
79 lines
1.8 KiB

# Simple program to generate the examples.dox file from a simple text file,
# with links to the next/previous examples.
# Copyright 2014-2021, John McNamara,
use strict;
use warnings;
my @examples;
my @sections;
my @links;
my $buffer = '';
# Sample through the example sections and break the text into blocks.
while ( my $line = <> ) {
# Ignore comments in the input file.
next if $line =~ /^#/;
# Match the start of an example block.
if ( $line =~ /^\@example/ ) {
chomp $buffer;
# Store the example name and the section body.
push @examples, $line;
push @sections, $buffer;
$buffer = '';
$buffer .= $line;
# Store the last example section and omit the first blank element.
push @sections, $buffer;
shift @sections;
# Generate a set of @ref links targets from the example program names.
for ( @examples ) {
my $link = $_;
chomp $link;
$link =~ s/\@example //;
push @links, [ $link, $link ];
# Add the first and last links back to the examples.
unshift @links, [ "examples", "Examples page" ];
push @links, [ "examples", "Examples page" ];
# Add the start of the Doxygen header.
print "/**\n";
print "\@page examples Example Programs\n\n";
# Print out each section.
for my $i ( 0 .. @examples - 1 ) {
print $examples[$i];
# Add a simple header table with next/previous links.
printf qq{\n<table width="600">\n};
printf qq{<tr>\n};
printf qq{ <td>\@ref %s "&lt;&lt; %s"</td>\n},
$links[$i]->[0], $links[$i]->[1];
printf qq{ <td align="right">\@ref %s "%s &gt;&gt;"</td>\n},
$links[ $i + 2 ]->[0], $links[ $i + 2 ]->[1];
printf qq{</tr>\n};
printf qq{</table>\n};
print $sections[$i], "\n\n\n\n";
# Print the end of the doxygen comment.
print "*/\n";