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<description>Recent content on Laradock</description>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>A full PHP development environment for Docker.
Includes pre-packaged Docker Images, all pre-configured to provide a wonderful PHP development environment.
Laradock is well known in the Laravel community, as the project started with single focus on running Laravel projects on Docker. Later and due to the large adoption from the PHP community, it started supporting other PHP projects like Symfony, CodeIgniter, WordPress, Drupal&amp;hellip;
Quick Overview Let&amp;rsquo;s see how easy it is to install NGINX, PHP, Composer, MySQL, Redis and Beanstalkd:</description>
<title>Getting Started</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Requirements Git Docker &amp;gt;= 1.12 Installation Choose the setup the best suits your needs.
A) Setup for Single Project A.1) Already have a PHP project A.2) Don&amp;rsquo;t have a PHP project yet B) Setup for Multiple Projects
A) Setup for Single Project (Follow these steps if you want a separate Docker environment for each project)
A.1) Already have a PHP project: 1 - Clone laradock on your project root directory:</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>List current running Containers docker ps You can also use the following command if you want to see only this project containers:
docker-compose ps
Close all running Containers docker-compose stop To stop single container do:
docker-compose stop {container-name}
Delete all existing Containers docker-compose down
Enter a Container (run commands in a running Container) 1 - First list the current running containers with docker ps</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Production Setup on Digital Ocean PHPStorm XDebug Setup
Production Setup on Digital Ocean Install Docker Visit DigitalOcean and login. Click the Create Droplet button. Open the One-click apps tab. Select Docker with your preferred version. Continue creating the droplet as you normally would. If needed, check your e-mail for the droplet root password. SSH to your Server Find the IP address of the droplet in the DigitalOcean interface.</description>
<title>Help &amp; Questions</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Join the chat room on Gitter and get help and support from the community.
You can as well can open an issue on Github (will be labeled as Question) and discuss it with people on Gitter.</description>
<title>Related Projects</title>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Laradock related projects:
Laradock CLI by LorinLee Laradock Env by BAGArt Klaradock by Kim Hsiao Ansible Laradock Kubernetes by Sifat Rahim These Docker Compose projects have piqued our interest: MageDock by Ujjwal Ojha RubyDev-Dock by Diogo Scudelletti NoDock by Osedea If you want your project listed here, please open an issue.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Your contribution is more than welcome.
I have a Question/Problem If you have questions about how to use Laradock, please direct your questions to the discussion on Gitter. If you believe your question could help others, then consider opening an Issue (it will be labeled as Question) And you can still seek help on Gitter for it.
I found an Issue If have an issue or you found a typo in the documentation, you can help us by opnening an Issue.</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>MIT License (MIT)</description>
<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>