This commit is contained in:
jiaming 2018-12-24 14:09:47 +08:00
parent c4298008f2
commit 822f1aaa39
2 changed files with 747 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
<border-box-7 class="attention" id="attention">
<div class="title">Attention</div>
<div class="title">Colors</div>
<div class="text-info">
<div class="text-info">
<div class="text-info">
&lt;chart :data="data" :colors="color" /&gt;
// ./src/config/color.js
colors: ['#9cf4a7', '#66d7ee', '#eee966', '#a866ee', '#ee8f66', '#ee66aa']
// 使
<div class="text-info">
<div class="text-info">
<div class="title">Axis</div>
<div class="text-info">
下列组件中多有使用坐标轴 坐标轴配置如下
<highlight-code class="center-code">
// x y ax ay
// ax ay x y
// 使ax ay data againstAxis: true
axisData: {
data: [
{ // x y
data: [123, 123, 123, '', 123]
{ // ax
data: [123, 123, 123, '', 123],
againstAxis: true
x: {
// x
data: ['label1', 'label2', 'label3', 'label4'],
unit: '单位',
// 线
noAxisLine: true,
noAxisTag: true,
offset: 30,
grid: true,
// 线线
gridType: 'dashed',
// 线dashed
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
// 使
gridColor: 'colors' | '#123456' | ['#123', '#456']
// before
tagBefore: 'before',
// after
tagAfter: 'after',
// x x
rotate: true
// y data data
y: {
max: 999,
min: 0,
num: 5,
fixed: 2
// x y
horizon: true
<div class="title">Label-Line</div>
<div class="text-info">
下列组件中多有使用坐标轴 坐标轴常用配置如下
<highlight-code class="center-code">
// label-line
labelLineData: {
data: ['标签1', '标签2', ...],
// 使
color: '#2b7bfb',
// rectangle rect
type: 'rectangle'
<div id="column-chart" />
export default {
name: 'Attention'
<style lang="less">
#attention {
width: 80%;
margin-left: 20%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.highlight-code {
margin: -40px 0px;
.center-code {
text-align: left;
padding: 0px 100px;
width: 500px;
margin-left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData1" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '辆'
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData2" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: {
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
num: 6
showColumnBG: true,
columnBGColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData3" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
data: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: '#247efc'
data: [
[35, 70, 40],
[74, 180, 45],
[37, 200, 145],
[35, 89, 30],
[65, 100, 48],
[55, 90, 70]
fillColor: ['#ff2fdb', '#e3b4a2', '#fafb5d']
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData4" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9']
roundColumn: true,
spaceBetween: true,
localGradient: true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData5" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb'],
// roundColumn
type: 'leftEchelon'
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9'],
type: 'rightEchelon'
showValueText: true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData6" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
type: 'polyline',
againstAxis: true,
lineColor: '#ff2fdb',
pointColor: '#3de7c9'
x: {
offset: 40,
rotate: true
y: {
tagAfter: 'ml'
ay: {
afterTag: '°C'
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData7" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [150, 265, 400, 205, 315, 165],
type: 'smoothline',
lineType: 'dashed',
againstAxis: true,
fillColor: ['rgba(48, 222, 210, 0.5)', 'rgba(48, 222, 210, 0)']
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData8" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: {
x: {
unit: '辆',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2]
y: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
horizon: true
<border-box-7 class="chart-item">
<column-chart :data="columnChartData9" :colors="colors" class="chart" />
<div class="config-info">
<div class="title">Column-Chart</div>
&lt;column-chart :data="data" :colors="colors" /&gt;
data: {
x: {
noAxisLine: true,
noAxisTag: true,
offset: 10
y: {
noAxisLine: true,
noAxisTag: true,
offset: 1
showValueText: true,
valueTextColor: '#fff',
valueTextOffset: [0, 15]
export default {
name: 'ColumnChartDemo',
data () {
return {
columnChartData1: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '辆'
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
columnChartData2: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '辆',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
num: 6
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
showColumnBG: true,
columnBGColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'
columnChartData3: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: '#247efc'
data: [
[35, 70, 40],
[74, 180, 45],
[37, 200, 145],
[35, 89, 30],
[65, 100, 48],
[55, 90, 70]
fillColor: ['#ff2fdb', '#e3b4a2', '#fafb5d']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '万元',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
min: 0
labelLine: {
color: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb', '#e3b4a2', '#fafb5d'],
data: ['玩具', '食品', '服装', '电器'],
type: 'rectangle'
showColumnBG: true,
columnBGColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'
columnChartData4: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
unit: '辆'
labelLine: {
color: ['#ff2fdb', '#3DE7C9'],
data: ['同期', '环期'],
type: 'rectangle'
roundColumn: true,
spaceBetween: true,
localGradient: true
columnChartData5: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb'],
type: 'leftEchelon'
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9'],
type: 'rightEchelon'
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
unit: '辆',
num: 7
labelLine: {
color: ['#ff2fdb', '#3DE7C9'],
data: ['同期', '环期'],
type: 'rectangle'
showValueText: true,
spaceBetween: true
columnChartData6: {
data: [
data: [175, 125, 90, 130, 45, 65, 65, 47, 50, 52, 45, 37],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [210, 142, 128, 142, 63, 72, 68, 57, 54, 60, 49, 42],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9']
data: [23, 18, 16, 14, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5],
type: 'polyline',
againstAxis: true,
lineColor: '#ff2fdb',
pointColor: '#3de7c9'
x: {
data: [
'一月份', '二月份',
'三月份', '四月份',
'五月份', '六月份',
'七月份', '八月份',
'九月份', '十月份',
'十一月份', '十二月份'
offset: 40,
rotate: true
y: {
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
min: 0,
max: 250,
num: 6,
tagAfter: 'ml'
ay: {
min: 0,
max: 25,
num: 6,
tagAfter: '°C'
labelLine: {
color: ['#ff2fdb', '#3DE7C9'],
data: ['同期', '环期'],
type: 'rectangle'
roundColumn: true,
localGradient: true,
spaceBetween: true
columnChartData7: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
data: [150, 265, 400, 205, 315, 165],
type: 'smoothline',
lineType: 'dashed',
againstAxis: true,
fillColor: ['rgba(48, 222, 210, 0.5)', 'rgba(48, 222, 210, 0)']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
y: {
unit: '辆',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2],
num: 6
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
ay: {
num: 6,
min: 100,
max: 500
columnChartData8: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb'],
type: 'leftEchelon'
data: [130, 313, 392, 180, 400, 188],
fillColor: ['#00BAFF', '#3DE7C9'],
type: 'rightEchelon'
x: {
unit: '辆',
grid: true,
gridLineType: 'dashed',
gridLineDash: [2, 2]
y: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳']
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
horizon: true,
showColumnBG: true,
localGradient: true,
spaceBetween: true
columnChartData9: {
data: [
data: [150, 290, 420, 200, 350, 219],
fillColor: ['#247efc', '#ff2fdb']
x: {
data: ['西峡', '周口', '南阳', '驻马店', '郑州', '洛阳'],
noAxisLine: true,
noAxisTag: true,
offset: 10
y: {
noAxisLine: true,
noAxisTag: true,
offset: 1
labelLine: {
color: '#2b7bfb',
data: ['车流量'],
type: 'rectangle'
showColumnBG: true,
showValueText: true,
valueTextColor: '#fff',
valueTextOffset: [0, 15]
colors: ''
<style lang="less">