306 lines
8.5 KiB
306 lines
8.5 KiB
export default {
data () {
return {
defaultHorizon: false,
defaultXAxisFS: 10,
defaultYAxisFS: 10,
defaultXOffset: 30,
defaultRotateAngel: 30,
defaultXAxisLineColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
defaultYAxisLineColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
horizon: false,
// user data's max and min value
valueMaxMin: [],
// axis's max and min value
axisMaxMin: [],
// label's max width where x and y Axis
labelXYMaxWidth: [],
valueAxisTag: [],
labelAxisTag: [],
xyAxisFS: [],
xyAxisUnitWidth: [],
axisMargin: [],
axisOriginPos: [],
axisWH: [],
valueTagPos: [],
labelTagPos: [],
valueTagGap: 0,
labelTagGap: 0,
xTagColor: '',
yTagColor: '',
xTagColorMul: false,
yTagColorMul: false
methods: {
initAxis () {
const { calcMaxMinValue, calcValueAxisTag, calcLabelAxisTag, calcXYAxisFS } = this
const { calcXYLabelMaxWidth, calcAxisMargin, calcAxisOriginPos } = this
const { calcAxisWH, calcValueTagPos, calcLabelTagPos, calcTagGap, calcTagColor } = this
calcMaxMinValue () {
const { data: { data }, multipleSum, filterNull, getArrayMaxMin } = this
const trueValue = data.map(item =>
item.map(v =>
v ? (typeof v === 'number' ? v : multipleSum(...filterNull(v))) : false))
this.valueMaxMin = getArrayMaxMin(trueValue)
calcValueAxisTag () {
const { valueMaxMin: [ valueMax, valueMin ], data, defaultHorizon } = this
const { horizon } = data
this.horizon = horizon || defaultHorizon
let { max, min, num, fixed } = data[horizon ? 'x' : 'y']
let [trueMax, trueMin] = [max, min]
const thirdValueMinus = parseInt((valueMax - valueMin) / 3)
!max && (max !== 0) && (trueMax = valueMax + thirdValueMinus)
!min && (min !== 0) && (trueMin = valueMin - thirdValueMinus)
const trueMinus = trueMax - trueMin
!num && trueMinus < 9 && (num = trueMinus + 1)
!num && (num = 10)
const valueGap = trueMinus / (num - 1)
const valueAxisTag = this.valueAxisTag = Array(num).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
(trueMin + i * valueGap).toFixed(fixed))
const lastValueAxisTagIndex = valueAxisTag.length - 1
this.axisMaxMin = [parseFloat(valueAxisTag[lastValueAxisTagIndex]), parseFloat(valueAxisTag[0])]
calcLabelAxisTag () {
const { data, horizon } = this
this.labelAxisTag = data[horizon ? 'y' : 'x'].data
calcXYAxisFS () {
const { defaultXAxisFS, defaultYAxisFS } = this
const { data: { x: { fontSize: xfs }, y: { fontSize: yfs } } } = this
this.xyAxisFS = [xfs || defaultXAxisFS, yfs || defaultYAxisFS]
calcXYLabelMaxWidth () {
const { ctx, valueAxisTag, labelAxisTag, horizon, xyAxisFS } = this
const { canvas: { getTextsWidth } } = this
const { data: { x: { unit: xUN }, y: { unit: yUN } } } = this
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[0]}px Arial`
this.labelXYMaxWidth[0] = Math.max(...getTextsWidth(ctx, horizon ? labelAxisTag : valueAxisTag))
this.xyAxisUnitWidth[0] = ctx.measureText(xUN || '').width
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[1]}px Arial`
this.labelXYMaxWidth[1] = Math.max(...getTextsWidth(ctx, horizon ? valueAxisTag : labelAxisTag))
this.xyAxisUnitWidth[1] = ctx.measureText(yUN || '').width
calcAxisMargin () {
const { defaultXOffset, labelXYMaxWidth, data, xyAxisUnitWidth } = this
const { offset: xOF, unitWidth: xUW } = data.x
const { offset: yOF, unitHeight: yUH } = data.y
this.axisMargin[0] = yUH || defaultXOffset
this.axisMargin[1] = xUW || xyAxisUnitWidth[0] + 10
this.axisMargin[2] = xOF || defaultXOffset
this.axisMargin[3] = yOF || labelXYMaxWidth[1] + 10
calcAxisOriginPos () {
const { axisMargin, canvasWH } = this
this.axisOriginPos[0] = axisMargin[3]
this.axisOriginPos[1] = canvasWH[1] - axisMargin[2]
this.ctx.arc(...this.axisOriginPos, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2)
calcAxisWH () {
const { axisMargin, canvasWH } = this
this.axisWH[0] = canvasWH[0] - axisMargin[1] - axisMargin[3]
this.axisWH[1] = canvasWH[1] - axisMargin[0] - axisMargin[2]
calcValueTagPos () {
const { axisWH, valueAxisTag, horizon, axisOriginPos: [x, y] } = this
const valueTagNum = valueAxisTag.length
const gapWidth = (horizon ? axisWH[0] : axisWH[1]) / (valueTagNum - 1)
this.valueTagPos = new Array(valueTagNum).fill(0).map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x + gapWidth * i, y + 5] : [x - 5, y - gapWidth * i])
calcLabelTagPos () {
const { axisWH, labelAxisTag, horizon, axisOriginPos: [x, y], data, axisType } = this
const { boundaryGap } = data
const labelNum = labelAxisTag.length
const gapAllWidth = horizon ? axisWH[1] : axisWH[0]
const tempArray = new Array(labelNum).fill(0)
if (axisType === 'column' || (axisType === 'line' && boundaryGap)) {
const gapWidth = gapAllWidth / labelNum
const halfGapWidth = gapWidth / 2
this.labelTagPos = tempArray.map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x - 5, y - gapWidth * i - halfGapWidth] : [x + gapWidth * i + halfGapWidth, y + 5])
if (axisType === 'line' && !boundaryGap) {
const gapWidth = gapAllWidth / (labelNum - 1)
this.labelTagPos = tempArray.map((t, i) =>
horizon ? [x - 5, y - gapWidth] : [x + gapWidth * i, y + 5])
calcTagGap () {
const { horizon, valueTagPos, labelTagPos } = this
const v = horizon ? '0' : '1'
this.valueTagGap = Math.abs(valueTagPos[0][v] - valueTagPos[1][v])
const l = horizon ? '1' : '0'
this.labelTagGap = Math.abs(labelTagPos[0][l] - labelTagPos[1][l])
calcTagColor () {
const { defaultXAxisLineColor, defaultYAxisLineColor, drawColors, data } = this
const { x: { color: xc }, y: { color: yc } } = data
let xTagColor = xc || defaultXAxisLineColor
xTagColor === 'colors' && (xTagColor = drawColors)
let yTagColor = yc || defaultYAxisLineColor
yTagColor === 'colors' && (yTagColor = drawColors)
this.xTagColor = xTagColor
this.xTagColorMul = xTagColor instanceof Array
this.yTagColor = yTagColor
this.yTagColorMul = yTagColor instanceof Array
drawAxis () {
const { drawAxisLine, drawAxisTag } = this
drawAxisLine () {
const { ctx, defaultXAxisLineColor, defaultYAxisLineColor, axisOriginPos, axisWH, data } = this
const { x: { lineColor: xlc }, y: { lineColor: ylc } } = data
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.strokeStyle = xlc || defaultXAxisLineColor
ctx.lineTo(axisOriginPos[0] + axisWH[0], axisOriginPos[1])
ctx.strokeStyle = ylc || defaultYAxisLineColor
ctx.lineTo(axisOriginPos[0], axisOriginPos[1] - axisWH[1])
drawAxisTag () {
const { ctx, horizon, valueTagPos, labelTagPos, valueAxisTag, labelAxisTag } = this
const { xTagColor, xTagColorMul, yTagColor, yTagColorMul, xyAxisFS } = this
const xAxisData = horizon ? valueTagPos : labelTagPos
const yAxisData = horizon ? labelTagPos : valueTagPos
const xTagData = horizon ? valueAxisTag : labelAxisTag
const yTagData = horizon ? labelAxisTag : valueAxisTag
!xTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = xTagColor)
const xTagColorNum = xTagColor.length
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[0]}px Arial`
ctx.textAlign = 'center'
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
xAxisData.forEach((pos, i) => {
xTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = xTagColor[i % xTagColorNum])
ctx.fillText(xTagData[i], ...pos)
!yTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = yTagColor)
const yTagColorNum = yTagColor.length
ctx.font = `${xyAxisFS[1]}px Arial`
ctx.textAlign = 'right'
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'
yAxisData.forEach((pos, i) => {
xTagColorMul && (ctx.fillStyle = yTagColor[i % yTagColorNum])
ctx.fillText(yTagData[i], ...pos)