optmization to extend double x axis
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,111 +1,156 @@
export default {
export default {
data () {
data () {
return {
return {
defaultHorizon: false,
defaultAxisLineColor: '#666',
defaultXAxisFS: 10,
defaultAxisTagColor: '#666',
defaultYAxisFS: 10,
defaultGridLineColor: '#666',
defaultXOffset: 30,
defaultTagColor: '#666',
defaultRotateAngel: 30,
defaultXAxisLineColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
defaultGridLineType: 'line',
defaultYAxisLineColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
defaultGridLineDash: [5, 5],
defaultGridColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
defaultGridType: 'line',
defaultXAxisOffset: 30,
defaultAxisLabelGap: 5,
defaultAxisLineTagGap: 5,
defaultAxisFontSize: 10,
defaultAxisFontFamily: 'Arial',
horizon: false,
// user data's max and min value
valueMaxMin: [],
valueMaxMin: [],
// axis's max and min value
agValueMaxMin: [],
axisMaxMin: [],
// label's max width where x and y Axis
valueAxisMaxMin: [],
labelXYMaxWidth: [],
agValueAxisMaxMin: [],
valueAxisTag: [],
valueAxisTag: [],
agValueAxisTag: [],
labelAxisTag: [],
labelAxisTag: [],
xyAxisFS: [],
agLabelAxisTag: [],
xyAxisUnitWidth: [],
axisMargin: [],
xAxisTagBA: ['', ''],
agXAxisTagBA: ['', ''],
yAxisTagBA: ['', ''],
agYAxisTagBA: ['', ''],
addBAValueAxisTag: [],
addBAAGValueAxisTag: [],
addBALabelAxisTag: [],
addBAAGLabelAxisTag: [],
axisUnit: [],
axisFontSize: 0,
axisFontFamily: '',
axisOffset: [],
axisOriginPos: [],
axisOriginPos: [],
axisWH: [],
axisWH: [],
valueTagPos: [],
labelTagPos: [],
axisAnglePos: {},
labelAxisPos: [],
valueTagGap: 0,
valueAxisTagPos: [],
labelTagGap: 0,
agValueAxisTagPos: [],
xTagColor: '',
yTagColor: '',
labelAxisTagPos: [],
xTagColorMul: false,
agLabelAxisTagPos: [],
yTagColorMul: false,
xGridColor: '',
tagAlign: {}
yGridColor: '',
xGridColorMul: false,
yGridColorMul: false
methods: {
methods: {
initAxis () {
initAxis () {
const { calcMaxMinValue, calcValueAxisTag, calcLabelAxisTag } = this
const { calcValuesMaxMin, calcValueAxisData, calcLabelAxisData } = this
const { calcXYAxisFS, calcXYLabelMaxWidth, calcAxisMargin } = this
const { calcTagBA, calcAddBATag, calcAxisUnit } = this
const { calcAxisOriginPos, calcAxisWH, calcValueTagPos } = this
const { calcAxisFontData, calcAxisOffset, calcAxisAreaData } = this
const { calcLabelTagPos, calcTagGap, calcTagColor } = this
const { calcAxisAnglePos, calcValueAxisTagPos, calcLabelAxisTagPos } = this
const { calcGridColor } = this
const { calcTagAlign } = this
calcMaxMinValue () {
calcValuesMaxMin () {
const { data: { data }, multipleSum, filterNull, getArrayMaxMin } = this
const { data: { data }, calcValueMaxMin } = this
const valueData = data.map(item => item.data)
const valueSeries = data.filter(({ againstAxis }) => !againstAxis)
const trueValue = valueData.map(item =>
if (valueSeries.length) this.valueMaxMin = calcValueMaxMin(valueSeries)
item.map(v =>
v ? (typeof v === 'number' ? v : multipleSum(...filterNull(v))) : false))
this.valueMaxMin = getArrayMaxMin(trueValue)
const agValueSeries = data.filter(({ againstAxis }) => againstAxis)
if (agValueSeries.length) this.agValueMaxMin = calcValueMaxMin(agValueSeries)
calcValueAxisTag () {
calcValueMaxMin (data) {
const { valueMaxMin: [ valueMax, valueMin ], data, defaultHorizon } = this
const { mulValueAdd, calcMulValueAdd, getArrayMaxMin } = this
const { horizon } = data
let valueSeries = data.map(({ data: td }) => td)
this.horizon = horizon || defaultHorizon
mulValueAdd && (valueSeries = calcMulValueAdd(valueSeries))
let { max, min, num, fixed } = data[horizon ? 'x' : 'y']
return getArrayMaxMin(valueSeries)
calcMulValueAdd (values) {
const { multipleSum, filterNull } = this
return values.map(series =>
filterNull(series).map(n =>
n instanceof Array ? multipleSum(...filterNull(n)) : n))
calcValueAxisData () {
const { horizon, data: { x, ax, y, ay }, calcValueAxisTag } = this
const { valueMaxMin, agValueMaxMin, getValueAxisMaxMin } = this
const valueAxis = horizon ? [x, ax] : [y, ay]
if (valueMaxMin.length) {
const valueAxisTag = this.valueAxisTag = calcValueAxisTag(valueMaxMin, valueAxis[0])
this.valueAxisMaxMin = getValueAxisMaxMin(valueAxisTag)
if (agValueMaxMin.length) {
const agValueAxisTag = this.agValueAxisTag = calcValueAxisTag(agValueMaxMin, valueAxis[1])
this.agValueAxisMaxMin = getValueAxisMaxMin(agValueAxisTag)
calcValueAxisTag ([vmax, vmin], { max, min, num, fixed, data } = {}) {
if (data) return data
let [trueMax, trueMin] = [max, min]
let [trueMax, trueMin] = [max, min]
const thirdValueMinus = parseInt((valueMax - valueMin) / 3)
const thirdValueMinus = parseInt((vmax - vmin) / 3)
!max && (max !== 0) && (trueMax = valueMax + thirdValueMinus)
!max && (max !== 0) && (trueMax = vmax + thirdValueMinus)
!min && (min !== 0) && (trueMin = valueMin - thirdValueMinus)
!min && (min !== 0) && (trueMin = vmin - thirdValueMinus)
const trueMinus = trueMax - trueMin
const trueMinus = trueMax - trueMin
@ -114,323 +159,417 @@ export default {
const valueGap = trueMinus / (num - 1)
const valueGap = trueMinus / (num - 1)
const valueAxisTag = this.valueAxisTag = Array(num).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
return Array(num).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
(trueMin + i * valueGap).toFixed(fixed))
(trueMin + i * valueGap).toFixed(fixed))
const lastValueAxisTagIndex = valueAxisTag.length - 1
this.axisMaxMin = [parseFloat(valueAxisTag[lastValueAxisTagIndex]), parseFloat(valueAxisTag[0])]
calcLabelAxisTag () {
getValueAxisMaxMin (valueTag) {
const { data, horizon } = this
const lastIndex = valueTag.length - 1
this.labelAxisTag = data[horizon ? 'y' : 'x'].data
return [
calcXYAxisFS () {
calcLabelAxisData () {
const { defaultXAxisFS, defaultYAxisFS } = this
const { horizon, data: { x, ax, y, ay } } = this
const { data: { x: { fontSize: xfs }, y: { fontSize: yfs } } } = this
const labelAxis = horizon ? [y, ay] : [x, ax]
this.xyAxisFS = [xfs || defaultXAxisFS, yfs || defaultYAxisFS]
if (labelAxis[0] && labelAxis[0].data) this.labelAxisTag = labelAxis[0].data
if (labelAxis[1] && labelAxis[1].data) this.agLabelAxisTag = labelAxis[1].data
calcXYLabelMaxWidth () {
calcTagBA () {
const { ctx, valueAxisTag, labelAxisTag, horizon, xyAxisFS } = this
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay } } = this
const { canvas: { getTextsWidth } } = this
if (x && x.tagBefore) this.xAxisTagBA[0] = x.tagBefore
if (ax && ax.tagBefore) this.agXAxisTagBA[0] = ax.tagBefore
if (y && y.tagBefore) this.yAxisTagBA[0] = y.tagBefore
if (ay && ay.tagBefore) this.agYAxisTagBA[0] = ay.tagBefore
const { data: { x: { unit: xUN }, y: { unit: yUN } } } = this
if (x && x.tagAfter) this.xAxisTagBA[1] = x.tagAfter
if (ax && ax.tagAfter) this.agXAxisTagBA[1] = ax.tagAfter
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[0]}px Arial`
if (y && y.tagAfter) this.yAxisTagBA[1] = y.tagAfter
if (ay && ay.tagAfter) this.agYAxisTagBA[1] = ay.tagAfter
this.labelXYMaxWidth[0] = Math.max(...getTextsWidth(ctx, horizon ? valueAxisTag : labelAxisTag))
this.xyAxisUnitWidth[0] = ctx.measureText(xUN || '').width
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[1]}px Arial`
this.labelXYMaxWidth[1] = Math.max(...getTextsWidth(ctx, horizon ? labelAxisTag : valueAxisTag))
this.xyAxisUnitWidth[1] = ctx.measureText(yUN || '').width
calcAxisMargin () {
calcAddBATag () {
const { defaultXOffset, labelXYMaxWidth, data, xyAxisUnitWidth } = this
const { xAxisTagBA, agXAxisTagBA, yAxisTagBA, agYAxisTagBA } = this
const { offset: xOF, unitWidth: xUW } = data.x
const { valueAxisTag, agValueAxisTag, labelAxisTag, agLabelAxisTag } = this
const { offset: yOF, unitHeight: yUH } = data.y
const { horizon, addBATag } = this
this.axisMargin[0] = yUH || defaultXOffset
const valueTagBA = horizon ? [xAxisTagBA, agXAxisTagBA] : [yAxisTagBA, agYAxisTagBA]
this.axisMargin[1] = xUW || xyAxisUnitWidth[0] + 10
this.axisMargin[2] = xOF || defaultXOffset
const labelTagBA = horizon ? [yAxisTagBA, agYAxisTagBA] : [xAxisTagBA, agXAxisTagBA]
this.axisMargin[3] = yOF || labelXYMaxWidth[1] + 10
if (valueAxisTag.length) this.addBAValueAxisTag = addBATag(valueAxisTag, valueTagBA[0])
if (agValueAxisTag.length) this.addBAAGValueAxisTag = addBATag(agValueAxisTag, valueTagBA[1])
if (labelAxisTag.length) this.addBALabelAxisTag = addBATag(labelAxisTag, labelTagBA[0])
if (agLabelAxisTag.length) this.addBAAGLabelAxisTag = addBATag(agLabelAxisTag, labelTagBA[1])
calcAxisOriginPos () {
addBATag (tags, ba) {
const { axisMargin, canvasWH } = this
return tags.map(tag => tag ? `${ba[0]}${tag}${ba[1]}` : tag)
this.axisOriginPos[0] = axisMargin[3]
this.axisOriginPos[1] = canvasWH[1] - axisMargin[2]
calcAxisWH () {
calcAxisUnit () {
const { axisMargin, canvasWH } = this
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay } } = this
this.axisWH[0] = canvasWH[0] - axisMargin[1] - axisMargin[3]
if (x && x.unit) this.axisUnit[0] = x.unit
this.axisWH[1] = canvasWH[1] - axisMargin[0] - axisMargin[2]
if (ax && ax.unit) this.axisUnit[1] = ax.unit
if (y && y.unit) this.axisUnit[2] = y.unit
if (ay && ay.unit) this.axisUnit[3] = ay.unit
calcValueTagPos () {
calcAxisFontData () {
const { axisWH, valueAxisTag, horizon, axisOriginPos: [x, y] } = this
const { defaultAxisFontSize, defaultAxisFontFamily } = this
const valueTagNum = valueAxisTag.length
const { data: { axisFontSize, axisFontFamily } } = this
const gapWidth = (horizon ? axisWH[0] : axisWH[1]) / (valueTagNum - 1)
this.axisFontSize = axisFontSize || defaultAxisFontSize
this.valueTagPos = new Array(valueTagNum).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
this.axisFontFamily = axisFontFamily || defaultAxisFontFamily
horizon ? [x + gapWidth * i, y + 5] : [x - 5, y - gapWidth * i])
calcLabelTagPos () {
calcAxisOffset () {
const { axisWH, labelAxisTag, horizon, axisOriginPos: [x, y], data } = this
const { horizon, axisUnit, defaultXAxisOffset } = this
const { defaultAxisLabelGap, axisType } = this
const { addBAValueAxisTag, addBAAGValueAxisTag, addBALabelAxisTag, addBAAGLabelAxisTag } = this
const { boundaryGap } = data
const { axisFontSize, axisFontFamily, defaultAxisLineTagGap } = this
const labelNum = labelAxisTag.length
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay } } = this
const gapAllWidth = horizon ? axisWH[1] : axisWH[0]
const { ctx, canvas: { getTextsWidth }, boundaryGap } = this
const tempArray = new Array(labelNum).fill(0)
ctx.font = `${axisFontSize}px ${axisFontFamily}`
if (axisType === 'column' || (axisType === 'line' && boundaryGap)) {
this.axisOffset[0] = (ax && ax.offset) || defaultXAxisOffset
const gapWidth = gapAllWidth / labelNum
this.axisOffset[2] = (x && x.offset) || defaultXAxisOffset
const halfGapWidth = gapWidth / 2
const horizonAxisTags = horizon
? [addBALabelAxisTag, addBAAGLabelAxisTag]
: [addBAValueAxisTag, addBAAGValueAxisTag]
this.labelAxisPos = tempArray.map((t, i) =>
this.axisOffset[3] = (y && y.offset) ||
horizon ? [x, y - gapWidth * i - halfGapWidth]
Math.max(...getTextsWidth(ctx, [axisUnit[2] || '']),
: [x + gapWidth * i + halfGapWidth, y])
...getTextsWidth(ctx, horizonAxisTags[0].length ? horizonAxisTags[0] : 0)) + defaultAxisLineTagGap
this.labelTagPos = tempArray.map((t, i) =>
// axis offset 1
horizon ? [x - defaultAxisLabelGap, y - gapWidth * i - halfGapWidth]
const xAxisTags = horizon ? addBAValueAxisTag : addBALabelAxisTag
: [x + gapWidth * i + halfGapWidth, y + defaultAxisLabelGap])
let xAxisTagsHalfWidth = 0
xAxisTags.length && (xAxisTagsHalfWidth = ctx.measureText(xAxisTags.length - 1).width / 2)
let rightOffset = Math.max(...getTextsWidth(ctx, [axisUnit[3] || '']),
...getTextsWidth(ctx, [axisUnit[0] || '']),
...getTextsWidth(ctx, horizonAxisTags[1].length ? horizonAxisTags[1] : [''])) + defaultAxisLineTagGap
!boundaryGap && (rightOffset += xAxisTagsHalfWidth)
this.axisOffset[1] = (ay && ay.offset) || rightOffset
if (y && y.noTag) this.axisOffset[3] = 1
if (ay && ay.noTag) this.axisOffset[1] = 1
calcAxisAreaData () {
const { canvasWH, axisOffset, axisWH, axisOriginPos } = this
axisWH[0] = canvasWH[0] - axisOffset[1] - axisOffset[3]
axisWH[1] = canvasWH[1] - axisOffset[0] - axisOffset[2]
axisOriginPos[0] = axisOffset[3]
axisOriginPos[1] = axisWH[1] + axisOffset[0]
calcAxisAnglePos () {
const { axisWH, axisOriginPos, axisAnglePos } = this
axisAnglePos.leftTop = [axisOriginPos[0], axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1]]
axisAnglePos.rightTop = [axisOriginPos[0] + axisWH[0], axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1]]
axisAnglePos.leftBottom = axisOriginPos
axisAnglePos.rightBottom = [axisOriginPos[0] + axisWH[0], axisOriginPos[1]]
calcValueAxisTagPos () {
const { horizon, axisOriginPos, axisAnglePos } = this
const { valueAxisTag, agValueAxisTag, getValueAxisTagPos } = this
if (valueAxisTag) this.valueAxisTagPos = getValueAxisTagPos(valueAxisTag, axisOriginPos)
const basePoint = horizon ? axisAnglePos.leftTop : axisAnglePos.rightBottom
if (agValueAxisTag) this.agValueAxisTagPos = getValueAxisTagPos(agValueAxisTag, basePoint)
getValueAxisTagPos (tags, [x, y]) {
const { horizon, axisWH } = this
const tagsNum = tags.length
const areaLength = horizon ? axisWH[0] : axisWH[1]
const tagGap = areaLength / (tagsNum - 1)
return new Array(tagsNum).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x + tagGap * i, y] : [x, y - tagGap * i])
calcLabelAxisTagPos () {
const { horizon, getLabelAxisTagPos, axisAnglePos } = this
const { labelAxisTag, agLabelAxisTag, axisOriginPos } = this
if (labelAxisTag.length) this.labelAxisTagPos = getLabelAxisTagPos(labelAxisTag, axisOriginPos)
const basePoint = horizon ? axisAnglePos.rightBottom : axisAnglePos.leftTop
if (agLabelAxisTag.length) this.agLabelAxisTagPos = getLabelAxisTagPos(agLabelAxisTag, basePoint)
getLabelAxisTagPos (tags, [x, y]) {
const { horizon, axisWH, boundaryGap } = this
const tagsNum = tags.length
const areaLength = horizon ? axisWH[1] : axisWH[0]
const tagGap = areaLength / (boundaryGap ? tagsNum : tagsNum - 1)
const halfGap = tagGap / 2
const tempPos = new Array(tagsNum).fill(0)
if (boundaryGap) {
return tempPos.map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x, y - (tagGap * i) - halfGap] : [x + (tagGap * i) + halfGap, y])
if (axisType === 'line' && !boundaryGap) {
if (!boundaryGap) {
const gapWidth = gapAllWidth / (labelNum - 1)
return tempPos.map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x, y + tagGap * i] : [x + tagGap * i, y])
this.labelAxisPos = tempArray.map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x, y - gapWidth]
: [x + gapWidth * i, y])
this.labelTagPos = tempArray.map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x - defaultAxisLabelGap, y - gapWidth]
: [x + gapWidth * i, y + defaultAxisLabelGap])
calcTagGap () {
calcTagAlign () {
const { horizon, valueTagPos, labelTagPos } = this
const { tagAlign } = this
const v = horizon ? '0' : '1'
tagAlign.x = ['center', 'top']
tagAlign.y = ['right', 'middle']
this.valueTagGap = Math.abs(valueTagPos[0][v] - valueTagPos[1][v])
tagAlign.ax = ['center', 'bottom']
tagAlign.ay = ['left', 'center']
const l = horizon ? '1' : '0'
this.labelTagGap = Math.abs(labelTagPos[0][l] - labelTagPos[1][l])
calcTagColor () {
const { defaultXAxisLineColor, defaultYAxisLineColor, drawColors, data } = this
const { x: { color: xc }, y: { color: yc } } = data
let xTagColor = xc || defaultXAxisLineColor
xTagColor === 'colors' && (xTagColor = drawColors)
let yTagColor = yc || defaultYAxisLineColor
yTagColor === 'colors' && (yTagColor = drawColors)
this.xTagColor = xTagColor
this.xTagColorMul = xTagColor instanceof Array
this.yTagColor = yTagColor
this.yTagColorMul = yTagColor instanceof Array
calcGridColor () {
const { drawColors, data, defaultGridColor } = this
const { x: { gridColor: xgc }, y: { gridColor: ygc } } = data
let xGridColor = xgc || defaultGridColor
let yGridColor = ygc || defaultGridColor
xGridColor === 'colors' && (xGridColor = drawColors)
yGridColor === 'colors' && (yGridColor = drawColors)
this.xGridColor = xGridColor
this.yGridColor = yGridColor
this.xGridColorMul = xGridColor instanceof Array
this.yGridColorMul = yGridColor instanceof Array
drawAxis () {
drawAxis () {
const { drawAxisLine, drawAxisTag, drawUnit, drawGrid } = this
const { drawAxisLine, drawAxisTag, drawAxisUnit } = this
const { drawAxisGrid } = this
drawAxisLine () {
drawAxisLine () {
const { ctx, defaultXAxisLineColor, defaultYAxisLineColor, axisOriginPos, axisWH, data } = this
const { ctx, horizon, axisOriginPos, axisAnglePos } = this
const { x: { lineColor: xlc, noAxisLine: xNAL }, y: { lineColor: ylc, noAxisLine: yNAL } } = data
const { defaultAxisLineColor, agValueAxisTag, agLabelAxisTag } = this
if (xNAL && yNAL) return
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay } } = this
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.lineWidth = 1
if (!xNAL) {
if (!x.noAxisLine) {
ctx.strokeStyle = xlc || defaultXAxisLineColor
ctx.strokeStyle = (x && x.axisLineColor) || defaultAxisLineColor
ctx.lineTo(axisOriginPos[0] + axisWH[0], axisOriginPos[1])
if (!yNAL) {
if (!y.noAxisLine) {
ctx.strokeStyle = ylc || defaultYAxisLineColor
ctx.strokeStyle = (y && y.axisLineColor) || defaultAxisLineColor
ctx.lineTo(axisOriginPos[0], axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1])
const agValueAxis = horizon ? ay : ax
if (agValueAxisTag.length && (!agValueAxis || !agValueAxis.noAxisLine)) {
ctx.strokeStyle = (agValueAxis && agValueAxis.axisLineColor) || defaultAxisLineColor
ctx.moveTo(...(horizon ? axisAnglePos.leftTop : axisAnglePos.rightTop))
ctx.lineTo(...(horizon ? axisAnglePos.rightTop : axisAnglePos.rightBottom))
const agLebalAxis = horizon ? ax : ay
if (agLabelAxisTag.length && (!agLebalAxis || !agLebalAxis.noAxisLine)) {
ctx.strokeStyle = (agLebalAxis && agLebalAxis.axisLineColor) || defaultAxisLineColor
ctx.moveTo(...(horizon ? axisAnglePos.rightTop : axisAnglePos.leftTop))
ctx.lineTo(...(horizon ? axisAnglePos.rightBottom : axisAnglePos.rightTop))
drawAxisTag () {
drawAxisTag () {
const { ctx, horizon, valueTagPos, labelTagPos, valueAxisTag, labelAxisTag } = this
const { horizon, tagAlign, defaultAxisLineTagGap: offset } = this
const { xTagColor, xTagColorMul, yTagColor, yTagColorMul, xyAxisFS } = this
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay }, drawAxisSeriesTag } = this
const { data: { x: { noAxisTag: xNAT, rotate }, y: { noAxisTag: yNAT } } } = this
const xAxis = horizon ? ['addBAValueAxisTag', 'valueAxisTagPos'] : ['addBALabelAxisTag', 'labelAxisTagPos']
const yAxis = horizon ? ['addBALabelAxisTag', 'labelAxisTagPos'] : ['addBAValueAxisTag', 'valueAxisTagPos']
const agXAxis = horizon ? ['addBAAGValueAxisTag', 'agValueAxisTagPos'] : ['addBAAGLabelAxisTag', 'agLabelAxisTagPos']
const agYAxis = horizon ? ['addBAAGLabelAxisTag', 'agLabelAxisTagPos'] : ['addBAAGValueAxisTag', 'agValueAxisTagPos']
if (xNAT && yNAT) return
drawAxisSeriesTag(...xAxis.map(td => this[td]), x, tagAlign.x, [0, offset], x && x.rotate)
drawAxisSeriesTag(...yAxis.map(td => this[td]), y, tagAlign.y, [-offset, 0])
drawAxisSeriesTag(...agXAxis.map(td => this[td]), ax, tagAlign.ax, [0, -offset])
drawAxisSeriesTag(...agYAxis.map(td => this[td]), ay, tagAlign.ay, [offset, 0])
drawAxisSeriesTag (tags, tagPos, { fontSize, fontFamily, tagColor } = {}, align, offset, rotate = false) {
const { ctx, defaultAxisFontSize, defaultAxisFontFamily, defaultTagColor, drawColors } = this
const xAxisData = horizon ? valueTagPos : labelTagPos
let color = tagColor || defaultTagColor
const yAxisData = horizon ? labelTagPos : valueTagPos
const xTagData = horizon ? valueAxisTag : labelAxisTag
color === 'colors' && (color = drawColors)
const yTagData = horizon ? labelAxisTag : valueAxisTag
!xTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = xTagColor)
const colorNum = color.length
const xTagColorNum = xTagColor.length
const mulColor = color instanceof Array
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[0]}px Arial`
ctx.font = `${fontSize || defaultAxisFontSize}px ${fontFamily || defaultAxisFontFamily}`
ctx.textAlign = 'center'
!mulColor && (ctx.fillStyle = color)
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
if (rotate) ctx.textAlign = 'left'
ctx.textAlign = align[0]
ctx.textBaseline = align[1]
!xNAT && xAxisData.forEach((pos, i) => {
tags.forEach((tag, i) => {
if (!xTagData[i]) return
if (!tag && tag !== 0) return
const currentPos = [tagPos[i][0] + offset[0], tagPos[i][1] + offset[1]]
mulColor && (ctx.fillStyle = color[i % colorNum])
if (rotate) {
if (rotate) {
ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 4)
ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 4)
xTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = xTagColor[i % xTagColorNum])
ctx.fillText(tag, ...(rotate ? [0, 0] : currentPos))
ctx.fillText(xTagData[i], ...(rotate ? [0, 0] : pos))
if (rotate) ctx.restore()
if (rotate) ctx.restore()
!yTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = yTagColor)
const yTagColorNum = yTagColor.length
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[1]}px Arial`
ctx.textAlign = 'right'
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'
!yNAT && yAxisData.forEach((pos, i) => {
if (!yTagData[i]) return
xTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = yTagColor[i % yTagColorNum])
ctx.fillText(yTagData[i], ...pos)
drawUnit () {
drawAxisUnit () {
const { ctx, data, axisOriginPos, canvasWH, defaultAxisLabelGap } = this
const { axisOriginPos, canvasWH, drawUnit, defaultAxisLineTagGap } = this
const { x: { unit: xUN, fontSize: xFS }, y: { unit: yUN, fontSize: yFS } } = data
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay }, axisAnglePos } = this
ctx.font = `${xFS}px Arial`
if (x) {
const pos = [canvasWH[0], axisOriginPos[1] + defaultAxisLineTagGap]
drawUnit(x, pos, ['right', 'top'])
ctx.textAlign = 'right'
if (ax) {
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
const pos = [canvasWH[0], axisAnglePos.rightTop[1] - defaultAxisLineTagGap]
ctx.fillText(xUN || '', canvasWH[0], axisOriginPos[1] + defaultAxisLabelGap)
drawUnit(ax, pos, ['right', 'bottom'])
ctx.font = `${yFS}px Arial`
if (y) {
const pos = [axisOriginPos[0] - defaultAxisLineTagGap, 0]
drawUnit(y, pos, ['right', 'top'])
ctx.fillText(yUN || '', axisOriginPos[0], 0)
if (ay) {
const pos = [axisAnglePos.rightTop[0] + defaultAxisLineTagGap, 0]
drawUnit(ay, pos, ['left', 'top'])
drawGrid () {
drawUnit ({ unit, unitColor, fontSize, fontFamily }, pos, align) {
const { horizon, labelTagPos, valueTagPos, axisOriginPos, ctx, data, axisWH } = this
const { defaultTagColor, defaultAxisFontSize, defaultAxisFontFamily } = this
const { xGridColor, xGridColorMul, yGridColor, yGridColorMul, axisType } = this
const { ctx } = this
const { x: { grid: xG, gridType: xT }, y: { grid: yG, gridType: yT }, boundaryGap } = data
if (!unit) return
const xAxisData = horizon ? valueTagPos : labelTagPos
ctx.font = `${fontSize || defaultAxisFontSize}px ${fontFamily || defaultAxisFontFamily}`
const yAxisData = horizon ? labelTagPos : valueTagPos
ctx.fillStyle = unitColor || defaultTagColor
ctx.textAlign = align[0]
ctx.textBaseline = align[1]
ctx.fillText(unit, ...pos)
drawAxisGrid () {
const { valueAxisTagPos, agValueAxisTagPos, labelAxisTagPos, agLabelAxisTagPos } = this
const { valueAxisTag, agValueAxisTag, labelAxisTag, agLabelAxisTag } = this
const { data: { x, ax, y, ay }, horizon, drawGrid, boundaryGap } = this
const xAxis = horizon ? [valueAxisTag, valueAxisTagPos] : [labelAxisTag, labelAxisTagPos]
if (xAxis[0].length) drawGrid(x, ...xAxis, false, false, true, ...(boundaryGap ? [false, false] : [true, true]))
const yAxis = horizon ? [labelAxisTag, labelAxisTagPos] : [valueAxisTag, valueAxisTagPos]
if (yAxis[0].length) drawGrid(y, ...yAxis, true, true, false, !horizon)
const agXAxis = horizon ? [agValueAxisTag, agValueAxisTagPos] : [agLabelAxisTag, agLabelAxisTagPos]
if (agXAxis[0].length) drawGrid(ax, ...agXAxis, false, false, false, ...(boundaryGap ? [false, false] : [true, true]))
const agYAxis = horizon ? [agLabelAxisTag, agLabelAxisTagPos] : [agValueAxisTag, agValueAxisTagPos]
if (agYAxis[0].length) drawGrid(ay, ...agYAxis, true, false, false, true)
drawGrid (axis = {}, gridTag, gridPos, horizon = true, right = true, top = true, noFirst = false, noLast = false) {
const { grid, gridLineColor, gridLineType, gridLineDash } = axis
if (!grid) return
const { defaultGridLineType, defaultGridLineColor, defaultGridLineDash } = this
const { ctx, drawColors, axisWH } = this
const trueGridLineType = gridLineType || defaultGridLineType
const trueGridLineDash = trueGridLineType === 'dashed' ? (gridLineDash || defaultGridLineDash) : [10, 0]
let color = gridLineColor || defaultGridLineColor
color === 'colors' && (color = drawColors)
const mulColor = color instanceof Array
const colorNum = color.length
!mulColor && (ctx.strokeStyle = color)
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.lineWidth = 1
!xGridColorMul && (ctx.strokeStyle = xGridColor)
const gridLastIndex = gridPos.length - 1
const xGridColorNum = xGridColor.length
gridPos.forEach((pos, i) => {
if (!gridTag[i] && gridTag[i] !== 0) return
ctx.setLineDash(xT === 'dashed' ? [5, 5] : [10, 0])
if (i === 0 && noFirst) return
xG && xAxisData.forEach(([x, y], i) => {
if (i === gridLastIndex && noLast) return
xGridColorMul && (ctx.strokeStyle = xGridColor[i % xGridColorNum])
if (!horizon && i === 0 && axisType === 'line' && !boundaryGap) return
if (horizon && i === 0) return
ctx.moveTo(x, axisOriginPos[1])
ctx.lineTo(x, axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1])
!yGridColorMul && (ctx.strokeStyle = yGridColor)
mulColor && (ctx.strokeStyle = color[i % colorNum])
const yGridColorNum = yGridColor.length
? [right ? pos[0] + axisWH[0] : pos[0] - axisWH[0], pos[1]]
: [pos[0], top ? pos[1] - axisWH[1] : pos[1] + axisWH[1]]))
ctx.setLineDash(yT === 'dashed' ? [5, 5] : [10, 0])
yG && yAxisData.forEach(([x, y], i) => {
yGridColorMul && (ctx.strokeStyle = yGridColor[i % yGridColorNum])
if (!horizon && i === 0) return
if (horizon && i === 0 && axisType === 'line' && !boundaryGap) return
ctx.moveTo(axisOriginPos[0], y)
ctx.lineTo(axisOriginPos[0] + axisWH[0], y)
Reference in New Issue