some modify

This commit is contained in:
jiaming 2018-12-24 18:25:29 +08:00
parent be273d8906
commit 124baba8bf
7 changed files with 410 additions and 791 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# local env files
@ -20,3 +21,5 @@ yarn-error.log*

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,304 +1,230 @@
<div class="polyline-chart">
<loading v-if="!data" />
<div class="canvas-container">
<canvas :ref="ref" />
<loading v-if="!data" />
<label-line :label="data.labelLine" :colors="drawColors" />
<div v-if="data.labelLine" class="label-line">
<div class="label-item" v-for="(label, i) in data.labelLine" :key="label + i">
<div :style="`background-color: ${data.color[i % data.color.length]};`"></div>
<div>{{ label }}</div>
<div class="for-slot">
import colorsMixin from '../../mixins/colorsMixin.js'
import canvasMixin from '../../mixins/canvasMixin.js'
import axisMixin from '../../mixins/axisMixin.js'
export default {
name: 'PolylineChart',
props: ['data'],
mixins: [colorsMixin, canvasMixin, axisMixin],
props: ['data', 'colors'],
data () {
return {
ref: `polyline-chart-${(new Date()).getTime()}`,
canvasDom: '',
canvasWH: [0, 0],
ctx: '',
defaultFontSize: 10,
defaultAxisColor: 'rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.25)',
// axis base config
boundaryGap: false,
mulValueAdd: false,
horizon: false,
xAxisData: [],
yAxisData: [],
axisWH: [],
axisOriginPos: [],
yAxisMinMax: [],
rowColumnSize: [],
valuePointsData: []
defaultLineDash: [10, 5],
defaultPointRadius: 2,
defaultValueFontSize: 10,
defaultValueColor: '#999',
valuePointPos: []
watch: {
data (d) {
const { init } = this
d && init()
methods: {
init () {
const { $nextTick, initCanvas, data, draw } = this
async init () {
const { initCanvas, initColors } = this
$nextTick(e => {
await initCanvas()
data && draw()
initCanvas () {
const { $refs, ref, canvasWH } = this
const canvas = this.canvasDom = $refs[ref]
const { data, draw } = this
canvasWH[0] = canvas.clientWidth
canvasWH[1] = canvas.clientHeight
canvas.setAttribute('width', canvasWH[0])
canvas.setAttribute('height', canvasWH[1])
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
data && draw()
draw () {
const { ctx, canvasWH, getXAxisData, getYAxisData, calcAxisPos, drawAxis } = this
const { clearCanvas } = this
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ...canvasWH)
const { initAxisConfig, initAxis, drawAxis } = this
const { calcValuePointsData, drawValueColumn, drawValuePolyline } = this
const { calcValuePointPos, drawLines, drawFills } = this
const { drawValuePoints, fillLineColor } = this
const { drawPoints, drawValues } = this
getXAxisData () {
const { data: { x: { data } } } = this
initAxisConfig () {
const { data: { boundaryGap } } = this
this.xAxisData = data
this.boundaryGap = boundaryGap
getYAxisData () {
let { data: { data, y: { data: yAxisData, max, min, num, fixed } }, filterNull, yAxisMinMax } = this
calcValuePointPos () {
const { valueAxisMaxMin, axisOriginPos, axisWH, labelAxisTagPos, horizon } = this
if (yAxisData) {
this.yAxisData = yAxisData
const { data: { data }, getAxisPointsPos } = this
this.valuePointPos ={ data, againstAxis }) =>
drawLines () {
const { data: { data }, valuePointPos, drawLine } = this
data.forEach((line, i) => drawLine(line, valuePointPos[i], i))
drawLine ({ type, lineType, lineDash, lineColor }, points, i) {
const { ctx, drawColors, defaultLineDash } = this
const { canvas: { drawPolyline, drawSmoothline } } = this
const { color: { hexToRgb } } = this
let drawLineFun = drawPolyline
type === 'smoothline' && (drawLineFun = drawSmoothline)
let color = hexToRgb(drawColors[i], 0.8)
lineColor && (color = lineColor)
let tureLineType = lineType || 'line'
const tureLineDash = tureLineType === 'dashed' ? (lineDash || defaultLineDash) : [10, 0]
drawLineFun(ctx, points, 1, color, false, tureLineDash, true, true)
drawFills () {
const { data: { data }, valuePointPos, drawFill } = this
data.forEach((line, i) => drawFill(line, valuePointPos[i]))
drawFill ({ fillColor, type, data }, points) {
if (!fillColor) return
const { canvas: { drawPolylinePath, drawSmoothlinePath } } = this
const { ctx, getGradientColor, filterNull, axisOriginPos: [, y] } = this
let drawLineFun = drawPolylinePath
type === 'smoothline' && (drawLineFun = drawSmoothlinePath)
const maxValue = Math.max(...filterNull(data))
const maxValueIndex = data.findIndex(v => v === maxValue)
const color = getGradientColor(points[maxValueIndex], fillColor)
const lastPoint = points[points.length - 1]
ctx.fillStyle = color
drawLineFun(ctx, points, false, true, true)
ctx.lineTo(lastPoint[0], y)
ctx.lineTo(points[0][0], y)
getGradientColor (value, colors) {
const { data: { localGradient }, axisAnglePos, horizon } = this
const { ctx, canvas: { getLinearGradientColor } } = this
if (localGradient) {
return getLinearGradientColor(ctx,
? [value, [axisAnglePos.leftTop[0], value[1]]]
: [value, [value[0], axisAnglePos.leftBottom[1]]]),
} else {
return getLinearGradientColor(ctx,
? [axisAnglePos.leftTop, axisAnglePos.rightTop]
: [axisAnglePos.leftTop, axisAnglePos.leftBottom]),
let [unsetMax, unsetMin] = [false, false]
!max && max !== 0 && (max = Math.max({ data: td }) => Math.max( && (unsetMax = true)
!min && min !== 0 && (min = Math.min({ data: td }) => Math.min(...filterNull(td))))) && (unsetMin = true)
let minus = max - min
unsetMax && (max += minus / 2) && (max = Math.ceil(max))
unsetMin && (min -= minus / 2) && (min = Math.floor(min))
yAxisMinMax[0] = min
yAxisMinMax[1] = max
minus = max - min
!num && (num = minus < 9 ? minus + 1 : 10)
const gapNum = minus / (num - 1)
this.yAxisData = new Array(num).fill(0).map((t, i) => (max - gapNum * i).toFixed(fixed || 0)).reverse()
calcAxisPos () {
const { ctx, canvasWH, xAxisData, yAxisData, axisWH, axisOriginPos, rowColumnSize, data } = this
drawPoints () {
const { data: { data }, valuePointPos, drawPoint } = this
const { x: { unit: xUT, offset: xOF }, y: { unit: yUT, fontSize: yFS, offset: yOF }, boundaryGap } = data
ctx.font = `${yFS}px Arial`
let yAxisMaxWidth = Math.max( => ctx.measureText(v).width))
const yAxisUnitWidth = ctx.measureText(yUT || '').width
yAxisMaxWidth < yAxisUnitWidth && (yAxisMaxWidth = yAxisUnitWidth)
const yAxisRowHeight = (canvasWH[1] - (xOF || 20)) / (yAxisData.length + 1)
const xAxisColumnWidth = (canvasWH[0] - (yOF || (yAxisMaxWidth + 10)) - ctx.measureText(xUT || '').width - 10) / (xAxisData.length + 1)
axisWH[0] = xAxisColumnWidth * xAxisData.length
axisWH[1] = yAxisRowHeight * yAxisData.length
rowColumnSize[0] = axisWH[1] / (yAxisData.length - 1)
rowColumnSize[1] = axisWH[0] / (boundaryGap ? xAxisData.length : xAxisData.length - 1)
axisOriginPos[0] = (yOF || yAxisMaxWidth) + 10
axisOriginPos[1] = canvasWH[1] - (xOF || 20)
data.forEach((line, i) => drawPoint(line, valuePointPos[i], i))
drawAxis () {
const { ctx, xAxisData, yAxisData, axisOriginPos, axisWH, canvasWH } = this
drawPoint ({ pointColor }, points, i) {
const { ctx, drawColors, defaultPointRadius } = this
const { defaultAxisColor, rowColumnSize, defaultFontSize, data: { x, y, boundaryGap } } = this
const { canvas: { drawPoints: drawPFun } } = this
const { unit: xUT, lineColor: xLC, color: xC, fontSize: xFS } = x
const color = pointColor || drawColors[i]
const { unit: yUT, lineColor: yLC, color: yC, fontSize: yFS } = y
drawPFun(ctx, points, defaultPointRadius, color)
drawValues () {
const { ctx, data: { data, showValueText, valueTextColor, valueTextOffset, valueTextFontSize } } = this
const { canvas: { drawLine } } = this
if (!showValueText) return
drawLine(ctx, axisOriginPos, [axisOriginPos[0] + axisWH[0], axisOriginPos[1]], 1, (xLC || defaultAxisColor))
drawLine(ctx, axisOriginPos, [axisOriginPos[0], axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1]], 1, (yLC || defaultAxisColor))
const { defaultValueFontSize, defaultValueColor, valuePointPos, drawValue } = this
ctx.fillStyle = xC || 'rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.6)'
const offset = valueTextOffset || [0, -5]
ctx.font = `${xFS || defaultFontSize}px Microsoft Yahei`
ctx.fillStyle = valueTextColor || defaultValueColor
ctx.font = `${valueTextFontSize || defaultValueFontSize}px Arial`
ctx.textAlign = 'center'
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'
const columnWidth = rowColumnSize[1]
const columnOffset = boundaryGap ? columnWidth / 2 : 0
xAxisData.forEach((text, i) => ctx.fillText(text, axisOriginPos[0] + (i * columnWidth) + columnOffset, axisOriginPos[1] + 3))
xUT && (ctx.textAlign = 'end') && ctx.fillText(xUT, canvasWH[0], axisOriginPos[1] + 3)
ctx.font = `${yFS || defaultFontSize}px Microsoft Yahei`
ctx.fillStyle = yC || 'rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.6)'
ctx.textAlign = 'right'
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'
const rowHeight = rowColumnSize[0]
yAxisData.forEach((text, i) => ctx.fillText(text, axisOriginPos[0] - 7, axisOriginPos[1] - (i * rowHeight)))
yUT && (ctx.textBaseline = 'top') && ctx.fillText(yUT, axisOriginPos[0] - 7, 0)
data.forEach((line, i) => drawValue(line, valuePointPos[i], offset))
calcValuePointsData () {
const { axisWH, axisOriginPos, yAxisMinMax: [min, max], rowColumnSize } = this
drawValue ({ data }, points, offset) {
const { ctx, getOffsetPoints } = this
const { data: { data, x, boundaryGap } } = this
getOffsetPoints(points, offset).forEach((pos, i) => {
if (!data[i] && data[i] !== 0) return
const columnWidth = rowColumnSize[1]
const xOffset = (boundaryGap ? columnWidth / 2 : 0)
const xPos = new Array(, i) => axisOriginPos[0] + (columnWidth * i) + xOffset)
const minus = max - min
const numberData ={ data: td }) => ({ data: => ((!v && v === 0) || v) ? Number(v) : NaN) }))
this.valuePointsData ={ data: td }) =>, i) =>
? [xPos[i], axisOriginPos[1] - (v - min) / minus * axisWH[1]]
: false))
drawValueColumn () {
const { ctx, valuePointsData, data: { data, color }, rowColumnSize, axisOriginPos, canvas, filterNull } = this
const { getLinearGradientColor } = canvas
const colorNum = color.length
const columnWidth = rowColumnSize[1] / 3 * 2
const offset = columnWidth / 2
data.forEach(({ columnColor, type }, i) => {
if (type !== 'column') return
const filterPoints = filterNull(valuePointsData[i])
filterPoints.forEach(point => {
const height = axisOriginPos[1] - point[1]
ctx.fillStyle = getLinearGradientColor(ctx, point, [point[0],
axisOriginPos[1]], columnColor || color[i % colorNum])
ctx.fillRect(point[0] - offset, point[1], columnWidth, height)
ctx.fillText(data[i], ...pos)
drawValuePolyline () {
const { ctx, valuePointsData, canvas, color: { hexToRgb } } = this
const { data: { data, color } } = this
const colorNum = color.length
data.forEach(({ lineColor, dashed, type }, i) =>
(!type || type === 'polyline' || type === 'smoothline') &&
canvas[(!type || type === 'polyline') ? 'drawPolyline' : 'drawSmoothline'](
ctx, valuePointsData[i], 1,
hexToRgb(lineColor || color[i % colorNum], 0.8), false,
(dashed ? [5, 5] : [10, 0]), true, true))
getOffsetPoint ([x, y], [ox, oy]) {
return [x + ox, y + oy]
fillLineColor () {
const { ctx, valuePointsData, canvas, axisOriginPos, axisWH, data: { data }, filterNull } = this
getOffsetPoints (points, offset) {
const { getOffsetPoint } = this
const { getLinearGradientColor } = canvas
const colorBegin = [axisOriginPos[0], axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1]]
data.forEach(({ fillColor, type }, i) => {
if (!fillColor) return
const currentValuePointData = filterNull(valuePointsData[i])
const pointNum = currentValuePointData.length
const rightBottom = [currentValuePointData[pointNum - 1][0], axisOriginPos[1]]
const leftBottom = [currentValuePointData[0][0], axisOriginPos[1]]
canvas[(!type || type === 'polyline') ? 'drawPolylinePath' : 'drawSmoothlinePath'](
ctx, currentValuePointData, false, true, true)
ctx.fillStyle = getLinearGradientColor(ctx, colorBegin, axisOriginPos, fillColor)
drawValuePoints () {
const { ctx, valuePointsData, data: { data, color }, canvas: { drawPoints } } = this
const colorNum = color.length
data.forEach(({ pointColor, type }, i) =>
type !== 'column' &&
drawPoints(ctx, valuePointsData[i], 4, pointColor || color[i % colorNum]))
return => point ? getOffsetPoint(point, offset) : false)
mounted () {
@ -323,35 +249,5 @@ export default {
height: 100%;
.label-line {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
font-size: 10px;
.label-item {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
height: 15px;
margin: 0px 3px;
:nth-child(1) {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
margin-right: 5px;
.for-slot {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
<column-chart-demo />
<polyline-chart-demo />
<!-- <border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<point-chart :data="pointChartData1" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
@ -270,184 +272,6 @@ data: {
<border-box-7 class="chart-item" :reverse="true">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData1" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [99.81, '', ..., '', 99.23, 99.62],
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 186, 255, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 186, 255, 0)'],
pointColor: '#00db95',
// 线
lineColor: '#ffc53d',
// 线
// polyline 线 | smoothline 线 | column
type: 'polyline'
// false 线
dashed: true
// 使
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', ...],
x: {
data: [ '10/01', '', ..., '', '10/23' ],
// unit: '' //
// fontSize: 20 // x
// offset: 30 // x
y: {
min: 96, // y
max: 100, // y
fixed: 2, // y
num: 10, // 10 10
unit: '%' //
// fontSize: 20 // x
// offset: 30 // x
// boundaryGap: false // true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData2" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [99.81, ..., 99.81, 99.56],
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 186, 255, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 186, 255, 0)'],
pointColor: '#00db95',
type: 'polyline'
data: [97.81, ..., 97.23, 97.62],
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 219, 149, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 219, 149, 0)'],
type: 'smoothline'
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', ...],
x: {
data: ['10/01', '', ..., '', '10/23']
y: {
fixed: 2,
unit: '%'
boundaryGap: true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item" :reverse="true">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData3" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [99.81, 99.42, 99.56, 99.23, 99.62, 99.36, 99.56],
columnColor: ['rgba(0, 186, 255, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 186, 255, 0)'],
type: 'column'
data: [97.81, 97.42, 97.56, 100.23, 97.62, 97.36, 97.56],
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 219, 149, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 219, 149, 0)'],
type: 'smoothline'
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffffff', '#ffc53d', '#469f4b'],
x: {
data: ['10/01', '10/02', '10/03', '10/04', '10/05', '10/06', '10/07']
y: {
fixed: 2,
unit: '%'
boundaryGap: true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData4" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: [
data: [
data: [3, 4.5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 3],
dashed: true
data: [0.5, 1, 0.8, 3, 2, 1.5, 0.5],
fillColor: ['rgba(61, 231, 201, 0.5)', 'rgba(61, 231, 201, 0.1)']
data: [1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1],
type: 'smoothline',
fillColor: ['rgba(255, 197, 61, 0.4)', 'rgba(255, 197, 61, 0.1)']
data: [2, 2.5, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2],
type: 'column',
columnColor: ['rgba(52, 36, 50, 0.8)', 'rgba(52, 36, 50, 0.4)']
x: {
data: ['10/01', '10/02', '10/03', '10/04', '10/05', '10/06', '10/07']
y: {
max: 6,
min: 0,
unit: '单位'
labelLine: ['收费系统', '收费系统', '监控系统', '供配电系统'],
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffc53d', '#342432'],
boundaryGap: true
<!-- <highlight-code class="chart-item" :reverse="true">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData" class="chart" />
@ -466,11 +290,14 @@ import attention from './chart/attention.vue'
import columnChartDemo from './chart/columnChartDemo'
import polylineChartDemo from './chart/polylineChartDemo'
export default {
name: 'Chart',
components: {
data () {
return {
@ -483,6 +310,10 @@ export default {
title: 'Column-Chart',
target: 'column-chart'
title: 'Polyline-Chart',
target: 'polyline-chart'
title: 'Radar-Chart',
target: 'radar-chart'
@ -520,208 +351,6 @@ export default {
columnChartData1: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '辆'
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
columnChartData2: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '辆',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
num: 6
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
showColumnBG: true,
columnBGColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'
columnChartData3: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: '#247efc'
data: [
[35, 70, 40],
[74, 180, 45],
[37, 200, 145],
[35, 89, 30],
[65, 100, 48],
[55, 90, 70]
fillColor: ['#ff2fdb', '#e3b4a2', '#fafb5d']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '万元',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
min: 0
labelLine: {
color: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb', '#e3b4a2', '#fafb5d'],
data: ['玩具', '食品', '服装', '电器'],
type: 'rectangle'
showColumnBG: true,
columnBGColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'
columnChartData4: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
unit: '辆'
labelLine: {
color: ['#ff2fdb', '#3DE7C9'],
data: ['同期', '环期'],
type: 'rectangle'
roundColumn: true,
spaceBetween: true,
localGradient: true
columnChartData5: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb'],
type: 'leftEchelon'
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9'],
type: 'rightEchelon'
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
unit: '辆',
num: 7
labelLine: {
color: ['#ff2fdb', '#3DE7C9'],
data: ['同期', '环期'],
type: 'rectangle'
showValueText: true,
spaceBetween: true
columnChartData6: {
data: [
data: [175, 125, 90, 130, 45, 65, 65, 47, 50, 52, 45, 37],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [210, 142, 128, 142, 63, 72, 68, 57, 54, 60, 49, 42],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9']
data: [23, 18, 16, 14, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5],
type: 'polyline',
againstAxis: true,
lineColor: '#ff2fdb',
pointColor: '#3de7c9'
x: {
data: [
'一月份', '二月份',
'三月份', '四月份',
'五月份', '六月份',
'七月份', '八月份',
'九月份', '十月份',
'十一月份', '十二月份'
offset: 40,
rotate: true
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
min: 0,
max: 250,
num: 6,
tagAfter: 'ml'
ay: {
min: 0,
max: 25,
num: 6,
tagAfter: '°C'
labelLine: {
color: ['#ff2fdb', '#3DE7C9'],
data: ['同期', '环期'],
type: 'rectangle'
roundColumn: true,
localGradient: true,
spaceBetween: true
columnChartData7: '',
radarChartData1: {
data: [
@ -977,141 +606,6 @@ export default {
active: false
polylineChartData1: {
data: [
data: [
99.81, 99.42, 99.56, 99.23, 99.62,
99.36, 99.56, '', 99.81, 99.56,
99.42, 99.56, '', '', 99.36,
99.42, '', 99.56, '', '',
99.56, 99.23, 99.62
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 186, 255, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 186, 255, 0)'],
pointColor: '#00db95',
lineColor: '#ffc53d',
type: 'polyline',
dashed: true
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffffff', '#ffc53d', '#469f4b'],
x: {
data: [
'10/01', '', '10/03', '', '10/05', '',
'10/07', '', '10/09', '', '10/11', '',
'10/13', '', '10/15', '', '10/17', '',
'10/19', '', '10/21', '', '10/23'
y: {
min: 96,
max: 100,
fixed: 2,
num: 10,
unit: '%'
polylineChartData2: {
data: [
data: [
99.81, 99.42, 99.56, 99.23, 99.62,
99.36, 99.56, '', 99.81, 99.56,
99.42, 99.56, '', '', 99.36,
99.42, '', 99.56, '', '',
99.56, 99.23, 99.62
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 186, 255, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 186, 255, 0)'],
pointColor: '#00db95',
type: 'polyline'
data: [
97.81, 97.42, 97.56, 97.23, 97.62,
97.36, 97.56, '', 97.81, 97.56,
97.42, 97.56, '', '', 97.36,
97.42, '', 97.56, '', '',
97.56, 97.23, 97.62
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 219, 149, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 219, 149, 0)'],
type: 'smoothline'
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffffff', '#ffc53d', '#469f4b'],
x: {
data: [
'10/01', '', '10/03', '', '10/05', '',
'10/07', '', '10/09', '', '10/11', '',
'10/13', '', '10/15', '', '10/17', '',
'10/19', '', '10/21', '', '10/23'
y: {
fixed: 2,
unit: '%'
boundaryGap: true
polylineChartData3: {
data: [
data: [99.81, 99.42, 99.56, 99.23, 99.62, 99.36, 99.56],
columnColor: ['rgba(0, 186, 255, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 186, 255, 0)'],
type: 'column'
data: [97.81, 97.42, 97.56, 100.23, 97.62, 97.36, 97.56],
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 219, 149, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 219, 149, 0)'],
type: 'smoothline'
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffffff', '#ffc53d', '#469f4b'],
x: {
data: ['10/01', '10/02', '10/03', '10/04', '10/05', '10/06', '10/07']
y: {
fixed: 2,
unit: '%'
boundaryGap: true
polylineChartData4: {
data: [
data: [3, 4.5, 4, 6, 5, 4, 3],
dashed: true
data: [0.5, 1, 0.8, 3, 2, 1.5, 0.5],
fillColor: ['rgba(61, 231, 201, 0.5)', 'rgba(61, 231, 201, 0.1)']
data: [1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1],
type: 'smoothline',
fillColor: ['rgba(255, 197, 61, 0.4)', 'rgba(255, 197, 61, 0.1)']
data: [2, 2.5, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2],
type: 'column',
columnColor: ['rgba(52, 36, 50, 0.8)', 'rgba(52, 36, 50, 0.4)']
x: {
data: ['10/01', '10/02', '10/03', '10/04', '10/05', '10/06', '10/07']
y: {
max: 6,
min: 0,
unit: '单位'
labelLine: ['收费系统', '收费系统', '监控系统', '供配电系统'],
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffc53d', '#342432'],
boundaryGap: true
colors: ''

View File

@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ data: {
<div id="polyline-chart" />
@ -306,7 +308,8 @@ export default {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
showValueText: true
columnChartData2: {
@ -462,7 +465,7 @@ export default {
'十一月份', '十二月份'
offset: 40,
rotate: true
rotate: 20
y: {
grid: true,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
<border-box-7 class="chart-item" :reverse="true">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData1" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
// 线线
data: [
data: [32, 30, 55, 24, 33, 25],
lineColor: '#3de7c9'
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
showValueText: true,
valueTextOffset: [10, -5]
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData2" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [
99.81, 99.42, 99.56, 99.23, 99.62,
99.36, 99.56, '', 99.81, 99.56, ...
lineType: 'dashed',
lineDash: [2, 2],
lineColor: '#277dfb',
pointColor: '#3de7c9',
fillColor: ['rgba(40, 125, 252, 0.3)', 'rgba(40, 125, 252, 0)']
data: [
97.81, 97.42, 97.56, 97.23, 97.62,
97.36, 97.56, '', 97.81, 97.56, ...
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 219, 149, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 219, 149, 0)'],
type: 'smoothline'
x: {
data: [
'10/01', '', '10/03', '', '10/05', '',
'10/07', '', '10/09', '', '10/11', '', ...
y: {
min: 96,
max: 100,
fixed: 2,
num: 10,
unit: '%'
<border-box-7 class="chart-item" :reverse="true">
<polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData3" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [2, 2.5, 3, 6, 3, 2.5, 2],
fillColor: ['rgba(255, 38, 214, 0.5)', 'rgba(40, 82, 255, 0.1)']
data: [3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3],
type: 'smoothline'
x: {
data: ['10/01', '10/02', '10/03', '10/04', '10/05', '10/06', '10/07']
boundaryGap: true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<!-- <polyline-chart :data="polylineChartData4" class="chart" /> -->
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Polyline-chart</div>
&lt;polyline-chart :data="data" /&gt;
data: [
// 44444444
export default {
name: 'PolylineChartDemo',
data () {
return {
polylineChartData1: {
data: [
data: [32, 30, 55, 24, 33, 25],
lineColor: '#3de7c9'
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
showValueText: true,
valueTextOffset: [10, -5]
polylineChartData2: {
data: [
data: [
99.81, 99.42, 99.56, 99.23, 99.62,
99.36, 99.56, '', 99.81, 99.56,
99.42, 99.56, '', '', 99.36,
99.42, '', 99.56, '', '',
99.56, 99.23, 99.62
lineType: 'dashed',
lineDash: [2, 2],
lineColor: '#277dfb',
pointColor: '#3de7c9',
fillColor: ['rgba(40, 125, 252, 0.3)', 'rgba(40, 125, 252, 0)']
data: [
97.81, 97.42, 97.56, 97.23, 97.62,
97.36, 97.56, '', 97.81, 97.56,
97.42, 97.56, '', '', 97.36,
97.42, '', 97.56, '', '',
97.56, 97.23, 97.62
fillColor: ['rgba(0, 219, 149, 0.3)', 'rgba(0, 219, 149, 0)'],
type: 'smoothline'
x: {
data: [
'10/01', '', '10/03', '', '10/05', '',
'10/07', '', '10/09', '', '10/11', '',
'10/13', '', '10/15', '', '10/17', '',
'10/19', '', '10/21', '', '10/23'
y: {
min: 96,
max: 100,
fixed: 2,
num: 10,
unit: '%'
polylineChartData3: {
data: [
data: [2, 2.5, 3, 6, 3, 2.5, 2],
fillColor: ['rgba(255, 38, 214, 0.5)', 'rgba(40, 82, 255, 0.1)']
data: [3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3],
type: 'smoothline'
x: {
data: ['10/01', '10/02', '10/03', '10/04', '10/05', '10/06', '10/07']
labelLine: ['收费系统', '收费系统', '监控系统', '供配电系统'],
color: ['#00baff', '#3de7c9', '#ffc53d', '#342432'],
boundaryGap: true
colors: ''
<style lang="less">

View File

@ -8,22 +8,17 @@
<div class="title">使用</div>
<div class="text-info">你需要将如下文件复制至你的项目内</div>
<div class="text-info">./src/plugins</div>
<div class="text-info">./src/components</div>
<div class="text-info">./src/config</div>
<div class="text-info">并在main.js中引入plugins和components</div>
<div class="text-info">你需要将DataV文件夹复制至你的项目内</div>
<div class="text-info">并在main.js中引入使用</div>
// main.js
import datavComponents from './components/index.js'
import datavPlugins from './plugin/index.js'
import dataV from './DataV/index.js'
// ViewsdataView
// dataView roterPath: #/datav/view
// dataView routerPath: #/datav/view
<div class="text-info">组件具体用法见示例</div>