2020-01-05 22:18:00 +08:00
:style="`background-image: url(${mergedConfig ? mergedConfig.bgImgSrc : ''})`"
<svg v-if="flylines.length" :width="width" :height="height">
cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%"
offset="0%" stop-color="#fff"
offset="100%" stop-color="#fff"
cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%"
offset="0%" stop-color="#fff"
offset="100%" stop-color="#fff"
<!-- points -->
<g v-for="point in flylinePoints" :key="point.key + Math.random()">
<!-- halo gradient mask -->
<mask :id="`mask${unique}${point.key}`">
<!-- point halo -->
<!-- point icon -->
<!-- point text -->
{{ point.name }}
<!-- flylines -->
<g v-for="(line, i) in flylines" :key="line.key + Math.random()">
<!-- orbit line -->
<!-- fly line gradient mask -->
<mask :id="`mask${unique}${line.key}`">
<circle cx="0" cy="0" :r="line.radius" :fill="`url(#${flylineGradientId})`">
<!-- fly line -->
:from="`0, ${flylineLengths[i]}`"
:to="`${flylineLengths[i]}, 0`"
import { deepMerge } from '@jiaminghi/charts/lib/util/index'
import { deepClone } from '@jiaminghi/c-render/lib/plugin/util'
2020-05-25 15:57:26 +08:00
import { randomExtend, getPointDistance, uuid } from '../../../util/index'
2020-01-05 22:18:00 +08:00
import autoResize from '../../../mixin/autoResize'
export default {
name: 'DvFlylineChartEnhanced',
mixins: [autoResize],
props: {
config: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
dev: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data () {
2020-05-25 15:57:26 +08:00
const id = uuid()
2020-01-05 22:18:00 +08:00
return {
ref: 'dv-flyline-chart-enhanced',
unique: Math.random(),
2020-05-25 15:57:26 +08:00
flylineGradientId: `flyline-gradient-id-${id}`,
haloGradientId: `halo-gradient-id-${id}`,
2020-01-05 22:18:00 +08:00
* @description Type Declaration
* interface Halo {
* show?: boolean
* duration?: [number, number]
* color?: string
* radius?: number
* }
* interface Text {
* show?: boolean
* offset?: [number, number]
* color?: string
* fontSize?: number
* }
* interface Icon {
* show?: boolean
* src?: string
* width?: number
* height?: number
* }
* interface Point {
* name: string
* coordinate: [number, number]
* halo?: Halo
* text?: Text
* icon?: Icon
* }
* interface Line {
* width?: number
* color?: string
* orbitColor?: string
* duration?: [number, number]
* radius?: string
* }
* interface Flyline extends Line {
* source: string
* target: string
* }
* interface FlylineWithPath extends Flyline {
* d: string
* path: [[number, number], [number, number], [number, number]]
* key: string
* }
defaultConfig: {
* @description Flyline chart points
* @type {Point[]}
* @default points = []
points: [],
* @description Lines
* @type {Flyline[]}
* @default lines = []
lines: [],
* @description Global halo configuration
* @type {Halo}
halo: {
* @description Whether to show halo
* @type {Boolean}
* @default show = false
show: false,
* @description Halo animation duration (1s = 10)
* @type {[number, number]}
duration: [20, 30],
* @description Halo color
* @type {String}
* @default color = '#fb7293'
color: '#fb7293',
* @description Halo radius
* @type {Number}
* @default radius = 120
radius: 120
* @description Global text configuration
* @type {Text}
text: {
* @description Whether to show text
* @type {Boolean}
* @default show = false
show: false,
* @description Text offset
* @type {[number, number]}
* @default offset = [0, 15]
offset: [0, 15],
* @description Text color
* @type {String}
* @default color = '#ffdb5c'
color: '#ffdb5c',
* @description Text font size
* @type {Number}
* @default fontSize = 12
fontSize: 12
* @description Global icon configuration
* @type {Icon}
icon: {
* @description Whether to show icon
* @type {Boolean}
* @default show = false
show: false,
* @description Icon src
* @type {String}
* @default src = ''
src: '',
* @description Icon width
* @type {Number}
* @default width = 15
width: 15,
* @description Icon height
* @type {Number}
* @default width = 15
height: 15
* @description Global line configuration
* @type {Line}
line: {
* @description Line width
* @type {Number}
* @default width = 1
width: 1,
* @description Flyline color
* @type {String}
* @default color = '#ffde93'
color: '#ffde93',
* @description Orbit color
* @type {String}
* @default orbitColor = 'rgba(103, 224, 227, .2)'
orbitColor: 'rgba(103, 224, 227, .2)',
* @description Flyline animation duration
* @type {[number, number]}
* @default duration = [20, 30]
duration: [20, 30],
* @description Flyline radius
* @type {Number}
* @default radius = 100
radius: 100
* @description Back ground image url
* @type {String}
* @default bgImgSrc = ''
bgImgSrc: '',
* @description K value
* @type {Number}
* @default k = -0.5
* @example k = -1 ~ 1
k: -0.5,
* @description Flyline curvature
* @type {Number}
* @default curvature = 5
curvature: 5,
* @description Relative points position
* @type {Boolean}
* @default relative = true
relative: true
* @description Fly line data
* @type {FlylineWithPath[]}
* @default flylines = []
flylines: [],
* @description Fly line lengths
* @type {Number[]}
* @default flylineLengths = []
flylineLengths: [],
* @description Fly line points
* @default flylinePoints = []
flylinePoints: [],
mergedConfig: null
watch: {
config () {
const { calcData } = this
methods: {
afterAutoResizeMixinInit () {
const { calcData } = this
onResize () {
const { calcData } = this
async calcData () {
const { mergeConfig, calcflylinePoints, calcLinePaths } = this
const { calcLineLengths } = this
await calcLineLengths()
mergeConfig () {
let { config, defaultConfig } = this
const mergedConfig = deepMerge(deepClone(defaultConfig, true), config || {})
const { points, lines, halo, text, icon, line } = mergedConfig
mergedConfig.points = points.map(item => {
item.halo = deepMerge(deepClone(halo, true), item.halo || {})
item.text = deepMerge(deepClone(text, true), item.text || {})
item.icon = deepMerge(deepClone(icon, true), item.icon || {})
return item
mergedConfig.lines = lines.map(item => {
return deepMerge(deepClone(line, true), item)
this.mergedConfig = mergedConfig
calcflylinePoints () {
const { mergedConfig, width, height } = this
const { relative, points } = mergedConfig
this.flylinePoints = points.map((item, i) => {
const { coordinate: [x, y], halo, icon, text } = item
if (relative) item.coordinate = [x * width, y * height]
item.halo.time = randomExtend(...halo.duration) / 10
const { width: iw, height: ih } = icon
item.icon.x = item.coordinate[0] - iw / 2
item.icon.y = item.coordinate[1] - ih / 2
const [ox, oy] = text.offset
item.text.x = item.coordinate[0] + ox
item.text.y = item.coordinate[1] + oy
item.key = `${item.coordinate.toString()}${i}`
return item
calcLinePaths () {
const { getPath, mergedConfig } = this
const { points, lines } = mergedConfig
this.flylines = lines.map(item => {
const { source, target, duration } = item
const sourcePoint = points.find(({ name }) => name === source).coordinate
const targetPoint = points.find(({ name }) => name === target).coordinate
const path = getPath(sourcePoint, targetPoint).map(item => item.map(v => parseFloat(v.toFixed(10))))
const d = `M${path[0].toString()} Q${path[1].toString()} ${path[2].toString()}`
const key = `path${path.toString()}`
const time = randomExtend(...duration) / 10
return { ...item, path, key, d, time }
getPath (start, end) {
const { getControlPoint } = this
const controlPoint = getControlPoint(start, end)
return [start, controlPoint, end]
getControlPoint ([sx, sy], [ex, ey]) {
const { getKLinePointByx, mergedConfig } = this
const { curvature, k } = mergedConfig
const [mx, my] = [(sx + ex) / 2, (sy + ey) / 2]
const distance = getPointDistance([sx, sy], [ex, ey])
const targetLength = distance / curvature
const disDived = targetLength / 2
let [dx, dy] = [mx, my]
do {
dx += disDived
dy = getKLinePointByx(k, [mx, my], dx)[1]
} while (getPointDistance([mx, my], [dx, dy]) < targetLength)
return [dx, dy]
getKLinePointByx (k, [lx, ly], x) {
const y = ly - k * lx + k * x
return [x, y]
async calcLineLengths () {
const { $nextTick, flylines, $refs } = this
await $nextTick()
this.flylineLengths = flylines.map(({ key }) => $refs[key][0].getTotalLength())
consoleClickPos ({ offsetX, offsetY }) {
const { width, height, dev } = this
if (!dev) return
const relativeX = (offsetX / width).toFixed(2)
const relativeY = (offsetY / height).toFixed(2)
console.warn(`dv-flyline-chart-enhanced DEV: \n Click Position is [${offsetX}, ${offsetY}] \n Relative Position is [${relativeX}, ${relativeY}]`)