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2019-09-15 23:12:38 +08:00
use PhpMqtt\Client\Repositories\MemoryRepository;
return [
| Default MQTT Connection
| This setting defines the default MQTT connection returned when requesting
| a connection without name from the facade.
'default_connection' => 'default',
| MQTT Connections
| These are the MQTT connections used by the application. You can also open
| an individual connection from the application itself, but all connections
| defined here can be accessed via name conveniently.
'connections' => [
'default' => [
'host' => env('MQTT_HOST'),
'port' => env('MQTT_PORT', 1883),
'username' => env('MQTT_USERNAME'),
'password' => env('MQTT_PASSWORD'),
'client_id' => env('MQTT_CLIENT_ID'),
'cafile' => env('MQTT_CAFILE'),
'clean_session' => env('MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION', true),
'logging_enabled' => env('MQTT_LOGGING', true),
'repository' => MemoryRepository::class,
'settings' => [
'quality_of_service' => env('MQTT_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE', 0),
'block_socket' => env('MQTT_BLOCK_SOCKET', false),
'keep_alive' => env('MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE', 10),
'socket_timeout' => env('MQTT_TIMEOUT', 5),
'resend_timeout' => env('MQTT_RESEND_TIMEOUT', 10),
'retain' => env('MQTT_RETAIN', false),
'last_will_topic' => env('MQTT_WILL_TOPIC'),
'last_will_message' => env('MQTT_WILL_MESSAGE'),