTrueNum: '',
waveTrueHeight: '',
waveTrueWidth: '',
wavePoints: [],
bottomPoints: [],
overXPos: 0,
currentPoints: [],
animationHandler: ''
props: ['level', 'type', 'colors', 'waveNum', 'waveHeight', 'borderColor', 'noGradient'],
computed: {
radius () {
const { type } = this
if (type === 'circle') return '50%'
if (type === 'rect') return '0'
if (type === 'roundRect') return '10px'
return '50%'
methods: {
init () {
const { $nextTick, initCanvas, calcOriginPos, level, draw } = this
$nextTick(e => {
level && draw()
initCanvas () {
const { $refs, ref, labelRef, canvasWH } = this
const canvas = this.canvasDom = $refs[ref]
this.labelDom = $refs[labelRef]
canvasWH[0] = canvas.clientWidth
canvasWH[1] = canvas.clientHeight
canvas.setAttribute('width', canvasWH[0])
canvas.setAttribute('height', canvasWH[1])
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
calcOriginPos () {
const { canvasWH, arcOriginPos } = this
arcOriginPos[0] = canvasWH[0] / 2
arcOriginPos[1] = canvasWH[1] / 2
draw () {
const { ctx, canvasWH } = this
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ...canvasWH)
const { initColor, calcBorderLinearColor, calcWaveData } = this
const { calcBottomPoints, calcOverXPos, drawWaveAnimation } = this
initColor () {
const { colors, defaultColor } = this
this.drawColor = colors || defaultColor
calcBorderLinearColor () {
const { colors, defaultColor, borderColor } = this
let trueColor = borderColor || colors || defaultColor
typeof trueColor === 'string' && (trueColor = [trueColor, trueColor])
const colorNum = trueColor.length
const colorOffsetGap = 100 / (colorNum - 1)
this.linearGradient =, i) => [colorOffsetGap * i, c])
calcWaveData () {
const { waveNum, waveHeight, defaultWaveNum, defaultWaveHeight, canvasWH } = this
const waveTrueNum = this.waveTrueNum = waveNum || defaultWaveNum
const waveTrueHeight = this.waveTrueHeight = (waveHeight || defaultWaveHeight) * canvasWH[1]
const waveWidth = this.waveTrueWidth = canvasWH[0] / waveTrueNum
const { waveOffset, defaultWaveOffset, addWavePoint } = this
const waveOffsetLength = waveTrueHeight * (waveOffset || defaultWaveOffset)
const waveTop = waveTrueHeight + waveOffsetLength + canvasWH[1]
const waveBottom = waveOffsetLength + canvasWH[1]
const halfWidth = waveWidth / 2
this.wavePoints = new Array(waveTrueNum * 2 + 1).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
[i * halfWidth, i % 2 === 0 ? waveBottom : waveTop])
addWavePoint() && addWavePoint() && addWavePoint()
addWavePoint () {
const { wavePoints, waveTrueWidth } = this
const addPoint = [wavePoints[1][0] - waveTrueWidth, wavePoints[1][1]]
return wavePoints.unshift(addPoint)
calcBottomPoints () {
const { canvasWH } = this
this.bottomPoints = [
[0, canvasWH[1]]
calcOverXPos () {
const { canvasWH: [width], waveTrueWidth } = this
this.overXPos = width + waveTrueWidth
drawWaveAnimation () {
const { ctx, canvasWH, drawWaveAnimation } = this
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ...canvasWH)
const { getCurrentPoints, drawCurrentWave, calcNextFramePoints } = this
this.animationHandler = requestAnimationFrame(drawWaveAnimation)
getCurrentPoints () {
const { level, wavePoints, canvasWH: [, height] } = this
this.currentPoints = =>[x, y]) =>
[x, y - (l / 100 * height)]))
drawCurrentWave () {
const { currentPoints, ctx, bottomPoints, drawColor, canvasWH: [, y], noGradient } = this
const { canvas: { drawSmoothlinePath, getLinearGradientColor } } = this
const { color: { hexToRgb } } = this
const multipleColor = typeof drawColor === 'object'
!multipleColor && (ctx.fillStyle = drawColor)
multipleColor &&
!noGradient &&
(ctx.fillStyle = getLinearGradientColor(ctx, [0, y], [0, 0], => hexToRgb(c, 0.5))))
const colorNum = drawColor.length
currentPoints.forEach((line, i) => {
drawSmoothlinePath(ctx, line, false, true, true)
multipleColor && noGradient && (ctx.fillStyle = drawColor[i % colorNum])
calcNextFramePoints () {
const { wavePoints, waveAdded, addWavePoint, overXPos } = this
const addedWavePoints =[x, y]) => [x + waveAdded, y])
const lastPointIndex = addedWavePoints.length - 1
let addStatus = false
addedWavePoints[lastPointIndex][0] > overXPos &&
addedWavePoints.pop() && (addStatus = true)
this.wavePoints = addedWavePoints
addStatus && addWavePoint()
stopAnimation () {
const { animationHandler } = this
mounted () {
const { init } = this
destroyed () {
const { stopAnimation } = this
<style lang="less">
.water-level-pond {
position: relative;
.percent-text {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
font-weight: bold;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.svg-container {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
text {
font-size: 25px;
font-weight: bold;
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: middle;
ellipse, rect {
fill: none;
stroke-width: 3;
canvas {
margin-top: 8px;
margin-left: 8px;
width: calc(~"100% - 16px");
height: calc(~"100% - 16px");
box-sizing: border-box;
border-radius: 50%;