/* Run the Expat test suite __ __ _ ___\ \/ /_ __ __ _| |_ / _ \\ /| '_ \ / _` | __| | __// \| |_) | (_| | |_ \___/_/\_\ .__/ \__,_|\__| |_| XML parser Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Expat development team Licensed under the MIT license: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #if defined(NDEBUG) # undef NDEBUG /* because test suite relies on assert(...) at the moment */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_EXPAT_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include /* ptrdiff_t */ #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1600) /* For vs2003/7.1 up to vs2008/9.0; _MSC_VER 1600 is vs2010/10.0 */ #if defined(_WIN64) typedef __int64 intptr_t; #else typedef __int32 intptr_t; #endif typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t; #else #include /* intptr_t uint64_t */ #endif #if ! defined(__cplusplus) # if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER <= 1700) /* for vs2012/11.0/1700 and earlier Visual Studio compilers */ # define bool int # define false 0 # define true 1 # else # include # endif #endif #include "expat.h" #include "chardata.h" #include "structdata.h" #include "internal.h" /* for UNUSED_P only */ #include "minicheck.h" #include "memcheck.h" #include "siphash.h" #include "ascii.h" /* for ASCII_xxx */ #ifdef XML_LARGE_SIZE # define XML_FMT_INT_MOD "ll" #else # define XML_FMT_INT_MOD "l" #endif #ifdef XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T # define XML_FMT_CHAR "lc" # define XML_FMT_STR "ls" # include # define xcstrlen(s) wcslen(s) # define xcstrcmp(s, t) wcscmp((s), (t)) # define xcstrncmp(s, t, n) wcsncmp((s), (t), (n)) # define XCS(s) _XCS(s) # define _XCS(s) L ## s #else # ifdef XML_UNICODE # error "No support for UTF-16 character without wchar_t in tests" # else # define XML_FMT_CHAR "c" # define XML_FMT_STR "s" # define xcstrlen(s) strlen(s) # define xcstrcmp(s, t) strcmp((s), (t)) # define xcstrncmp(s, t, n) strncmp((s), (t), (n)) # define XCS(s) s # endif /* XML_UNICODE */ #endif /* XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T */ static XML_Parser parser = NULL; static void basic_setup(void) { parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); if (parser == NULL) fail("Parser not created."); } static void basic_teardown(void) { if (parser != NULL) { XML_ParserFree(parser); parser = NULL; } } /* Generate a failure using the parser state to create an error message; this should be used when the parser reports an error we weren't expecting. */ static void _xml_failure(XML_Parser parser, const char *file, int line) { char buffer[1024]; enum XML_Error err = XML_GetErrorCode(parser); sprintf(buffer, " %d: %" XML_FMT_STR " (line %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD "u, offset %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD "u)\n reported from %s, line %d\n", err, XML_ErrorString(err), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser), file, line); _fail_unless(0, file, line, buffer); } static enum XML_Status _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(XML_Parser parser, const char *s, int len, int isFinal) { enum XML_Status res = XML_STATUS_ERROR; int offset = 0; if (len == 0) { return XML_Parse(parser, s, len, isFinal); } for (; offset < len; offset++) { const int innerIsFinal = (offset == len - 1) && isFinal; const char c = s[offset]; /* to help out-of-bounds detection */ res = XML_Parse(parser, &c, sizeof(char), innerIsFinal); if (res != XML_STATUS_OK) { return res; } } return res; } #define xml_failure(parser) _xml_failure((parser), __FILE__, __LINE__) static void _expect_failure(const char *text, enum XML_Error errorCode, const char *errorMessage, const char *file, int lineno) { if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) /* Hackish use of _fail_unless() macro, but let's us report the right filename and line number. */ _fail_unless(0, file, lineno, errorMessage); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != errorCode) _xml_failure(parser, file, lineno); } #define expect_failure(text, errorCode, errorMessage) \ _expect_failure((text), (errorCode), (errorMessage), \ __FILE__, __LINE__) /* Dummy handlers for when we need to set a handler to tickle a bug, but it doesn't need to do anything. */ static unsigned long dummy_handler_flags = 0; #define DUMMY_START_DOCTYPE_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 0) #define DUMMY_END_DOCTYPE_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 1) #define DUMMY_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 2) #define DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 3) #define DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 4) #define DUMMY_ATTLIST_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 5) #define DUMMY_COMMENT_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 6) #define DUMMY_PI_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 7) #define DUMMY_START_ELEMENT_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 8) #define DUMMY_START_CDATA_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 9) #define DUMMY_END_CDATA_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 10) #define DUMMY_UNPARSED_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 11) #define DUMMY_START_NS_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 12) #define DUMMY_END_NS_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 13) #define DUMMY_START_DOCTYPE_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 14) #define DUMMY_END_DOCTYPE_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 15) #define DUMMY_SKIP_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 16) #define DUMMY_DEFAULT_HANDLER_FLAG (1UL << 17) static void XMLCALL dummy_xdecl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(version), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(encoding), int UNUSED_P(standalone)) {} static void XMLCALL dummy_start_doctype_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(doctypeName), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(sysid), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(pubid), int UNUSED_P(has_internal_subset)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_START_DOCTYPE_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_end_doctype_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_END_DOCTYPE_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_entity_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(entityName), int UNUSED_P(is_parameter_entity), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(value), int UNUSED_P(value_length), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(notationName)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_notation_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(notationName), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_element_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), XML_Content *model) { /* The content model must be freed by the handler. Unfortunately * we cannot pass the parser as the userData because this is used * with other handlers that require other userData. */ XML_FreeContentModel(parser, model); dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_attlist_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(elname), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(attname), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(att_type), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(dflt), int UNUSED_P(isrequired)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_ATTLIST_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_comment_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(data)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_COMMENT_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_pi_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(target), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(data)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_PI_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_start_element(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), const XML_Char **UNUSED_P(atts)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_START_ELEMENT_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_end_element(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name)) {} static void XMLCALL dummy_start_cdata_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_START_CDATA_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_end_cdata_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_END_CDATA_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_cdata_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) {} static void XMLCALL dummy_start_namespace_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(prefix), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(uri)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_START_NS_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_end_namespace_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(prefix)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_END_NS_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } /* This handler is obsolete, but while the code exists we should * ensure that dealing with the handler is covered by tests. */ static void XMLCALL dummy_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(entityName), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(notationName)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_UNPARSED_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_default_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) {} static void XMLCALL dummy_start_doctype_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(doctypeName), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(sysid), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(pubid), int UNUSED_P(has_internal_subset)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_START_DOCTYPE_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_end_doctype_decl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_END_DOCTYPE_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG; } static void XMLCALL dummy_skip_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(entityName), int UNUSED_P(is_parameter_entity)) { dummy_handler_flags |= DUMMY_SKIP_HANDLER_FLAG; } /* Useful external entity handler */ typedef struct ExtOption { const XML_Char *system_id; const char *parse_text; } ExtOption; static int XMLCALL external_entity_optioner(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { ExtOption *options = (ExtOption *)XML_GetUserData(parser); XML_Parser ext_parser; while (options->parse_text != NULL) { if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, options->system_id)) { enum XML_Status rc; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; rc = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, options->parse_text, (int)strlen(options->parse_text), XML_TRUE); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return rc; } options++; } fail("No suitable option found"); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } /* * Parameter entity evaluation support. */ #define ENTITY_MATCH_FAIL (-1) #define ENTITY_MATCH_NOT_FOUND (0) #define ENTITY_MATCH_SUCCESS (1) static const XML_Char *entity_name_to_match = NULL; static const XML_Char *entity_value_to_match = NULL; static int entity_match_flag = ENTITY_MATCH_NOT_FOUND; static void XMLCALL param_entity_match_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *entityName, int is_parameter_entity, const XML_Char *value, int value_length, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(notationName)) { if (!is_parameter_entity || entity_name_to_match == NULL || entity_value_to_match == NULL) { return; } if (!xcstrcmp(entityName, entity_name_to_match)) { /* The cast here is safe because we control the horizontal and * the vertical, and we therefore know our strings are never * going to overflow an int. */ if (value_length != (int)xcstrlen(entity_value_to_match) || xcstrncmp(value, entity_value_to_match, value_length)) { entity_match_flag = ENTITY_MATCH_FAIL; } else { entity_match_flag = ENTITY_MATCH_SUCCESS; } } /* Else leave the match flag alone */ } /* * Character & encoding tests. */ START_TEST(test_nul_byte) { char text[] = "\0"; /* test that a NUL byte (in US-ASCII data) is an error */ if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, sizeof(text) - 1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Parser did not report error on NUL-byte."); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_u0000_char) { /* test that a NUL byte (in US-ASCII data) is an error */ expect_failure("", XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF, "Parser did not report error on NUL-byte."); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_siphash_self) { if (! sip24_valid()) fail("SipHash self-test failed"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_siphash_spec) { /* https://131002.net/siphash/siphash.pdf (page 19, "Test values") */ const char message[] = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09" "\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e"; const size_t len = sizeof(message) - 1; const uint64_t expected = _SIP_ULL(0xa129ca61U, 0x49be45e5U); struct siphash state; struct sipkey key; sip_tokey(&key, "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09" "\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f"); sip24_init(&state, &key); /* Cover spread across calls */ sip24_update(&state, message, 4); sip24_update(&state, message + 4, len - 4); /* Cover null length */ sip24_update(&state, message, 0); if (sip24_final(&state) != expected) fail("sip24_final failed spec test\n"); /* Cover wrapper */ if (siphash24(message, len, &key) != expected) fail("siphash24 failed spec test\n"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bom_utf8) { /* This test is really just making sure we don't core on a UTF-8 BOM. */ const char *text = "\357\273\277"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bom_utf16_be) { char text[] = "\376\377\0<\0e\0/\0>"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bom_utf16_le) { char text[] = "\377\376<\0e\0/\0>\0"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Parse whole buffer at once to exercise a different code path */ START_TEST(test_nobom_utf16_le) { char text[] = " \0<\0e\0/\0>\0"; if (XML_Parse(parser, text, sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST static void XMLCALL accumulate_characters(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, s, len); } static void XMLCALL accumulate_attribute(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), const XML_Char **atts) { CharData *storage = (CharData *)userData; /* Check there are attributes to deal with */ if (atts == NULL) return; while (storage->count < 0 && atts[0] != NULL) { /* "accumulate" the value of the first attribute we see */ CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, atts[1], -1); atts += 2; } } static void _run_character_check(const char *text, const XML_Char *expected, const char *file, int line) { CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) _xml_failure(parser, file, line); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } #define run_character_check(text, expected) \ _run_character_check(text, expected, __FILE__, __LINE__) static void _run_attribute_check(const char *text, const XML_Char *expected, const char *file, int line) { CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, accumulate_attribute); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) _xml_failure(parser, file, line); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } #define run_attribute_check(text, expected) \ _run_attribute_check(text, expected, __FILE__, __LINE__) typedef struct ExtTest { const char *parse_text; const XML_Char *encoding; CharData *storage; } ExtTest; static void XMLCALL ext_accumulate_characters(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { ExtTest *test_data = (ExtTest *)userData; accumulate_characters(test_data->storage, s, len); } static void _run_ext_character_check(const char *text, ExtTest *test_data, const XML_Char *expected, const char *file, int line) { CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data->storage = &storage; XML_SetUserData(parser, test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) _xml_failure(parser, file, line); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } #define run_ext_character_check(text, test_data, expected) \ _run_ext_character_check(text, test_data, expected, __FILE__, __LINE__) /* Regression test for SF bug #491986. */ START_TEST(test_danish_latin1) { const char *text = "\n" "J\xF8rgen \xE6\xF8\xE5\xC6\xD8\xC5"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("J\x00f8rgen \x00e6\x00f8\x00e5\x00c6\x00d8\x00c5"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("J\xC3\xB8rgen \xC3\xA6\xC3\xB8\xC3\xA5\xC3\x86\xC3\x98\xC3\x85"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #514281. */ START_TEST(test_french_charref_hexidecimal) { const char *text = "\n" "éèàçêÈ"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9\x00e8\x00e0\x00e7\x00ea\x00c8"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xC3\xA9\xC3\xA8\xC3\xA0\xC3\xA7\xC3\xAA\xC3\x88"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_french_charref_decimal) { const char *text = "\n" "éèàçêÈ"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9\x00e8\x00e0\x00e7\x00ea\x00c8"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xC3\xA9\xC3\xA8\xC3\xA0\xC3\xA7\xC3\xAA\xC3\x88"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_french_latin1) { const char *text = "\n" "\xE9\xE8\xE0\xE7\xEa\xC8"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9\x00e8\x00e0\x00e7\x00ea\x00c8"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xC3\xA9\xC3\xA8\xC3\xA0\xC3\xA7\xC3\xAA\xC3\x88"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_french_utf8) { const char *text = "\n" "\xC3\xA9"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xC3\xA9"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #600479. XXX There should be a test that exercises all legal XML Unicode characters as PCDATA and attribute value content, and XML Name characters as part of element and attribute names. */ START_TEST(test_utf8_false_rejection) { const char *text = "\xEF\xBA\xBF"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xfebf"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xEF\xBA\xBF"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #477667. This test assures that any 8-bit character followed by a 7-bit character will not be mistakenly interpreted as a valid UTF-8 sequence. */ START_TEST(test_illegal_utf8) { char text[100]; int i; for (i = 128; i <= 255; ++i) { sprintf(text, "%ccd", i); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) { sprintf(text, "expected token error for '%c' (ordinal %d) in UTF-8 text", i, i); fail(text); } else if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN) xml_failure(parser); /* Reset the parser since we use the same parser repeatedly. */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* Examples, not masks: */ #define UTF8_LEAD_1 "\x7f" /* 0b01111111 */ #define UTF8_LEAD_2 "\xdf" /* 0b11011111 */ #define UTF8_LEAD_3 "\xef" /* 0b11101111 */ #define UTF8_LEAD_4 "\xf7" /* 0b11110111 */ #define UTF8_FOLLOW "\xbf" /* 0b10111111 */ START_TEST(test_utf8_auto_align) { struct TestCase { ptrdiff_t expectedMovementInChars; const char * input; }; struct TestCase cases[] = { {00, ""}, {00, UTF8_LEAD_1}, {-1, UTF8_LEAD_2}, {00, UTF8_LEAD_2 UTF8_FOLLOW}, {-1, UTF8_LEAD_3}, {-2, UTF8_LEAD_3 UTF8_FOLLOW}, {00, UTF8_LEAD_3 UTF8_FOLLOW UTF8_FOLLOW}, {-1, UTF8_LEAD_4}, {-2, UTF8_LEAD_4 UTF8_FOLLOW}, {-3, UTF8_LEAD_4 UTF8_FOLLOW UTF8_FOLLOW}, {00, UTF8_LEAD_4 UTF8_FOLLOW UTF8_FOLLOW UTF8_FOLLOW}, }; size_t i = 0; bool success = true; for (; i < sizeof(cases) / sizeof(*cases); i++) { const char * fromLim = cases[i].input + strlen(cases[i].input); const char * const fromLimInitially = fromLim; ptrdiff_t actualMovementInChars; _INTERNAL_trim_to_complete_utf8_characters(cases[i].input, &fromLim); actualMovementInChars = (fromLim - fromLimInitially); if (actualMovementInChars != cases[i].expectedMovementInChars) { size_t j = 0; success = false; printf("[-] UTF-8 case %2u: Expected movement by %2d chars" ", actually moved by %2d chars: \"", (unsigned)(i + 1), (int)cases[i].expectedMovementInChars, (int)actualMovementInChars); for (; j < strlen(cases[i].input); j++) { printf("\\x%02x", (unsigned char)cases[i].input[j]); } printf("\"\n"); } } if (! success) { fail("UTF-8 auto-alignment is not bullet-proof\n"); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16) { /* * some {A} text * * where {A} is U+FF21, FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A */ char text[] = "\000<\000?\000x\000m\000\154\000 \000v\000e\000r\000s\000i\000o" "\000n\000=\000'\0001\000.\000\060\000'\000 \000e\000n\000c\000o" "\000d\000i\000n\000g\000=\000'\000U\000T\000F\000-\0001\000\066" "\000'\000?\000>\000\n" "\000<\000d\000o\000c\000 \000a\000=\000'\0001\0002\0003\000'\000>" "\000s\000o\000m\000e\000 \xff\x21\000 \000t\000e\000x\000t\000" "<\000/\000d\000o\000c\000>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("some \xff21 text"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("some \357\274\241 text"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16_le_epilog_newline) { unsigned int first_chunk_bytes = 17; char text[] = "\xFF\xFE" /* BOM */ "<\000e\000/\000>\000" /* document element */ "\r\000\n\000\r\000\n\000"; /* epilog */ if (first_chunk_bytes >= sizeof(text) - 1) fail("bad value of first_chunk_bytes"); if ( _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, first_chunk_bytes, XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); else { enum XML_Status rc; rc = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text + first_chunk_bytes, sizeof(text) - first_chunk_bytes - 1, XML_TRUE); if (rc == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } } END_TEST /* Test that an outright lie in the encoding is faulted */ START_TEST(test_not_utf16) { const char *text = "" "Hi"; /* Use a handler to provoke the appropriate code paths */ XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(parser, dummy_xdecl_handler); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INCORRECT_ENCODING, "UTF-16 declared in UTF-8 not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test that an unknown encoding is rejected */ START_TEST(test_bad_encoding) { const char *text = "Hi"; if (!XML_SetEncoding(parser, XCS("unknown-encoding"))) fail("XML_SetEncoding failed"); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, "Unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #481609, #774028. */ START_TEST(test_latin1_umlauts) { const char *text = "\n" "\xE4 \xF6 \xFC ä ö ü ä ö ü >"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE /* Expected results in UTF-16 */ const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e4 \x00f6 \x00fc ") XCS("\x00e4 \x00f6 \x00fc ") XCS("\x00e4 \x00f6 \x00fc >"); #else /* Expected results in UTF-8 */ const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xC3\xA4 \xC3\xB6 \xC3\xBC ") XCS("\xC3\xA4 \xC3\xB6 \xC3\xBC ") XCS("\xC3\xA4 \xC3\xB6 \xC3\xBC >"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); run_attribute_check(text, expected); /* Repeat with a default handler */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); run_character_check(text, expected); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); run_attribute_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that an element name with a 4-byte UTF-8 character is rejected */ START_TEST(test_long_utf8_character) { const char *text = "\n" /* 0xf0 0x90 0x80 0x80 = U+10000, the first Linear B character */ ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "4-byte UTF-8 character in element name not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test that a long latin-1 attribute (too long to convert in one go) * is correctly converted */ START_TEST(test_long_latin1_attribute) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = /* 64 characters per line */ XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNO") XCS("\x00e4"); #else const XML_Char *expected = /* 64 characters per line */ XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNO") XCS("\xc3\xa4"); #endif run_attribute_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that a long ASCII attribute (too long to convert in one go) * is correctly converted */ START_TEST(test_long_ascii_attribute) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; const XML_Char *expected = /* 64 characters per line */ XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("01234"); run_attribute_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Regression test #1 for SF bug #653180. */ START_TEST(test_line_number_after_parse) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n"; XML_Size lineno; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); lineno = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser); if (lineno != 4) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "expected 4 lines, saw %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD "u", lineno); fail(buffer); } } END_TEST /* Regression test #2 for SF bug #653180. */ START_TEST(test_column_number_after_parse) { const char *text = ""; XML_Size colno; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); colno = XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser); if (colno != 11) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "expected 11 columns, saw %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD "u", colno); fail(buffer); } } END_TEST #define STRUCT_START_TAG 0 #define STRUCT_END_TAG 1 static void XMLCALL start_element_event_handler2(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **UNUSED_P(attr)) { StructData *storage = (StructData *) userData; StructData_AddItem(storage, name, XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), STRUCT_START_TAG); } static void XMLCALL end_element_event_handler2(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { StructData *storage = (StructData *) userData; StructData_AddItem(storage, name, XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), STRUCT_END_TAG); } /* Regression test #3 for SF bug #653180. */ START_TEST(test_line_and_column_numbers_inside_handlers) { const char *text = "\n" /* Unix end-of-line */ " \r\n" /* Windows end-of-line */ " \r" /* Mac OS end-of-line */ " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" ""; const StructDataEntry expected[] = { { XCS("a"), 0, 1, STRUCT_START_TAG }, { XCS("b"), 2, 2, STRUCT_START_TAG }, { XCS("c"), 4, 3, STRUCT_START_TAG }, { XCS("c"), 8, 3, STRUCT_END_TAG }, { XCS("b"), 2, 4, STRUCT_END_TAG }, { XCS("d"), 2, 5, STRUCT_START_TAG }, { XCS("f"), 4, 6, STRUCT_START_TAG }, { XCS("f"), 8, 6, STRUCT_END_TAG }, { XCS("d"), 2, 7, STRUCT_END_TAG }, { XCS("a"), 0, 8, STRUCT_END_TAG } }; const int expected_count = sizeof(expected) / sizeof(StructDataEntry); StructData storage; StructData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_event_handler2); XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, end_element_event_handler2); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); StructData_CheckItems(&storage, expected, expected_count); StructData_Dispose(&storage); } END_TEST /* Regression test #4 for SF bug #653180. */ START_TEST(test_line_number_after_error) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" " "; /* missing */ XML_Size lineno; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Expected a parse error"); lineno = XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser); if (lineno != 3) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "expected 3 lines, saw %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD "u", lineno); fail(buffer); } } END_TEST /* Regression test #5 for SF bug #653180. */ START_TEST(test_column_number_after_error) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" " "; /* missing */ XML_Size colno; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Expected a parse error"); colno = XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser); if (colno != 4) { char buffer[100]; sprintf(buffer, "expected 4 columns, saw %" XML_FMT_INT_MOD "u", colno); fail(buffer); } } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #478332. */ START_TEST(test_really_long_lines) { /* This parses an input line longer than INIT_DATA_BUF_SIZE characters long (defined to be 1024 in xmlparse.c). We take a really cheesy approach to building the input buffer, because this avoids writing bugs in buffer-filling code. */ const char *text = "" /* 64 chars */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" /* until we have at least 1024 characters on the line: */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test cdata processing across a buffer boundary */ START_TEST(test_really_long_encoded_lines) { /* As above, except that we want to provoke an output buffer * overflow with a non-trivial encoding. For this we need to pass * the whole cdata in one go, not byte-by-byte. */ void *buffer; const char *text = "" "" /* 64 chars */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" /* until we have at least 1024 characters on the line: */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-+" ""; int parse_len = (int)strlen(text); /* Need a cdata handler to provoke the code path we want to test */ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, dummy_cdata_handler); buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, parse_len); if (buffer == NULL) fail("Could not allocate parse buffer"); memcpy(buffer, text, parse_len); if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, parse_len, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* * Element event tests. */ static void XMLCALL start_element_event_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **UNUSED_P(atts)) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, name, -1); } static void XMLCALL end_element_event_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { CharData *storage = (CharData *) userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("/"), 1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, name, -1); } START_TEST(test_end_element_events) { const char *text = ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("/c/b/f/d/a"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, end_element_event_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* * Attribute tests. */ /* Helpers used by the following test; this checks any "attr" and "refs" attributes to make sure whitespace has been normalized. Return true if whitespace has been normalized in a string, using the rules for attribute value normalization. The 'is_cdata' flag is needed since CDATA attributes don't need to have multiple whitespace characters collapsed to a single space, while other attribute data types do. (Section 3.3.3 of the recommendation.) */ static int is_whitespace_normalized(const XML_Char *s, int is_cdata) { int blanks = 0; int at_start = 1; while (*s) { if (*s == XCS(' ')) ++blanks; else if (*s == XCS('\t') || *s == XCS('\n') || *s == XCS('\r')) return 0; else { if (at_start) { at_start = 0; if (blanks && !is_cdata) /* illegal leading blanks */ return 0; } else if (blanks > 1 && !is_cdata) return 0; blanks = 0; } ++s; } if (blanks && !is_cdata) return 0; return 1; } /* Check the attribute whitespace checker: */ static void testhelper_is_whitespace_normalized(void) { assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc"), 0)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc"), 1)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc def ghi"), 0)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc def ghi"), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS(" abc def ghi"), 0)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS(" abc def ghi"), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc def ghi"), 0)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc def ghi"), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc def ghi "), 0)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc def ghi "), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS(" "), 0)); assert(is_whitespace_normalized(XCS(" "), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("\t"), 0)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("\t"), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("\n"), 0)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("\n"), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("\r"), 0)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("\r"), 1)); assert(!is_whitespace_normalized(XCS("abc\t def"), 1)); } static void XMLCALL check_attr_contains_normalized_whitespace(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), const XML_Char **atts) { int i; for (i = 0; atts[i] != NULL; i += 2) { const XML_Char *attrname = atts[i]; const XML_Char *value = atts[i + 1]; if (xcstrcmp(XCS("attr"), attrname) == 0 || xcstrcmp(XCS("ents"), attrname) == 0 || xcstrcmp(XCS("refs"), attrname) == 0) { if (!is_whitespace_normalized(value, 0)) { char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "attribute value not normalized: %" XML_FMT_STR "='%" XML_FMT_STR "'", attrname, value); fail(buffer); } } } } START_TEST(test_attr_whitespace_normalization) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" ""; XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, check_attr_contains_normalized_whitespace); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* * XML declaration tests. */ START_TEST(test_xmldecl_misplaced) { expect_failure("\n" "\n" "", XML_ERROR_MISPLACED_XML_PI, "failed to report misplaced XML declaration"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_xmldecl_invalid) { expect_failure("\n", XML_ERROR_XML_DECL, "Failed to report invalid XML declaration"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_xmldecl_missing_attr) { expect_failure("\n\n", XML_ERROR_XML_DECL, "Failed to report missing XML declaration attribute"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_xmldecl_missing_value) { expect_failure("\n" "", XML_ERROR_XML_DECL, "Failed to report missing attribute value"); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #584832. */ static int XMLCALL UnknownEncodingHandler(void *UNUSED_P(data),const XML_Char *encoding,XML_Encoding *info) { if (xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("unsupported-encoding")) == 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) info->map[i] = i; info->data = NULL; info->convert = NULL; info->release = NULL; return XML_STATUS_OK; } return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_internal_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, UnknownEncodingHandler, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test unrecognised encoding handler */ static void dummy_release(void *UNUSED_P(data)) { } static int XMLCALL UnrecognisedEncodingHandler(void *UNUSED_P(data), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(encoding), XML_Encoding *info) { info->data = NULL; info->convert = NULL; info->release = dummy_release; return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_unrecognised_encoding_internal_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, UnrecognisedEncodingHandler, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Unrecognised encoding not rejected"); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #620106. */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_loader(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { ExtTest *test_data = (ExtTest *)XML_GetUserData(parser); XML_Parser extparser; extparser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (extparser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser."); if (test_data->encoding != NULL) { if (!XML_SetEncoding(extparser, test_data->encoding)) fail("XML_SetEncoding() ignored for external entity"); } if ( _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(extparser, test_data->parse_text, (int)strlen(test_data->parse_text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(extparser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } XML_ParserFree(extparser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_set_encoding) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest test_data = { /* This text says it's an unsupported encoding, but it's really UTF-8, which we tell Expat using XML_SetEncoding(). */ "\xC3\xA9", XCS("utf-8"), NULL }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xa9"); #endif XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); run_ext_character_check(text, &test_data, expected); } END_TEST /* Test external entities with no handler */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_no_handler) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); run_character_check(text, XCS("")); } END_TEST /* Test UTF-8 BOM is accepted */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_set_bom) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest test_data = { "\xEF\xBB\xBF" /* BOM */ "" "\xC3\xA9", XCS("utf-8"), NULL }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xa9"); #endif XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); run_ext_character_check(text, &test_data, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that bad encodings are faulted */ typedef struct ext_faults { const char *parse_text; const char *fail_text; const XML_Char *encoding; enum XML_Error error; } ExtFaults; static int XMLCALL external_entity_faulter(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { XML_Parser ext_parser; ExtFaults *fault = (ExtFaults *)XML_GetUserData(parser); ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (fault->encoding != NULL) { if (!XML_SetEncoding(ext_parser, fault->encoding)) fail("XML_SetEncoding failed"); } if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, fault->parse_text, (int)strlen(fault->parse_text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail(fault->fail_text); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != fault->error) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_bad_encoding) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtFaults fault = { "u", "Unsupported encoding not faulted", XCS("unknown"), XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING }; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, &fault); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Bad encoding should not have been accepted"); } END_TEST /* Try handing an invalid encoding to an external entity parser */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_bad_encoding_2) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; ExtFaults fault = { "", "Unknown encoding not faulted", XCS("unknown-encoding"), XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, &fault); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Bad encoding not faulted in external entity handler"); } END_TEST /* Test that no error is reported for unknown entities if we don't read an external subset. This was fixed in Expat 1.95.5. */ START_TEST(test_wfc_undeclared_entity_unread_external_subset) { const char *text = "\n" "&entity;"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test that an error is reported for unknown entities if we don't have an external subset. */ START_TEST(test_wfc_undeclared_entity_no_external_subset) { expect_failure("&entity;", XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, "Parser did not report undefined entity w/out a DTD."); } END_TEST /* Test that an error is reported for unknown entities if we don't read an external subset, but have been declared standalone. */ START_TEST(test_wfc_undeclared_entity_standalone) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, "Parser did not report undefined entity (standalone)."); } END_TEST /* Test that an error is reported for unknown entities if we have read an external subset, and standalone is true. */ START_TEST(test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset_standalone) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, "Parser did not report undefined entity (external DTD)."); } END_TEST /* Test that external entity handling is not done if the parsing flag * is set to UNLESS_STANDALONE */ START_TEST(test_entity_with_external_subset_unless_standalone) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_UNLESS_STANDALONE); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, "Parser did not report undefined entity"); } END_TEST /* Test that no error is reported for unknown entities if we have read an external subset, and standalone is false. */ START_TEST(test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); run_ext_character_check(text, &test_data, XCS("")); } END_TEST /* Test that an error is reported if our NotStandalone handler fails */ static int XMLCALL reject_not_standalone_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData)) { return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_not_standalone_handler_reject) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(parser, reject_not_standalone_handler); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_NOT_STANDALONE, "NotStandalone handler failed to reject"); /* Try again but without external entity handling */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(parser, reject_not_standalone_handler); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_NOT_STANDALONE, "NotStandalone handler failed to reject"); } END_TEST /* Test that no error is reported if our NotStandalone handler succeeds */ static int XMLCALL accept_not_standalone_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData)) { return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_not_standalone_handler_accept) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(parser, accept_not_standalone_handler); run_ext_character_check(text, &test_data, XCS("")); /* Repeat wtihout the external entity handler */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(parser, accept_not_standalone_handler); run_character_check(text, XCS("")); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_wfc_no_recursive_entity_refs) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_RECURSIVE_ENTITY_REF, "Parser did not report recursive entity reference."); } END_TEST /* Test incomplete external entities are faulted */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_invalid_parse) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; const ExtFaults faults[] = { { "<", "Incomplete element declaration not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN }, { "<\xe2\x82", /* First two bytes of a three-byte char */ "Incomplete character not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR }, { "\xe2\x82", "Incomplete character in CDATA not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_ERROR_NONE } }; const ExtFaults *fault = faults; for (; fault->parse_text != NULL; fault++) { XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)fault); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Parser did not report external entity error"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #483514. */ START_TEST(test_dtd_default_handling) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>"; XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_handler); XML_SetEndDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_end_doctype_handler); XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, dummy_entity_decl_handler); XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(parser, dummy_notation_decl_handler); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, dummy_pi_handler); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, dummy_comment_handler); XML_SetStartCdataSectionHandler(parser, dummy_start_cdata_handler); XML_SetEndCdataSectionHandler(parser, dummy_end_cdata_handler); run_character_check(text, XCS("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")); } END_TEST /* Test handling of attribute declarations */ typedef struct AttTest { const char *definition; const XML_Char *element_name; const XML_Char *attr_name; const XML_Char *attr_type; const XML_Char *default_value; int is_required; } AttTest; static void XMLCALL verify_attlist_decl_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *element_name, const XML_Char *attr_name, const XML_Char *attr_type, const XML_Char *default_value, int is_required) { AttTest *at = (AttTest *)userData; if (xcstrcmp(element_name, at->element_name)) fail("Unexpected element name in attribute declaration"); if (xcstrcmp(attr_name, at->attr_name)) fail("Unexpected attribute name in attribute declaration"); if (xcstrcmp(attr_type, at->attr_type)) fail("Unexpected attribute type in attribute declaration"); if ((default_value == NULL && at->default_value != NULL) || (default_value != NULL && at->default_value == NULL) || (default_value != NULL && xcstrcmp(default_value, at->default_value))) fail("Unexpected default value in attribute declaration"); if (is_required != at->is_required) fail("Requirement mismatch in attribute declaration"); } START_TEST(test_dtd_attr_handling) { const char *prolog = "\n"; AttTest attr_data[] = { { "\n" "]>" "", XCS("doc"), XCS("a"), XCS("(one|two|three)"), /* Extraneous spaces will be removed */ NULL, XML_TRUE }, { "\n" "\n" "]>" "", XCS("doc"), XCS("a"), XCS("NOTATION(foo)"), NULL, XML_FALSE }, { "\n" "]>" "", XCS("doc"), XCS("a"), XCS("NOTATION(foo)"), XCS("bar"), XML_FALSE }, { "\n" "]>" "", XCS("doc"), XCS("a"), XCS("CDATA"), #ifdef XML_UNICODE XCS("\x06f2"), #else XCS("\xdb\xb2"), #endif XML_FALSE }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FALSE } }; AttTest *test; for (test = attr_data; test->definition != NULL; test++) { XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, verify_attlist_decl_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, test); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, prolog, (int)strlen(prolog), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, test->definition, (int)strlen(test->definition), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* See related SF bug #673791. When namespace processing is enabled, setting the namespace URI for a prefix is not allowed; this test ensures that it *is* allowed when namespace processing is not enabled. (See Namespaces in XML, section 2.) */ START_TEST(test_empty_ns_without_namespaces) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #824420. Checks that an xmlns:prefix attribute set in an attribute's default value isn't misinterpreted. */ START_TEST(test_ns_in_attribute_default_without_namespaces) { const char *text = "\n" " ]>\n" ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST static const char *long_character_data_text = "" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" ""; static XML_Bool resumable = XML_FALSE; static void clearing_aborting_character_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) { XML_StopParser(parser, resumable); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, NULL); } /* Regression test for SF bug #1515266: missing check of stopped parser in doContext() 'for' loop. */ START_TEST(test_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls) { /* The sample data must be big enough that there are two calls to the character data handler from within the inner "for" loop of the XML_TOK_DATA_CHARS case in doContent(), and the character handler must stop the parser and clear the character data handler. */ const char *text = long_character_data_text; XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, clearing_aborting_character_handler); resumable = XML_FALSE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_ABORTED) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #1515266: missing check of stopped parser in doContext() 'for' loop. */ START_TEST(test_suspend_parser_between_char_data_calls) { /* The sample data must be big enough that there are two calls to the character data handler from within the inner "for" loop of the XML_TOK_DATA_CHARS case in doContent(), and the character handler must stop the parser and clear the character data handler. */ const char *text = long_character_data_text; XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, clearing_aborting_character_handler); resumable = XML_TRUE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NONE) xml_failure(parser); /* Try parsing directly */ if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Attempt to continue parse while suspended not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_SUSPENDED) fail("Suspended parse not faulted with correct error"); } END_TEST static XML_Bool abortable = XML_FALSE; static void parser_stop_character_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) { XML_StopParser(parser, resumable); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, NULL); if (!resumable) { /* Check that aborting an aborted parser is faulted */ if (XML_StopParser(parser, XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Aborting aborted parser not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_FINISHED) xml_failure(parser); } else if (abortable) { /* Check that aborting a suspended parser works */ if (XML_StopParser(parser, XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } else { /* Check that suspending a suspended parser works */ if (XML_StopParser(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Suspending suspended parser not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); } } /* Test repeated calls to XML_StopParser are handled correctly */ START_TEST(test_repeated_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls) { const char *text = long_character_data_text; XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, parser_stop_character_handler); resumable = XML_FALSE; abortable = XML_FALSE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Failed to double-stop parser"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, parser_stop_character_handler); resumable = XML_TRUE; abortable = XML_FALSE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) fail("Failed to double-suspend parser"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, parser_stop_character_handler); resumable = XML_TRUE; abortable = XML_TRUE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Failed to suspend-abort parser"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_good_cdata_ascii) { const char *text = "Hello, world!]]>"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("Hello, world!"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); /* Add start and end handlers for coverage */ XML_SetStartCdataSectionHandler(parser, dummy_start_cdata_handler); XML_SetEndCdataSectionHandler(parser, dummy_end_cdata_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); /* Try again, this time with a default handler */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_good_cdata_utf16) { /* Test data is: * * */ const char text[] = "\0<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0" " \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0" " \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0'\0u\0t\0f\0-\0""1\0""6\0'" "\0?\0>\0\n" "\0<\0a\0>\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0h\0e\0l\0l\0o\0]\0]\0>\0<\0/\0a\0>"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("hello"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text) - 1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_good_cdata_utf16_le) { /* Test data is: * * */ const char text[] = "<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0" " \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0" " \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0'\0u\0t\0f\0-\0""1\0""6\0'" "\0?\0>\0\n" "\0<\0a\0>\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0h\0e\0l\0l\0o\0]\0]\0>\0<\0/\0a\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("hello"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text) - 1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test UTF16 conversion of a long cdata string */ /* 16 characters: handy macro to reduce visual clutter */ #define A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 "\0A\0B\0C\0D\0E\0F\0G\0H\0I\0J\0K\0L\0M\0N\0O\0P" START_TEST(test_long_cdata_utf16) { /* Test data is: * * */ const char text[] = "\0<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0 " "\0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0 " "\0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0'\0u\0t\0f\0-\0\x31\0\x36\0'\0?\0>" "\0<\0a\0>\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[" /* 64 characters per line */ A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 A_TO_P_IN_UTF16 "\0]\0]\0>\0<\0/\0a\0>"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP";) CharData storage; void *buffer; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, sizeof(text) - 1); if (buffer == NULL) fail("Could not allocate parse buffer"); memcpy(buffer, text, sizeof(text) - 1); if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, sizeof(text) - 1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test handling of multiple unit UTF-16 characters */ START_TEST(test_multichar_cdata_utf16) { /* Test data is: * * * * where {MINIM} is U+1d15e (a minim or half-note) * UTF-16: 0xd834 0xdd5e * UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x85 0x9e * and {CROTCHET} is U+1d15f (a crotchet or quarter-note) * UTF-16: 0xd834 0xdd5f * UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x85 0x9f */ const char text[] = "\0<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0" " \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0" " \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0'\0u\0t\0f\0-\0""1\0""6\0'" "\0?\0>\0\n" "\0<\0a\0>\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[" "\xd8\x34\xdd\x5e\xd8\x34\xdd\x5f" "\0]\0]\0>\0<\0/\0a\0>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xd834\xdd5e\xd834\xdd5f"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xf0\x9d\x85\x9e\xf0\x9d\x85\x9f"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text) - 1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that an element name with a UTF-16 surrogate pair is rejected */ START_TEST(test_utf16_bad_surrogate_pair) { /* Test data is: * * * * where {BADLINB} is U+10000 (the first Linear B character) * with the UTF-16 surrogate pair in the wrong order, i.e. * 0xdc00 0xd800 */ const char text[] = "\0<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0" " \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0" " \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0'\0u\0t\0f\0-\0""1\0""6\0'" "\0?\0>\0\n" "\0<\0a\0>\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[" "\xdc\x00\xd8\x00" "\0]\0]\0>\0<\0/\0a\0>"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text) - 1, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Reversed UTF-16 surrogate pair not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_cdata) { struct CaseData { const char *text; enum XML_Error expectedError; }; struct CaseData cases[] = { {"<", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {"", XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN}, {"", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, /* ?! */ {"", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, /* ?! */ {"", XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN}, {"", XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN}, {"", XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN}, {"", XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN}, {"", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION}, {"", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION}, {"", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION} }; size_t i = 0; for (; i < sizeof(cases) / sizeof(struct CaseData); i++) { const enum XML_Status actualStatus = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES( parser, cases[i].text, (int)strlen(cases[i].text), XML_TRUE); const enum XML_Error actualError = XML_GetErrorCode(parser); assert(actualStatus == XML_STATUS_ERROR); if (actualError != cases[i].expectedError) { char message[100]; sprintf(message, "Expected error %d but got error %d for case %u: \"%s\"\n", cases[i].expectedError, actualError, (unsigned int)i + 1, cases[i].text); fail(message); } XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* Test failures in UTF-16 CDATA */ START_TEST(test_bad_cdata_utf16) { struct CaseData { size_t text_bytes; const char *text; enum XML_Error expected_error; }; const char prolog[] = "\0<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0" " \0v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0" " \0e\0n\0c\0o\0d\0i\0n\0g\0=\0'\0u\0t\0f\0-\0""1\0""6\0'" "\0?\0>\0\n" "\0<\0a\0>"; struct CaseData cases[] = { {1, "\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {2, "\0<", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {3, "\0<\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {4, "\0<\0!", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {5, "\0<\0!\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {6, "\0<\0!\0[", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {7, "\0<\0!\0[\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {8, "\0<\0!\0[\0C", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {9, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {10, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {11, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {12, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {13, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {14, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {15, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {16, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {17, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN}, {18, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION}, {19, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION}, {20, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0Z", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION}, /* Now add a four-byte UTF-16 character */ {21, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0Z\xd8", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION}, {22, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0Z\xd8\x34", XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR}, {23, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0Z\xd8\x34\xdd", XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR}, {24, "\0<\0!\0[\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0[\0Z\xd8\x34\xdd\x5e", XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_CDATA_SECTION} }; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cases)/sizeof(struct CaseData); i++) { enum XML_Status actual_status; enum XML_Error actual_error; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, prolog, (int)sizeof(prolog)-1, XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); actual_status = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, cases[i].text, (int)cases[i].text_bytes, XML_TRUE); assert(actual_status == XML_STATUS_ERROR); actual_error = XML_GetErrorCode(parser); if (actual_error != cases[i].expected_error) { char message[1024]; sprintf(message, "Expected error %d (%" XML_FMT_STR "), got %d (%" XML_FMT_STR ") for case %lu\n", cases[i].expected_error, XML_ErrorString(cases[i].expected_error), actual_error, XML_ErrorString(actual_error), (long unsigned)(i+1)); fail(message); } XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST static const char *long_cdata_text = ""; /* Test stopping the parser in cdata handler */ START_TEST(test_stop_parser_between_cdata_calls) { const char *text = long_cdata_text; XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, clearing_aborting_character_handler); resumable = XML_FALSE; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_ABORTED, "Parse not aborted in CDATA handler"); } END_TEST /* Test suspending the parser in cdata handler */ START_TEST(test_suspend_parser_between_cdata_calls) { const char *text = long_cdata_text; enum XML_Status result; XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, clearing_aborting_character_handler); resumable = XML_TRUE; result = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); if (result != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) { if (result == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); fail("Parse not suspended in CDATA handler"); } if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NONE) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test memory allocation functions */ START_TEST(test_memory_allocation) { char *buffer = (char *)XML_MemMalloc(parser, 256); char *p; if (buffer == NULL) { fail("Allocation failed"); } else { /* Try writing to memory; some OSes try to cheat! */ buffer[0] = 'T'; buffer[1] = 'E'; buffer[2] = 'S'; buffer[3] = 'T'; buffer[4] = '\0'; if (strcmp(buffer, "TEST") != 0) { fail("Memory not writable"); } else { p = (char *)XML_MemRealloc(parser, buffer, 512); if (p == NULL) { fail("Reallocation failed"); } else { /* Write again, just to be sure */ buffer = p; buffer[0] = 'V'; if (strcmp(buffer, "VEST") != 0) { fail("Reallocated memory not writable"); } } } XML_MemFree(parser, buffer); } } END_TEST static void XMLCALL record_default_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, XCS("D"), 1); } static void XMLCALL record_cdata_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, XCS("C"), 1); XML_DefaultCurrent(parser); } static void XMLCALL record_cdata_nodefault_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int UNUSED_P(len)) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, XCS("c"), 1); } static void XMLCALL record_skip_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(entityName), int is_parameter_entity) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, is_parameter_entity ? XCS("E") : XCS("e"), 1); } /* Test XML_DefaultCurrent() passes handling on correctly */ START_TEST(test_default_current) { const char *text = "hell]"; const char *entity_text = "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; CharData storage; XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, record_default_handler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, record_cdata_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("DCDCDCDCDCDD")); /* Again, without the defaulting */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, record_default_handler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, record_cdata_nodefault_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("DcccccD")); /* Now with an internal entity to complicate matters */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, record_default_handler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, record_cdata_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, entity_text, (int)strlen(entity_text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* The default handler suppresses the entity */ CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD")); /* Again, with a skip handler */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, record_default_handler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, record_cdata_handler); XML_SetSkippedEntityHandler(parser, record_skip_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, entity_text, (int)strlen(entity_text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* The default handler suppresses the entity */ CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDeD")); /* This time, allow the entity through */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandlerExpand(parser, record_default_handler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, record_cdata_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, entity_text, (int)strlen(entity_text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDCDD")); /* Finally, without passing the cdata to the default handler */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandlerExpand(parser, record_default_handler); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, record_cdata_nodefault_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, entity_text, (int)strlen(entity_text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDcD")); } END_TEST /* Test DTD element parsing code paths */ START_TEST(test_dtd_elements) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "Wombats are go"; XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test foreign DTD handling */ START_TEST(test_set_foreign_dtd) { const char *text1 = "\n"; const char *text2 = "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; /* Check hash salt is passed through too */ XML_SetHashSalt(parser, 0x12345678); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); /* Add a default handler to exercise more code paths */ XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); if (XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_ERROR_NONE) fail("Could not set foreign DTD"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Ensure that trying to set the DTD after parsing has started * is faulted, even if it's the same setting. */ if (XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_ERROR_CANT_CHANGE_FEATURE_ONCE_PARSING) fail("Failed to reject late foreign DTD setting"); /* Ditto for the hash salt */ if (XML_SetHashSalt(parser, 0x23456789)) fail("Failed to reject late hash salt change"); /* Now finish the parse */ if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test foreign DTD handling with a failing NotStandalone handler */ START_TEST(test_foreign_dtd_not_standalone) { const char *text = "\n" "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(parser, reject_not_standalone_handler); if (XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_ERROR_NONE) fail("Could not set foreign DTD"); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_NOT_STANDALONE, "NotStandalonehandler failed to reject"); } END_TEST /* Test invalid character in a foreign DTD is faulted */ START_TEST(test_invalid_foreign_dtd) { const char *text = "\n" "&entity;"; ExtFaults test_data = { "$", "Dollar not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN }; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Bad DTD should not have been accepted"); } END_TEST /* Test foreign DTD use with a doctype */ START_TEST(test_foreign_dtd_with_doctype) { const char *text1 = "\n" "]>\n"; const char *text2 = "&entity;"; ExtTest test_data = { "", NULL, NULL }; /* Check hash salt is passed through too */ XML_SetHashSalt(parser, 0x12345678); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); /* Add a default handler to exercise more code paths */ XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); if (XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_ERROR_NONE) fail("Could not set foreign DTD"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Ensure that trying to set the DTD after parsing has started * is faulted, even if it's the same setting. */ if (XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_ERROR_CANT_CHANGE_FEATURE_ONCE_PARSING) fail("Failed to reject late foreign DTD setting"); /* Ditto for the hash salt */ if (XML_SetHashSalt(parser, 0x23456789)) fail("Failed to reject late hash salt change"); /* Now finish the parse */ if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test XML_UseForeignDTD with no external subset present */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_null_loader(XML_Parser UNUSED_P(parser), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(context), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_foreign_dtd_without_external_subset) { const char *text = "]>\n" "&foo;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, NULL); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_null_loader); XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_empty_foreign_dtd) { const char *text = "\n" "&entity;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_null_loader); XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, "Undefined entity not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test XML Base is set and unset appropriately */ START_TEST(test_set_base) { const XML_Char *old_base; const XML_Char *new_base = XCS("/local/file/name.xml"); old_base = XML_GetBase(parser); if (XML_SetBase(parser, new_base) != XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Unable to set base"); if (xcstrcmp(XML_GetBase(parser), new_base) != 0) fail("Base setting not correct"); if (XML_SetBase(parser, NULL) != XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Unable to NULL base"); if (XML_GetBase(parser) != NULL) fail("Base setting not nulled"); XML_SetBase(parser, old_base); } END_TEST /* Test attribute counts, indexing, etc */ typedef struct attrInfo { const XML_Char *name; const XML_Char *value; } AttrInfo; typedef struct elementInfo { const XML_Char *name; int attr_count; const XML_Char *id_name; AttrInfo *attributes; } ElementInfo; static void XMLCALL counting_start_element_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **atts) { ElementInfo *info = (ElementInfo *)userData; AttrInfo *attr; int count, id, i; while (info->name != NULL) { if (!xcstrcmp(name, info->name)) break; info++; } if (info->name == NULL) fail("Element not recognised"); /* The attribute count is twice what you might expect. It is a * count of items in atts, an array which contains alternating * attribute names and attribute values. For the naive user this * is possibly a little unexpected, but it is what the * documentation in expat.h tells us to expect. */ count = XML_GetSpecifiedAttributeCount(parser); if (info->attr_count * 2 != count) { fail("Not got expected attribute count"); return; } id = XML_GetIdAttributeIndex(parser); if (id == -1 && info->id_name != NULL) { fail("ID not present"); return; } if (id != -1 && xcstrcmp(atts[id], info->id_name)) { fail("ID does not have the correct name"); return; } for (i = 0; i < info->attr_count; i++) { attr = info->attributes; while (attr->name != NULL) { if (!xcstrcmp(atts[0], attr->name)) break; attr++; } if (attr->name == NULL) { fail("Attribute not recognised"); return; } if (xcstrcmp(atts[1], attr->value)) { fail("Attribute has wrong value"); return; } /* Remember, two entries in atts per attribute (see above) */ atts += 2; } } START_TEST(test_attributes) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>" "" "" ""; AttrInfo doc_info[] = { { XCS("a"), XCS("1") }, { XCS("b"), XCS("2") }, { XCS("id"), XCS("one") }, { NULL, NULL } }; AttrInfo tag_info[] = { { XCS("c"), XCS("3") }, { NULL, NULL } }; ElementInfo info[] = { { XCS("doc"), 3, XCS("id"), NULL }, { XCS("tag"), 1, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; info[0].attributes = doc_info; info[1].attributes = tag_info; XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, counting_start_element_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, info); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test reset works correctly in the middle of processing an internal * entity. Exercises some obscure code in XML_ParserReset(). */ START_TEST(test_reset_in_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; XML_ParsingStatus status; resumable = XML_TRUE; XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, clearing_aborting_character_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); XML_GetParsingStatus(parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_SUSPENDED) fail("Parsing status not SUSPENDED"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_GetParsingStatus(parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_INITIALIZED) fail("Parsing status doesn't reset to INITIALIZED"); } END_TEST /* Test that resume correctly passes through parse errors */ START_TEST(test_resume_invalid_parse) { const char *text = "Hello"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test resetting a subordinate parser does exactly nothing */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_resetter(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; XML_ParsingStatus status; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_GetParsingStatus(ext_parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_INITIALIZED) { fail("Parsing status is not INITIALIZED"); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } XML_GetParsingStatus(ext_parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_FINISHED) { fail("Parsing status is not FINISHED"); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } /* Check we can't parse here */ if (XML_Parse(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Parsing when finished not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_FINISHED) fail("Parsing when finished faulted with wrong code"); XML_ParserReset(ext_parser, NULL); XML_GetParsingStatus(ext_parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_FINISHED) { fail("Parsing status not still FINISHED"); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_subordinate_reset) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_resetter); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test suspending a subordinate parser */ static void XMLCALL entity_suspending_decl_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), XML_Content *model) { XML_Parser ext_parser = (XML_Parser)userData; if (XML_StopParser(ext_parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Attempting to suspend a subordinate parser not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_SUSPEND_PE) fail("Suspending subordinate parser get wrong code"); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(ext_parser, NULL); XML_FreeContentModel(parser, model); } static int XMLCALL external_entity_suspender(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(ext_parser, entity_suspending_decl_handler); XML_SetUserData(ext_parser, ext_parser); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_subordinate_suspend) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_suspender); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test suspending a subordinate parser from an XML declaration */ /* Increases code coverage of the tests */ static void XMLCALL entity_suspending_xdecl_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(version), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(encoding), int UNUSED_P(standalone)) { XML_Parser ext_parser = (XML_Parser)userData; XML_StopParser(ext_parser, resumable); XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(ext_parser, NULL); } static int XMLCALL external_entity_suspend_xmldecl(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; XML_ParsingStatus status; enum XML_Status rc; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(ext_parser, entity_suspending_xdecl_handler); XML_SetUserData(ext_parser, ext_parser); rc = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); XML_GetParsingStatus(ext_parser, &status); if (resumable) { if (rc == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); if (status.parsing != XML_SUSPENDED) fail("Ext Parsing status not SUSPENDED"); } else { if (rc != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Ext parsing not aborted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_ABORTED) xml_failure(ext_parser); if (status.parsing != XML_FINISHED) fail("Ext Parsing status not FINISHED"); } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_subordinate_xdecl_suspend) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_suspend_xmldecl); resumable = XML_TRUE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_subordinate_xdecl_abort) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_suspend_xmldecl); resumable = XML_FALSE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test external entity fault handling with suspension */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_suspending_faulter(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { XML_Parser ext_parser; ExtFaults *fault = (ExtFaults *)XML_GetUserData(parser); void *buffer; int parse_len = (int)strlen(fault->parse_text); ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(ext_parser, entity_suspending_xdecl_handler); XML_SetUserData(ext_parser, ext_parser); resumable = XML_TRUE; buffer = XML_GetBuffer(ext_parser, parse_len); if (buffer == NULL) fail("Could not allocate parse buffer"); memcpy(buffer, fault->parse_text, parse_len); if (XML_ParseBuffer(ext_parser, parse_len, XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) fail("XML declaration did not suspend"); if (XML_ResumeParser(ext_parser) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(ext_parser); if (XML_ParseBuffer(ext_parser, 0, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail(fault->fail_text); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != fault->error) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_invalid_suspended_parse) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtFaults faults[] = { { "<", "Incomplete element declaration not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN }, { /* First two bytes of a three-byte char */ "\xe2\x82", "Incomplete character not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_ERROR_NONE } }; ExtFaults *fault; for (fault = &faults[0]; fault->parse_text != NULL; fault++) { XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_suspending_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, fault); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Parser did not report external entity error"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* Test setting an explicit encoding */ START_TEST(test_explicit_encoding) { const char *text1 = "Hello "; const char *text2 = " World"; /* Just check that we can set the encoding to NULL before starting */ if (XML_SetEncoding(parser, NULL) != XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to initialise encoding to NULL"); /* Say we are UTF-8 */ if (XML_SetEncoding(parser, XCS("utf-8")) != XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to set explicit encoding"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Try to switch encodings mid-parse */ if (XML_SetEncoding(parser, XCS("us-ascii")) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Allowed encoding change"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Try now the parse is over */ if (XML_SetEncoding(parser, NULL) != XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to unset encoding"); } END_TEST /* Test handling of trailing CR (rather than newline) */ static void XMLCALL cr_cdata_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { int *pfound = (int *)userData; /* Internal processing turns the CR into a newline for the * character data handler, but not for the default handler */ if (len == 1 && (*s == XCS('\n') || *s == XCS('\r'))) *pfound = 1; } START_TEST(test_trailing_cr) { const char *text = "\r"; int found_cr; /* Try with a character handler, for code coverage */ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, cr_cdata_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_cr); found_cr = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to fault unclosed doc"); if (found_cr == 0) fail("Did not catch the carriage return"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); /* Now with a default handler instead */ XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, cr_cdata_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_cr); found_cr = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to fault unclosed doc"); if (found_cr == 0) fail("Did not catch default carriage return"); } END_TEST /* Test trailing CR in an external entity parse */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_cr_catcher(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "\r"; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(ext_parser, cr_cdata_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } static int XMLCALL external_entity_bad_cr_catcher(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "\r"; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(ext_parser, cr_cdata_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Async entity error not caught"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_ASYNC_ENTITY) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_trailing_cr) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; int found_cr; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_cr_catcher); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_cr); found_cr = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); if (found_cr == 0) fail("No carriage return found"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); /* Try again with a different trailing CR */ XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_bad_cr_catcher); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_cr); found_cr = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); if (found_cr == 0) fail("No carriage return found"); } END_TEST /* Test handling of trailing square bracket */ static void XMLCALL rsqb_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { int *pfound = (int *)userData; if (len == 1 && *s == XCS(']')) *pfound = 1; } START_TEST(test_trailing_rsqb) { const char *text8 = "]"; const char text16[] = "\xFF\xFE<\000d\000o\000c\000>\000]\000"; int found_rsqb; int text8_len = (int)strlen(text8); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, rsqb_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_rsqb); found_rsqb = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text8, text8_len, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to fault unclosed doc"); if (found_rsqb == 0) fail("Did not catch the right square bracket"); /* Try again with a different encoding */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, rsqb_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_rsqb); found_rsqb = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text16, (int)sizeof(text16)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to fault unclosed doc"); if (found_rsqb == 0) fail("Did not catch the right square bracket"); /* And finally with a default handler */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, rsqb_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_rsqb); found_rsqb = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text16, (int)sizeof(text16)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Failed to fault unclosed doc"); if (found_rsqb == 0) fail("Did not catch the right square bracket"); } END_TEST /* Test trailing right square bracket in an external entity parse */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_rsqb_catcher(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "]"; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(ext_parser, rsqb_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Async entity error not caught"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_ASYNC_ENTITY) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_trailing_rsqb) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; int found_rsqb; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_rsqb_catcher); XML_SetUserData(parser, &found_rsqb); found_rsqb = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); if (found_rsqb == 0) fail("No right square bracket found"); } END_TEST /* Test CDATA handling in an external entity */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_good_cdata_ascii(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "Hello, world!]]>"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("Hello, world!"); CharData storage; XML_Parser ext_parser; CharData_Init(&storage); ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); XML_SetUserData(ext_parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(ext_parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_good_cdata) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_good_cdata_ascii); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test user parameter settings */ /* Variable holding the expected handler userData */ static void *handler_data = NULL; /* Count of the number of times the comment handler has been invoked */ static int comment_count = 0; /* Count of the number of skipped entities */ static int skip_count = 0; /* Count of the number of times the XML declaration handler is invoked */ static int xdecl_count = 0; static void XMLCALL xml_decl_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(version), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(encoding), int standalone) { if (userData != handler_data) fail("User data (xml decl) not correctly set"); if (standalone != -1) fail("Standalone not flagged as not present in XML decl"); xdecl_count++; } static void XMLCALL param_check_skip_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(entityName), int UNUSED_P(is_parameter_entity)) { if (userData != handler_data) fail("User data (skip) not correctly set"); skip_count++; } static void XMLCALL data_check_comment_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(data)) { /* Check that the userData passed through is what we expect */ if (userData != handler_data) fail("User data (parser) not correctly set"); /* Check that the user data in the parser is appropriate */ if (XML_GetUserData(userData) != (void *)1) fail("User data in parser not correctly set"); comment_count++; } static int XMLCALL external_entity_param_checker(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "\n" ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); handler_data = ext_parser; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } handler_data = parser; XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_user_parameters) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; const char *epilog = "\n" ""; comment_count = 0; skip_count = 0; xdecl_count = 0; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(parser, xml_decl_handler); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_param_checker); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, data_check_comment_handler); XML_SetSkippedEntityHandler(parser, param_check_skip_handler); XML_UseParserAsHandlerArg(parser); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)1); handler_data = parser; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (comment_count != 2) fail("Comment handler not invoked enough times"); /* Ensure we can't change policy mid-parse */ if (XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_NEVER)) fail("Changed param entity parsing policy while parsing"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, epilog, (int)strlen(epilog), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (comment_count != 3) fail("Comment handler not invoked enough times"); if (skip_count != 1) fail("Skip handler not invoked enough times"); if (xdecl_count != 1) fail("XML declaration handler not invoked"); } END_TEST /* Test that an explicit external entity handler argument replaces * the parser as the first argument. * * We do not call the first parameter to the external entity handler * 'parser' for once, since the first time the handler is called it * will actually be a text string. We need to be able to access the * global 'parser' variable to create our external entity parser from, * since there are code paths we need to ensure get executed. */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_ref_param_checker(XML_Parser parameter, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; if ((void *)parameter != handler_data) fail("External entity ref handler parameter not correct"); /* Here we use the global 'parser' variable */ ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_ref_parameter) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_ref_param_checker); /* Set a handler arg that is not NULL and not parser (which is * what NULL would cause to be passed. */ XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandlerArg(parser, (void *)text); handler_data = (void *)text; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Now try again with unset args */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_ref_param_checker); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandlerArg(parser, NULL); handler_data = (void *)parser; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test the parsing of an empty string */ START_TEST(test_empty_parse) { const char *text = ""; const char *partial = ""; if (XML_Parse(parser, NULL, 0, XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Parsing empty string faulted"); if (XML_Parse(parser, NULL, 0, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Parsing final empty string not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NO_ELEMENTS) fail("Parsing final empty string faulted for wrong reason"); /* Now try with valid text before the empty end */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_Parse(parser, NULL, 0, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Parsing final empty string faulted"); /* Now try with invalid text before the empty end */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, partial, (int)strlen(partial), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_Parse(parser, NULL, 0, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Parsing final incomplete empty string not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test odd corners of the XML_GetBuffer interface */ static enum XML_Status get_feature(enum XML_FeatureEnum feature_id, long *presult) { const XML_Feature *feature = XML_GetFeatureList(); if (feature == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; for (; feature->feature != XML_FEATURE_END; feature++) { if (feature->feature == feature_id) { *presult = feature->value; return XML_STATUS_OK; } } return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } /* Having an element name longer than 1024 characters exercises some * of the pool allocation code in the parser that otherwise does not * get executed. The count at the end of the line is the number of * characters (bytes) in the element name by that point.x */ static const char *get_buffer_test_text = "\n" START_TEST(test_byte_info_at_error) { const char *text = PRE_ERROR_STR POST_ERROR_STR; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Syntax error not faulted"); if (XML_GetCurrentByteCount(parser) != 0) fail("Error byte count incorrect"); if (XML_GetCurrentByteIndex(parser) != strlen(PRE_ERROR_STR)) fail("Error byte index incorrect"); } END_TEST #undef PRE_ERROR_STR #undef POST_ERROR_STR /* Test position information in handler */ typedef struct ByteTestData { int start_element_len; int cdata_len; int total_string_len; } ByteTestData; static void byte_character_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s), int len) { #ifdef XML_CONTEXT_BYTES int offset, size; const char *buffer; ByteTestData *data = (ByteTestData *)userData; buffer = XML_GetInputContext(parser, &offset, &size); if (buffer == NULL) fail("Failed to get context buffer"); if (offset != data->start_element_len) fail("Context offset in unexpected position"); if (len != data->cdata_len) fail("CDATA length reported incorrectly"); if (size != data->total_string_len) fail("Context size is not full buffer"); if (XML_GetCurrentByteIndex(parser) != offset) fail("Character byte index incorrect"); if (XML_GetCurrentByteCount(parser) != len) fail("Character byte count incorrect"); #else (void)userData; (void)len; #endif } #define START_ELEMENT "" #define CDATA_TEXT "Hello" #define END_ELEMENT "" START_TEST(test_byte_info_at_cdata) { const char *text = START_ELEMENT CDATA_TEXT END_ELEMENT; int offset, size; ByteTestData data; /* Check initial context is empty */ if (XML_GetInputContext(parser, &offset, &size) != NULL) fail("Unexpected context at start of parse"); data.start_element_len = (int)strlen(START_ELEMENT); data.cdata_len = (int)strlen(CDATA_TEXT); data.total_string_len = (int)strlen(text); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, byte_character_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &data); if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST #undef START_ELEMENT #undef CDATA_TEXT #undef END_ELEMENT /* Test predefined entities are correctly recognised */ START_TEST(test_predefined_entities) { const char *text = "<>&"'"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("<>&"'"); const XML_Char *result = XCS("<>&\"'"); CharData storage; XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); /* run_character_check uses XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), which * unfortunately heads off a code path that we need to exercise. */ CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* The default handler doesn't translate the entities */ CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); /* Now try again and check the translation */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); run_character_check(text, result); } END_TEST /* Regression test that an invalid tag in an external parameter * reference in an external DTD is correctly faulted. * * Only a few specific tags are legal in DTDs ignoring comments and * processing instructions, all of which begin with an exclamation * mark. "" is not one of them, so the parser should raise an * error on encountering it. */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_param(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text1 = "\n" "\n" "\n" "%e1;\n"; const char *text2 = "\n" "\n"; XML_Parser ext_parser; if (systemId == NULL) return XML_STATUS_OK; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("004-1.ent"))) { if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Inner DTD with invalid tag not rejected"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING) xml_failure(ext_parser); } else if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("004-2.ent"))) { if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Invalid tag in external param not rejected"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_SYNTAX) xml_failure(ext_parser); } else { fail("Unknown system ID"); } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_invalid_tag_in_dtd) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_param); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Invalid tag IN DTD external param not rejected"); } END_TEST /* Test entities not quite the predefined ones are not mis-recognised */ START_TEST(test_not_predefined_entities) { const char *text[] = { "&pt;", "&amo;", "&quid;", "&apod;", NULL }; int i = 0; while (text[i] != NULL) { expect_failure(text[i], XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY, "Undefined entity not rejected"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); i++; } } END_TEST /* Test conditional inclusion (IGNORE) */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_load_ignore(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "]]>"; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ignore_section) { const char *text = "\n" "&entity;"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("]]>\n&entity;"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_load_ignore); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_handler); XML_SetEndDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_end_doctype_handler); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, dummy_start_element); XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, dummy_end_element); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_load_ignore_utf16(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char text[] = /* ]]> */ "<\0!\0[\0I\0G\0N\0O\0R\0E\0[\0" "<\0!\0E\0L\0E\0M\0E\0N\0T\0 \0e\0 \0" "(\0#\0P\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0)\0*\0>\0]\0]\0>\0"; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ignore_section_utf16) { const char text[] = /* */ "<\0!\0D\0O\0C\0T\0Y\0P\0E\0 \0d\0 " "\0S\0Y\0S\0T\0E\0M\0 \0'\0s\0'\0>\0\n\0" /* &en; */ "<\0d\0>\0<\0e\0>\0&\0e\0n\0;\0<\0/\0e\0>\0<\0/\0d\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("]]>\n&en;"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_load_ignore_utf16); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_handler); XML_SetEndDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_end_doctype_handler); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, dummy_start_element); XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, dummy_end_element); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_load_ignore_utf16_be(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char text[] = /* ]]> */ "\0<\0!\0[\0I\0G\0N\0O\0R\0E\0[" "\0<\0!\0E\0L\0E\0M\0E\0N\0T\0 \0e\0 " "\0(\0#\0P\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0)\0*\0>\0]\0]\0>"; XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ignore_section_utf16_be) { const char text[] = /* */ "\0<\0!\0D\0O\0C\0T\0Y\0P\0E\0 \0d\0 " "\0S\0Y\0S\0T\0E\0M\0 \0'\0s\0'\0>\0\n" /* &en; */ "\0<\0d\0>\0<\0e\0>\0&\0e\0n\0;\0<\0/\0e\0>\0<\0/\0d\0>"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("]]>\n&en;"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_load_ignore_utf16_be); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_handler); XML_SetEndDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_end_doctype_handler); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, dummy_start_element); XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, dummy_end_element); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test mis-formatted conditional exclusion */ START_TEST(test_bad_ignore_section) { const char *text = "\n" "&entity;"; ExtFaults faults[] = { { "", "Invalid XML character not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN }, { /* FIrst two bytes of a three-byte char */ "parse_text != NULL; fault++) { XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, fault); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Incomplete IGNORE section not failed"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* Test recursive parsing */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_valuer(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text1 = "\n" "\n" "\n" "%e1;\n"; XML_Parser ext_parser; if (systemId == NULL) return XML_STATUS_OK; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("004-1.ent"))) { if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); } else if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("004-2.ent"))) { ExtFaults *fault = (ExtFaults *)XML_GetUserData(parser); enum XML_Status status; enum XML_Error error; status = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, fault->parse_text, (int)strlen(fault->parse_text), XML_TRUE); if (fault->error == XML_ERROR_NONE) { if (status == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); } else { if (status != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail(fault->fail_text); error = XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser); if (error != fault->error && (fault->error != XML_ERROR_XML_DECL || error != XML_ERROR_TEXT_DECL)) xml_failure(ext_parser); } } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_external_entity_values) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; ExtFaults data_004_2[] = { { "", NULL, NULL, XML_ERROR_NONE }, { "", "Invalid token not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN }, { "'wombat", "Unterminated string not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN }, { "\xe2\x82", "Partial UTF-8 character not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR }, { "\n", NULL, NULL, XML_ERROR_NONE }, { "", "Malformed XML declaration not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_XML_DECL }, { /* UTF-8 BOM */ "\xEF\xBB\xBF", NULL, NULL, XML_ERROR_NONE }, { "\n$", "Invalid token after text declaration not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN }, { "\n'wombat", "Unterminated string after text decl not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN }, { "\n\xe2\x82", "Partial UTF-8 character after text decl not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR }, { "%e1;", "Recursive parameter entity not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_RECURSIVE_ENTITY_REF }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_ERROR_NONE } }; int i; for (i = 0; data_004_2[i].parse_text != NULL; i++) { XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_valuer); XML_SetUserData(parser, &data_004_2[i]); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); } } END_TEST /* Test the recursive parse interacts with a not standalone handler */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_not_standalone(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text1 = "\n" "\n" "%e1;\n"; const char *text2 = ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; if (systemId == NULL) return XML_STATUS_OK; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("foo"))) { XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(ext_parser, reject_not_standalone_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Expected not standalone rejection"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_NOT_STANDALONE) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(ext_parser, NULL); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } else if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("bar"))) { if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_not_standalone) { const char *text = "\n" ""; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_not_standalone); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Standalone rejection not caught"); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_value_aborter(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text1 = "\n" "\n" "\n" "%e1;\n"; const char *text2 = ""; XML_Parser ext_parser; if (systemId == NULL) return XML_STATUS_OK; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("004-1.ent"))) { if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); } if (!xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("004-2.ent"))) { XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(ext_parser, entity_suspending_xdecl_handler); XML_SetUserData(ext_parser, ext_parser); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Aborted parse not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(ext_parser) != XML_ERROR_ABORTED) xml_failure(ext_parser); } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_value_abort) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_value_aborter); resumable = XML_FALSE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_public_doctype) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" ""; /* Setting a handler provokes a particular code path */ XML_SetDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_handler, dummy_end_doctype_handler); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_PUBLICID, "Bad Public ID not failed"); } END_TEST /* Test based on ibm/valid/P32/ibm32v04.xml */ START_TEST(test_attribute_enum_value) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "This is a \n \n\nyellow tiger"; ExtTest dtd_data = { "\n" "\n" "", NULL, NULL }; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("This is a \n \n\nyellow tiger"); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); XML_SetUserData(parser, &dtd_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); /* An attribute list handler provokes a different code path */ XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); run_ext_character_check(text, &dtd_data, expected); } END_TEST /* Slightly bizarrely, the library seems to silently ignore entity * definitions for predefined entities, even when they are wrong. The * language of the XML 1.0 spec is somewhat unhelpful as to what ought * to happen, so this is currently treated as acceptable. */ START_TEST(test_predefined_entity_redefinition) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "'"; run_character_check(text, XCS("'")); } END_TEST /* Test that the parser stops processing the DTD after an unresolved * parameter entity is encountered. */ START_TEST(test_dtd_stop_processing) { const char *text = "\n" "]>"; XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, dummy_entity_decl_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (dummy_handler_flags != 0) fail("DTD processing still going after undefined PE"); } END_TEST /* Test public notations with no system ID */ START_TEST(test_public_notation_no_sysid) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n"; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(parser, dummy_notation_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Notation declaration handler not called"); } END_TEST static void XMLCALL record_element_start_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **UNUSED_P(atts)) { CharData_AppendXMLChars((CharData *)userData, name, (int)xcstrlen(name)); } START_TEST(test_nested_groups) { const char *text = "\n" "" "]>\n" ""; CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, record_element_start_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("doce")); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Element handler not fired"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_group_choice) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "\n" "This is a foo\n" "\n" "\n"; XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Element handler flag not raised"); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_public(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *publicId) { const char *text1 = (const char *)XML_GetUserData(parser); const char *text2 = ""; const char *text = NULL; XML_Parser ext_parser; int parse_res; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; if (systemId != NULL && !xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("http://example.org/"))) { text = text1; } else if (publicId != NULL && !xcstrcmp(publicId, XCS("foo"))) { text = text2; } else fail("Unexpected parameters to external entity parser"); parse_res = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return parse_res; } START_TEST(test_standalone_parameter_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "'>\n" "%entity;\n" "]>\n" ""; char dtd_data[] = "\n"; XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_public); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test skipping of parameter entity in an external DTD */ /* Derived from ibm/invalid/P69/ibm69i01.xml */ START_TEST(test_skipped_parameter_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" ""; ExtTest dtd_data = { "%pe2;", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); XML_SetUserData(parser, &dtd_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetSkippedEntityHandler(parser, dummy_skip_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_SKIP_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Skip handler not executed"); } END_TEST /* Test recursive parameter entity definition rejected in external DTD */ START_TEST(test_recursive_external_parameter_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" ""; ExtFaults dtd_data = { "\n%pe2;", "Recursive external parameter entity not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_RECURSIVE_ENTITY_REF }; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, &dtd_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Recursive external parameter not spotted"); } END_TEST /* Test undefined parameter entity in external entity handler */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_devaluer(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *systemId, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "%e1;\n"; XML_Parser ext_parser; intptr_t clear_handler = (intptr_t)XML_GetUserData(parser); if (systemId == NULL || !xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("bar"))) return XML_STATUS_OK; if (xcstrcmp(systemId, XCS("foo"))) fail("Unexpected system ID"); ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could note create external entity parser"); if (clear_handler) XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(ext_parser, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(ext_parser); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_undefined_ext_entity_in_external_dtd) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_devaluer); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)(intptr_t)XML_FALSE); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Now repeat without the external entity ref handler invoking * another copy of itself. */ XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_devaluer); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)(intptr_t)XML_TRUE); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST static void XMLCALL aborting_xdecl_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(version), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(encoding), int UNUSED_P(standalone)) { XML_StopParser(parser, resumable); XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(parser, NULL); } /* Test suspending the parse on receiving an XML declaration works */ START_TEST(test_suspend_xdecl) { const char *text = long_character_data_text; XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(parser, aborting_xdecl_handler); resumable = XML_TRUE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NONE) xml_failure(parser); /* Attempt to start a new parse while suspended */ if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Attempt to parse while suspended not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_SUSPENDED) fail("Suspended parse not faulted with correct error"); } END_TEST /* Test aborting the parse in an epilog works */ static void XMLCALL selective_aborting_default_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { const XML_Char *match = (const XML_Char *)userData; if (match == NULL || (xcstrlen(match) == (unsigned)len && !xcstrncmp(match, s, len))) { XML_StopParser(parser, resumable); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, NULL); } } START_TEST(test_abort_epilog) { const char *text = "\n\r\n"; XML_Char match[] = XCS("\r"); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, selective_aborting_default_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, match); resumable = XML_FALSE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Abort not triggered"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_ABORTED) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test a different code path for abort in the epilog */ START_TEST(test_abort_epilog_2) { const char *text = "\n"; XML_Char match[] = XCS("\n"); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, selective_aborting_default_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, match); resumable = XML_FALSE; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_ABORTED, "Abort not triggered"); } END_TEST /* Test suspension from the epilog */ START_TEST(test_suspend_epilog) { const char *text = "\n"; XML_Char match[] = XCS("\n"); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, selective_aborting_default_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, match); resumable = XML_TRUE; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST static void XMLCALL suspending_end_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(s)) { XML_StopParser((XML_Parser)userData, 1); } START_TEST(test_suspend_in_sole_empty_tag) { const char *text = ""; enum XML_Status rc; XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, suspending_end_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, parser); rc = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); if (rc == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); else if (rc != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) fail("Suspend not triggered"); rc = XML_ResumeParser(parser); if (rc == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); else if (rc != XML_STATUS_OK) fail("Resume failed"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unfinished_epilog) { const char *text = "<"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN, "Incomplete epilog entry not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_partial_char_in_epilog) { const char *text = "\xe2\x82"; /* First check that no fault is raised if the parse is not finished */ if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Now check that it is faulted once we finish */ if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, 0, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Partial character in epilog not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_PARTIAL_CHAR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_hash_collision) { /* For full coverage of the lookup routine, we need to ensure a * hash collision even though we can only tell that we have one * through breakpoint debugging or coverage statistics. The * following will cause a hash collision on machines with a 64-bit * long type; others will have to experiment. The full coverage * tests invoked from qa.sh usually provide a hash collision, but * not always. This is an attempt to provide insurance. */ #define COLLIDING_HASH_SALT (unsigned long)_SIP_ULL(0xffffffffU, 0xff99fc90U) const char * text = "\n" "\n" "This is a foo\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "This triggers the table growth and collides with b2\n" "\n"; XML_SetHashSalt(parser, COLLIDING_HASH_SALT); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST #undef COLLIDING_HASH_SALT /* Test resuming a parse suspended in entity substitution */ static void XMLCALL start_element_suspender(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **UNUSED_P(atts)) { if (!xcstrcmp(name, XCS("suspend"))) XML_StopParser(parser, XML_TRUE); if (!xcstrcmp(name, XCS("abort"))) XML_StopParser(parser, XML_FALSE); } START_TEST(test_suspend_resume_internal_entity) { const char *text = "HiHo'>\n" "]>\n" "&foo;\n"; const XML_Char *expected1 = XCS("Hi"); const XML_Char *expected2 = XCS("HiHo"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_suspender); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("")); if (XML_ResumeParser(parser) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected1); if (XML_ResumeParser(parser) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected2); } END_TEST /* Test syntax error is caught at parse resumption */ START_TEST(test_resume_entity_with_syntax_error) { const char *text = "Hi'>\n" "]>\n" "&foo;\n"; XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_suspender); if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_ResumeParser(parser) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Syntax error in entity not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_TAG_MISMATCH) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test suspending and resuming in a parameter entity substitution */ static void XMLCALL element_decl_suspender(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), XML_Content *model) { XML_StopParser(parser, XML_TRUE); XML_FreeContentModel(parser, model); } START_TEST(test_suspend_resume_parameter_entity) { const char *text = "'>\n" "%foo;\n" "]>\n" "Hello, world"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("Hello, world"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, element_decl_suspender); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("")); if (XML_ResumeParser(parser) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test attempting to use parser after an error is faulted */ START_TEST(test_restart_on_error) { const char *text = "<$doc>"; if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Invalid tag name not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_Parse(parser, NULL, 0, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Restarting invalid parse not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test that angle brackets in an attribute default value are faulted */ START_TEST(test_reject_lt_in_attribute_value) { const char *text = "'>]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Bad attribute default not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_reject_unfinished_param_in_att_value) { const char *text = "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Bad attribute default not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_trailing_cr_in_att_value) { const char *text = ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Try parsing a general entity within a parameter entity in a * standalone internal DTD. Covers a corner case in the parser. */ START_TEST(test_standalone_internal_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" " '>\n" " \n" " %pe;\n" "]>\n" ""; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test that a reference to an unknown external entity is skipped */ START_TEST(test_skipped_external_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; ExtTest test_data = { "\n" "\n", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test a different form of unknown external entity */ typedef struct ext_hdlr_data { const char *parse_text; XML_ExternalEntityRefHandler handler; } ExtHdlrData; static int XMLCALL external_entity_oneshot_loader(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { ExtHdlrData *test_data = (ExtHdlrData *)XML_GetUserData(parser); XML_Parser ext_parser; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser."); /* Use the requested entity parser for further externals */ XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(ext_parser, test_data->handler); if ( _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, test_data->parse_text, (int)strlen(test_data->parse_text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(ext_parser); } XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_skipped_null_loaded_ext_entity) { const char *text = "\n" ""; ExtHdlrData test_data = { "\n" "\n" "%pe2;\n", external_entity_null_loader }; XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_oneshot_loader); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_skipped_unloaded_ext_entity) { const char *text = "\n" ""; ExtHdlrData test_data = { "\n" "\n" "%pe2;\n", NULL }; XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_oneshot_loader); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test that a parameter entity value ending with a carriage return * has it translated internally into a newline. */ START_TEST(test_param_entity_with_trailing_cr) { #define PARAM_ENTITY_NAME "pe" #define PARAM_ENTITY_CORE_VALUE "" const char *text = "\n" ""; ExtTest test_data = { "\n" "%" PARAM_ENTITY_NAME ";\n", NULL, NULL }; XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader); XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, param_entity_match_handler); entity_name_to_match = XCS(PARAM_ENTITY_NAME); entity_value_to_match = XCS(PARAM_ENTITY_CORE_VALUE) XCS("\n"); entity_match_flag = ENTITY_MATCH_NOT_FOUND; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (entity_match_flag == ENTITY_MATCH_FAIL) fail("Parameter entity CR->NEWLINE conversion failed"); else if (entity_match_flag == ENTITY_MATCH_NOT_FOUND) fail("Parameter entity not parsed"); } #undef PARAM_ENTITY_NAME #undef PARAM_ENTITY_CORE_VALUE END_TEST START_TEST(test_invalid_character_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF, "Out of range character reference not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_invalid_character_entity_2) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&entity;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Out of range character reference not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_invalid_character_entity_3) { const char text[] = /* \n */ "\0<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0e\0n\0t\0i\0t\0y\0 " "\0'\0&\x0e\x04\x0e\x08\0;\0'\0>\0\n" /* ]>\n */ "\0]\0>\0\n" /* &entity; */ "\0<\0d\0o\0c\0>\0&\0e\0n\0t\0i\0t\0y\0;\0<\0/\0d\0o\0c\0>"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Invalid start of entity name not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_UNDEFINED_ENTITY) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_invalid_character_entity_4) { const char *text = "\n" /* = � */ "]>\n" "&entity;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_BAD_CHAR_REF, "Out of range character reference not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test that processing instructions are picked up by a default handler */ START_TEST(test_pi_handled_in_default) { const char *text = "\n"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\n"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE)== XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that comments are picked up by a default handler */ START_TEST(test_comment_handled_in_default) { const char *text = "\n"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\n"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test PIs that look almost but not quite like XML declarations */ static void XMLCALL accumulate_pi_characters(void *userData, const XML_Char *target, const XML_Char *data) { CharData *storage = (CharData *)userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, target, -1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS(": "), 2); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, data, -1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("\n"), 1); } START_TEST(test_pi_yml) { const char *text = ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("yml: something like data\n"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, accumulate_pi_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_pi_xnl) { const char *text = ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("xnl: nothing like data\n"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, accumulate_pi_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_pi_xmm) { const char *text = ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("xmm: everything like data\n"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, accumulate_pi_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16_pi) { const char text[] = /* * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 * and {CHO CHAN} = U+0E08 */ "<\0?\0\x04\x0e\x08\x0e?\0>\0" /* */ "<\0q\0/\0>\0"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x0e04\x0e08: \n"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xe0\xb8\x84\xe0\xb8\x88: \n"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, accumulate_pi_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16_be_pi) { const char text[] = /* * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 * and {CHO CHAN} = U+0E08 */ "\0<\0?\x0e\x04\x0e\x08\0?\0>" /* */ "\0<\0q\0/\0>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x0e04\x0e08: \n"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xe0\xb8\x84\xe0\xb8\x88: \n"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, accumulate_pi_characters); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that comments can be picked up and translated */ static void XMLCALL accumulate_comment(void *userData, const XML_Char *data) { CharData *storage = (CharData *)userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, data, -1); } START_TEST(test_utf16_be_comment) { const char text[] = /* */ "\0<\0!\0-\0-\0 \0C\0o\0m\0m\0e\0n\0t\0 \0A\0 \0-\0-\0>\0\n" /* */ "\0<\0d\0o\0c\0/\0>"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS(" Comment A "); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, accumulate_comment); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16_le_comment) { const char text[] = /* */ "<\0!\0-\0-\0 \0C\0o\0m\0m\0e\0n\0t\0 \0B\0 \0-\0-\0>\0\n\0" /* */ "<\0d\0o\0c\0/\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS(" Comment B "); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, accumulate_comment); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that the unknown encoding handler with map entries that expect * conversion but no conversion function is faulted */ static int XMLCALL failing_converter(void *UNUSED_P(data), const char *UNUSED_P(s)) { /* Always claim to have failed */ return -1; } static int XMLCALL prefix_converter(void *UNUSED_P(data), const char *s) { /* If the first byte is 0xff, raise an error */ if (s[0] == (char)-1) return -1; /* Just add the low bits of the first byte to the second */ return (s[1] + (s[0] & 0x7f)) & 0x01ff; } static int XMLCALL MiscEncodingHandler(void *data, const XML_Char *encoding, XML_Encoding *info) { int i; int high_map = -2; /* Assume a 2-byte sequence */ if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-9")) || !xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("ascii-like")) || !xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-len")) || !xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-a")) || !xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-surrogate")) || !xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-high"))) high_map = -1; for (i = 0; i < 128; ++i) info->map[i] = i; for (; i < 256; ++i) info->map[i] = high_map; /* If required, put an invalid value in the ASCII entries */ if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-9"))) info->map[9] = 5; /* If required, have a top-bit set character starts a 5-byte sequence */ if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-len"))) info->map[0x81] = -5; /* If required, make a top-bit set character a valid ASCII character */ if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-a"))) info->map[0x82] = 'a'; /* If required, give a top-bit set character a forbidden value, * what would otherwise be the first of a surrogate pair. */ if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-surrogate"))) info->map[0x83] = 0xd801; /* If required, give a top-bit set character too high a value */ if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("invalid-high"))) info->map[0x84] = 0x010101; info->data = data; info->release = NULL; if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("failing-conv"))) info->convert = failing_converter; else if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("prefix-conv"))) info->convert = prefix_converter; else info->convert = NULL; return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_missing_encoding_conversion_fn) { const char *text = "\n" "\x81"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); /* MiscEncodingHandler sets up an encoding with every top-bit-set * character introducing a two-byte sequence. For this, it * requires a convert function. The above function call doesn't * pass one through, so when BadEncodingHandler actually gets * called it should supply an invalid encoding. */ expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, "Encoding with missing convert() not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_failing_encoding_conversion_fn) { const char *text = "\n" "\x81"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); /* BadEncodingHandler sets up an encoding with every top-bit-set * character introducing a two-byte sequence. For this, it * requires a convert function. The above function call passes * one that insists all possible sequences are invalid anyway. */ expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Encoding with failing convert() not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test unknown encoding conversions */ START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_success) { const char *text = "\n" /* Equivalent to Hello, world */ "<\x81\x64\x80oc>Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); run_character_check(text, XCS("Hello, world")); } END_TEST /* Test bad name character in unknown encoding */ START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_bad_name) { const char *text = "\n" "<\xff\x64oc>Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Bad name start in unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test bad mid-name character in unknown encoding */ START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_bad_name_2) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Bad name in unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test element name that is long enough to fill the conversion buffer * in an unknown encoding, finishing with an encoded character. */ START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_long_name_1) { const char *text = "\n" "" "Hi" ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghijklmnop"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, record_element_start_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test element name that is long enough to fill the conversion buffer * in an unknown encoding, finishing with an simple character. */ START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_long_name_2) { const char *text = "\n" "" "Hi" ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghijklmnop"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, record_element_start_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_invalid_unknown_encoding) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, "Invalid unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_ascii_encoding_ok) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); run_character_check(text, XCS("Hello, world")); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_ascii_encoding_fail) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, \x80 world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Invalid character not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_invalid_length) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, "Invalid unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_invalid_topbit) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, "Invalid unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_invalid_surrogate) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, \x82 world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Invalid unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_invalid_high) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, world"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, "Invalid unknown encoding not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_invalid_attr_value) { const char *text = "\n" ""; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Invalid attribute valid not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test an external entity parser set to use latin-1 detects UTF-16 * BOMs correctly. */ enum ee_parse_flags { EE_PARSE_NONE = 0x00, EE_PARSE_FULL_BUFFER = 0x01 }; typedef struct ExtTest2 { const char *parse_text; int parse_len; const XML_Char *encoding; CharData *storage; enum ee_parse_flags flags; } ExtTest2; static int XMLCALL external_entity_loader2(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { ExtTest2 *test_data = (ExtTest2 *)XML_GetUserData(parser); XML_Parser extparser; extparser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (extparser == NULL) fail("Coulr not create external entity parser"); if (test_data->encoding != NULL) { if (!XML_SetEncoding(extparser, test_data->encoding)) fail("XML_SetEncoding() ignored for external entity"); } if (test_data->flags & EE_PARSE_FULL_BUFFER) { if (XML_Parse(extparser, test_data->parse_text, test_data->parse_len, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(extparser); } } else if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(extparser, test_data->parse_text, test_data->parse_len, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(extparser); } XML_ParserFree(extparser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } /* Test that UTF-16 BOM does not select UTF-16 given explicit encoding */ static void XMLCALL ext2_accumulate_characters(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { ExtTest2 *test_data = (ExtTest2 *)userData; accumulate_characters(test_data->storage, s, len); } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { /* If UTF-16, 0xfeff is the BOM and 0x204c is black left bullet */ /* If Latin-1, 0xff = Y-diaeresis, 0xfe = lowercase thorn, * 0x4c = L and 0x20 is a space */ "\xff\xfe\x4c\x20", 4, XCS("iso-8859-1"), NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00ff\x00feL "); #else /* In UTF-8, y-diaeresis is 0xc3 0xbf, lowercase thorn is 0xc3 0xbe */ const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xbf\xc3\xbeL "); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { /* If UTF-16, 0xfeff is the BOM and 0x204c is black left bullet */ /* If Latin-1, 0xff = Y-diaeresis, 0xfe = lowercase thorn, * 0x4c = L and 0x20 is a space */ "\xfe\xff\x20\x4c", 4, XCS("iso-8859-1"), NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00fe\x00ff L"); #else /* In UTF-8, y-diaeresis is 0xc3 0xbf, lowercase thorn is 0xc3 0xbe */ const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xbe\xc3\xbf L"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Parsing the full buffer rather than a byte at a time makes a * difference to the encoding scanning code, so repeat the above tests * without breaking them down by byte. */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom2) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { /* If UTF-16, 0xfeff is the BOM and 0x204c is black left bullet */ /* If Latin-1, 0xff = Y-diaeresis, 0xfe = lowercase thorn, * 0x4c = L and 0x20 is a space */ "\xff\xfe\x4c\x20", 4, XCS("iso-8859-1"), NULL, EE_PARSE_FULL_BUFFER }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00ff\x00feL "); #else /* In UTF-8, y-diaeresis is 0xc3 0xbf, lowercase thorn is 0xc3 0xbe */ const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xbf\xc3\xbeL "); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom2) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { /* If UTF-16, 0xfeff is the BOM and 0x204c is black left bullet */ /* If Latin-1, 0xff = Y-diaeresis, 0xfe = lowercase thorn, * 0x4c = L and 0x20 is a space */ "\xfe\xff\x20\x4c", 4, XCS("iso-8859-1"), NULL, EE_PARSE_FULL_BUFFER }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00fe\x00ff L"); #else /* In UTF-8, y-diaeresis is 0xc3 0xbf, lowercase thorn is 0xc3 0xbe */ const XML_Char *expected = "\xc3\xbe\xc3\xbf L"; #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (XML_Parse(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test little-endian UTF-16 given an explicit big-endian encoding */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_utf16_be) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { "<\0e\0/\0>\0", 8, XCS("utf-16be"), NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x3c00\x6500\x2f00\x3e00"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xe3\xb0\x80" /* U+3C00 */ "\xe6\x94\x80" /* U+6500 */ "\xe2\xbc\x80" /* U+2F00 */ "\xe3\xb8\x80"); /* U+3E00 */ #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test big-endian UTF-16 given an explicit little-endian encoding */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_utf16_le) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { "\0<\0e\0/\0>", 8, XCS("utf-16le"), NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x3c00\x6500\x2f00\x3e00"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xe3\xb0\x80" /* U+3C00 */ "\xe6\x94\x80" /* U+6500 */ "\xe2\xbc\x80" /* U+2F00 */ "\xe3\xb8\x80"); /* U+3E00 */ #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test little-endian UTF-16 given no explicit encoding. * The existing default encoding (UTF-8) is assumed to hold without a * BOM to contradict it, so the entity value will in fact provoke an * error because 0x00 is not a valid XML character. We parse the * whole buffer in one go rather than feeding it in byte by byte to * exercise different code paths in the initial scanning routines. */ typedef struct ExtFaults2 { const char *parse_text; int parse_len; const char *fail_text; const XML_Char *encoding; enum XML_Error error; } ExtFaults2; static int XMLCALL external_entity_faulter2(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { ExtFaults2 *test_data = (ExtFaults2 *)XML_GetUserData(parser); XML_Parser extparser; extparser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (extparser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); if (test_data->encoding != NULL) { if (!XML_SetEncoding(extparser, test_data->encoding)) fail("XML_SetEncoding() ignored for external entity"); } if (XML_Parse(extparser, test_data->parse_text, test_data->parse_len, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail(test_data->fail_text); if (XML_GetErrorCode(extparser) != test_data->error) xml_failure(extparser); XML_ParserFree(extparser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_ext_entity_utf16_unknown) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtFaults2 test_data = { "a\0b\0c\0", 6, "Invalid character in entity not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN }; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Invalid character should not have been accepted"); } END_TEST /* Test not-quite-UTF-8 BOM (0xEF 0xBB 0xBF) */ START_TEST(test_ext_entity_utf8_non_bom) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtTest2 test_data = { "\xef\xbb\x80", /* Arabic letter DAD medial form, U+FEC0 */ 3, NULL, NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xfec0"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xef\xbb\x80"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that UTF-8 in a CDATA section is correctly passed through */ START_TEST(test_utf8_in_cdata_section) { const char *text = ""; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("one \x00e9 two"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("one \xc3\xa9 two"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that little-endian UTF-16 in a CDATA section is handled */ START_TEST(test_utf8_in_cdata_section_2) { const char *text = ""; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e9]\x00e9two"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xa9]\xc3\xa9two"); #endif run_character_check(text, expected); } END_TEST /* Test trailing spaces in elements are accepted */ static void XMLCALL record_element_end_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { CharData *storage = (CharData *)userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("/"), 1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, name, -1); } START_TEST(test_trailing_spaces_in_elements) { const char *text = "Hi"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("doc/doc"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, record_element_start_handler, record_element_end_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16_attribute) { const char text[] = /* * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 * and {CHO CHAN} = U+0E08 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x88 in UTF-8 */ "<\0d\0 \0\x04\x0e\x08\x0e=\0'\0a\0'\0/\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("a"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, accumulate_attribute); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_utf16_second_attr) { /* * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 * and {CHO CHAN} = U+0E08 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x88 in UTF-8 */ const char text[] = "<\0d\0 \0a\0=\0'\0\x31\0'\0 \0" "\x04\x0e\x08\x0e=\0'\0\x32\0'\0/\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("1"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, accumulate_attribute); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_attr_after_solidus) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Misplaced / not faulted"); } END_TEST static void XMLCALL accumulate_entity_decl(void *userData, const XML_Char *entityName, int UNUSED_P(is_parameter_entity), const XML_Char *value, int value_length, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(notationName)) { CharData *storage = (CharData *)userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, entityName, -1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("="), 1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, value, value_length); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("\n"), 1); } START_TEST(test_utf16_pe) { /* '> * %{KHO KHWAI}{CHO CHAN}; * ]> * * * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 * and {CHO CHAN} = U+0E08 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x88 in UTF-8 */ const char text[] = "\0<\0!\0D\0O\0C\0T\0Y\0P\0E\0 \0d\0o\0c\0 \0[\0\n" "\0<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0%\0 \x0e\x04\x0e\x08\0 " "\0'\0<\0!\0E\0L\0E\0M\0E\0N\0T\0 " "\0d\0o\0c\0 \0(\0#\0P\0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0)\0>\0'\0>\0\n" "\0%\x0e\x04\x0e\x08\0;\0\n" "\0]\0>\0\n" "\0<\0d\0o\0c\0>\0<\0/\0d\0o\0c\0>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x0e04\x0e08=\n"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xe0\xb8\x84\xe0\xb8\x88=\n"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, accumulate_entity_decl); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that duff attribute description keywords are rejected */ START_TEST(test_bad_attr_desc_keyword) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Bad keyword !IMPLIED not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test that an invalid attribute description keyword consisting of * UTF-16 characters with their top bytes non-zero are correctly * faulted */ START_TEST(test_bad_attr_desc_keyword_utf16) { /* * ]> * * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 * and {CHO CHAN} = U+0E08 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x88 in UTF-8 */ const char text[] = "\0<\0!\0D\0O\0C\0T\0Y\0P\0E\0 \0d\0 \0[\0\n" "\0<\0!\0A\0T\0T\0L\0I\0S\0T\0 \0d\0 \0a\0 \0C\0D\0A\0T\0A\0 " "\0#\x0e\x04\x0e\x08\0>\0\n" "\0]\0>\0<\0d\0/\0>"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Invalid UTF16 attribute keyword not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_SYNTAX) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test that invalid syntax in a is rejected. Do this * using prefix-encoding (see above) to trigger specific code paths */ START_TEST(test_bad_doctype) { const char *text = "\n" ""; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "Invalid bytes in DOCTYPE not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_doctype_utf16) { const char text[] = /* * * U+06F2 = EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO, a valid number * (name character) but not a valid letter (name start character) */ "\0<\0!\0D\0O\0C\0T\0Y\0P\0E\0 \0d\0o\0c\0 \0[\0 " "\x06\xf2" "\0 \0]\0>\0<\0d\0o\0c\0/\0>"; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Invalid bytes in DOCTYPE not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_SYNTAX) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_doctype_plus) { const char *text = " ]>\n" "<1+>&foo;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "'+' in document name not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_doctype_star) { const char *text = " ]>\n" "<1*>&foo;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "'*' in document name not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_doctype_query) { const char *text = " ]>\n" "<1?>&foo;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "'?' in document name not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_unknown_encoding_bad_ignore) { const char *text = "" "" "&entity;"; ExtFaults fault = { "]]>", "Invalid character not faulted", XCS("prefix-conv"), XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN }; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); XML_SetUserData(parser, &fault); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Bad IGNORE section with unknown encoding not failed"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_entity_in_utf16_be_attr) { const char text[] = /* */ "\0<\0e\0 \0a\0=\0'\0&\0#\0\x32\0\x32\0\x38\0;\0 " "\0&\0#\0x\0\x30\0\x30\0E\0\x34\0;\0'\0>\0<\0/\0e\0>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e4 \x00e4"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xa4 \xc3\xa4"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, accumulate_attribute); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_entity_in_utf16_le_attr) { const char text[] = /* */ "<\0e\0 \0a\0=\0'\0&\0#\0\x32\0\x32\0\x38\0;\0 \0" "&\0#\0x\0\x30\0\x30\0E\0\x34\0;\0'\0>\0<\0/\0e\0>\0"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\x00e4 \x00e4"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\xc3\xa4 \xc3\xa4"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, accumulate_attribute); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_entity_public_utf16_be) { const char text[] = /* */ "\0<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0%\0 \0e\0 \0P\0U\0B\0L\0I\0C\0 " "\0'\0f\0o\0o\0'\0 \0'\0b\0a\0r\0.\0e\0n\0t\0'\0>\0\n" /* %e; */ "\0%\0e\0;\0\n" /* ]> */ "\0]\0>\0\n" /* &j; */ "\0<\0d\0>\0&\0j\0;\0<\0/\0d\0>"; ExtTest2 test_data = { /* */ "\0<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0j\0 \0'\0b\0a\0z\0'\0>", 34, NULL, NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("baz"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_entity_public_utf16_le) { const char text[] = /* */ "<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0%\0 \0e\0 \0P\0U\0B\0L\0I\0C\0 \0" "'\0f\0o\0o\0'\0 \0'\0b\0a\0r\0.\0e\0n\0t\0'\0>\0\n\0" /* %e; */ "%\0e\0;\0\n\0" /* ]> */ "]\0>\0\n\0" /* &j; */ "<\0d\0>\0&\0j\0;\0<\0/\0d\0>\0"; ExtTest2 test_data = { /* */ "<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0j\0 \0'\0b\0a\0z\0'\0>\0", 34, NULL, NULL, EE_PARSE_NONE }; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("baz"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); test_data.storage = &storage; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_loader2); XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, ext2_accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST /* Test that a doctype with neither an internal nor external subset is * faulted */ START_TEST(test_short_doctype) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "DOCTYPE without subset not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_short_doctype_2) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "DOCTYPE without Public ID not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_short_doctype_3) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "DOCTYPE without System ID not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_long_doctype) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "DOCTYPE with extra ID not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "ENTITY without Public ID is not rejected"); } END_TEST /* Test unquoted value is faulted */ START_TEST(test_bad_entity_2) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "ENTITY without Public ID is not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_entity_3) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "Parameter ENTITY without Public ID is not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_entity_4) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "Parameter ENTITY without Public ID is not rejected"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_bad_notation) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "Notation without System ID is not rejected"); } END_TEST /* Test for issue #11, wrongly suppressed default handler */ typedef struct default_check { const XML_Char *expected; const int expectedLen; XML_Bool seen; } DefaultCheck; static void XMLCALL checking_default_handler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { DefaultCheck *data = (DefaultCheck *)userData; int i; for (i = 0; data[i].expected != NULL; i++) { if (data[i].expectedLen == len && !memcmp(data[i].expected, s, len * sizeof(XML_Char))) { data[i].seen = XML_TRUE; break; } } } START_TEST(test_default_doctype_handler) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&foo;"; DefaultCheck test_data[] = { { XCS("'pubname'"), 9, XML_FALSE }, { XCS("'test.dtd'"), 10, XML_FALSE }, { NULL, 0, XML_FALSE } }; int i; XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, checking_default_handler); XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, dummy_entity_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); for (i = 0; test_data[i].expected != NULL; i++) if (!test_data[i].seen) fail("Default handler not run for public !DOCTYPE"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_empty_element_abort) { const char *text = ""; XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_suspender); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Expected to error on abort"); } END_TEST /* * Namespaces tests. */ static void namespace_setup(void) { parser = XML_ParserCreateNS(NULL, XCS(' ')); if (parser == NULL) fail("Parser not created."); } static void namespace_teardown(void) { basic_teardown(); } /* Check that an element name and attribute name match the expected values. The expected values are passed as an array reference of string pointers provided as the userData argument; the first is the expected element name, and the second is the expected attribute name. */ static int triplet_start_flag = XML_FALSE; static int triplet_end_flag = XML_FALSE; static void XMLCALL triplet_start_checker(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **atts) { XML_Char **elemstr = (XML_Char **)userData; char buffer[1024]; if (xcstrcmp(elemstr[0], name) != 0) { sprintf(buffer, "unexpected start string: '%" XML_FMT_STR "'", name); fail(buffer); } if (xcstrcmp(elemstr[1], atts[0]) != 0) { sprintf(buffer, "unexpected attribute string: '%" XML_FMT_STR "'", atts[0]); fail(buffer); } triplet_start_flag = XML_TRUE; } /* Check that the element name passed to the end-element handler matches the expected value. The expected value is passed as the first element in an array of strings passed as the userData argument. */ static void XMLCALL triplet_end_checker(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { XML_Char **elemstr = (XML_Char **)userData; if (xcstrcmp(elemstr[0], name) != 0) { char buffer[1024]; sprintf(buffer, "unexpected end string: '%" XML_FMT_STR "'", name); fail(buffer); } triplet_end_flag = XML_TRUE; } START_TEST(test_return_ns_triplet) { const char *text = ""; const char *epilog = ""; const XML_Char *elemstr[] = { XCS("http://example.org/ e foo"), XCS("http://example.org/ a bar") }; XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_TRUE); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)elemstr); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, triplet_start_checker, triplet_end_checker); XML_SetNamespaceDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_namespace_decl_handler, dummy_end_namespace_decl_handler); triplet_start_flag = XML_FALSE; triplet_end_flag = XML_FALSE; dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (!triplet_start_flag) fail("triplet_start_checker not invoked"); /* Check that unsetting "return triplets" fails while still parsing */ XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_FALSE); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, epilog, (int)strlen(epilog), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (!triplet_end_flag) fail("triplet_end_checker not invoked"); if (dummy_handler_flags != (DUMMY_START_NS_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_END_NS_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG)) fail("Namespace handlers not called"); } END_TEST static void XMLCALL overwrite_start_checker(void *userData, const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **atts) { CharData *storage = (CharData *) userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("start "), 6); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, name, -1); while (*atts != NULL) { CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("\nattribute "), 11); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, *atts, -1); atts += 2; } CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("\n"), 1); } static void XMLCALL overwrite_end_checker(void *userData, const XML_Char *name) { CharData *storage = (CharData *) userData; CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("end "), 4); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, name, -1); CharData_AppendXMLChars(storage, XCS("\n"), 1); } static void run_ns_tagname_overwrite_test(const char *text, const XML_Char *result) { CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, overwrite_start_checker, overwrite_end_checker); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, result); } /* Regression test for SF bug #566334. */ START_TEST(test_ns_tagname_overwrite) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" " \n" ""; const XML_Char *result = XCS("start http://example.org/ e\n") XCS("start http://example.org/ f\n") XCS("attribute http://example.org/ attr\n") XCS("end http://example.org/ f\n") XCS("start http://example.org/ g\n") XCS("attribute http://example.org/ attr2\n") XCS("end http://example.org/ g\n") XCS("end http://example.org/ e\n"); run_ns_tagname_overwrite_test(text, result); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #566334. */ START_TEST(test_ns_tagname_overwrite_triplet) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" " \n" ""; const XML_Char *result = XCS("start http://example.org/ e n\n") XCS("start http://example.org/ f n\n") XCS("attribute http://example.org/ attr n\n") XCS("end http://example.org/ f n\n") XCS("start http://example.org/ g n\n") XCS("attribute http://example.org/ attr2 n\n") XCS("end http://example.org/ g n\n") XCS("end http://example.org/ e n\n"); XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_TRUE); run_ns_tagname_overwrite_test(text, result); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #620343. */ static void XMLCALL start_element_fail(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(name), const XML_Char **UNUSED_P(atts)) { /* We should never get here. */ fail("should never reach start_element_fail()"); } static void XMLCALL start_ns_clearing_start_element(void *userData, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(prefix), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(uri)) { XML_SetStartElementHandler((XML_Parser) userData, NULL); } START_TEST(test_start_ns_clears_start_element) { /* This needs to use separate start/end tags; using the empty tag syntax doesn't cause the problematic path through Expat to be taken. */ const char *text = ""; XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_fail); XML_SetStartNamespaceDeclHandler(parser, start_ns_clearing_start_element); XML_SetEndNamespaceDeclHandler(parser, dummy_end_namespace_decl_handler); XML_UseParserAsHandlerArg(parser); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #616863. */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_handler(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { intptr_t callno = 1 + (intptr_t)XML_GetUserData(parser); const char *text; XML_Parser p2; if (callno == 1) text = ("\n" "\n" "\n"); else text = ("" ""); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *) callno); p2 = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(p2, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(p2); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } XML_ParserFree(p2); return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_default_ns_from_ext_subset_and_ext_ge) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;\n" ""; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_handler); /* We actually need to set this handler to tickle this bug. */ XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, dummy_start_element); XML_SetUserData(parser, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Regression test #1 for SF bug #673791. */ START_TEST(test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_1) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDECLARING_PREFIX, "Did not report re-setting namespace" " URI with prefix to ''."); } END_TEST /* Regression test #2 for SF bug #673791. */ START_TEST(test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_2) { const char *text = "\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDECLARING_PREFIX, "Did not report setting namespace URI with prefix to ''."); } END_TEST /* Regression test #3 for SF bug #673791. */ START_TEST(test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_3) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNDECLARING_PREFIX, "Didn't report attr default setting NS w/ prefix to ''."); } END_TEST /* Regression test #4 for SF bug #673791. */ START_TEST(test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_4) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" ""; /* Packaged info expected by the end element handler; the weird structuring lets us re-use the triplet_end_checker() function also used for another test. */ const XML_Char *elemstr[] = { XCS("http://example.org/ doc prefix") }; XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_TRUE); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)elemstr); XML_SetEndElementHandler(parser, triplet_end_checker); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test with non-xmlns prefix */ START_TEST(test_ns_unbound_prefix) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Unbound prefix incorrectly passed"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_UNBOUND_PREFIX) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_default_with_empty_uri) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" ""; /* Add some handlers to exercise extra code paths */ XML_SetStartNamespaceDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_namespace_decl_handler); XML_SetEndNamespaceDeclHandler(parser, dummy_end_namespace_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #692964: two prefixes for one namespace. */ START_TEST(test_ns_duplicate_attrs_diff_prefixes) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE, "did not report multiple attributes with same URI+name"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_duplicate_hashes) { /* The hash of an attribute is calculated as the hash of its URI * concatenated with a space followed by its name (after the * colon). We wish to generate attributes with the same hash * value modulo the attribute table size so that we can check that * the attribute hash table works correctly. The attribute hash * table size will be the smallest power of two greater than the * number of attributes, but at least eight. There is * unfortunately no programmatic way of getting the hash or the * table size at user level, but the test code coverage percentage * will drop if the hashes cease to point to the same row. * * The cunning plan is to have few enough attributes to have a * reliable table size of 8, and have the single letter attribute * names be 8 characters apart, producing a hash which will be the * same modulo 8. */ const char *text = ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #695401: unbound prefix. */ START_TEST(test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_attribute) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNBOUND_PREFIX, "did not report unbound prefix on attribute"); } END_TEST /* Regression test for SF bug #695401: unbound prefix. */ START_TEST(test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_element) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNBOUND_PREFIX, "did not report unbound prefix on element"); } END_TEST /* Test that the parsing status is correctly reset by XML_ParserReset(). * We usE test_return_ns_triplet() for our example parse to improve * coverage of tidying up code executed. */ START_TEST(test_ns_parser_reset) { XML_ParsingStatus status; XML_GetParsingStatus(parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_INITIALIZED) fail("parsing status doesn't start INITIALIZED"); test_return_ns_triplet(); XML_GetParsingStatus(parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_FINISHED) fail("parsing status doesn't end FINISHED"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); XML_GetParsingStatus(parser, &status); if (status.parsing != XML_INITIALIZED) fail("parsing status doesn't reset to INITIALIZED"); } END_TEST /* Test that long element names with namespaces are handled correctly */ START_TEST(test_ns_long_element) { const char *text = "" ""; const XML_Char *elemstr[] = { XCS("http://example.org/") XCS(" thisisalongenoughelementnametotriggerareallocation foo"), XCS("http://example.org/ a bar") }; XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_TRUE); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)elemstr); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, triplet_start_checker, triplet_end_checker); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test mixed population of prefixed and unprefixed attributes */ START_TEST(test_ns_mixed_prefix_atts) { const char *text = "" ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test having a long namespaced element name inside a short one. * This exercises some internal buffer reallocation that is shared * across elements with the same namespace URI. */ START_TEST(test_ns_extend_uri_buffer) { const char *text = "" " " ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test that xmlns is correctly rejected as an attribute in the xmlns * namespace, but not in other namespaces */ START_TEST(test_ns_reserved_attributes) { const char *text1 = ""; const char *text2 = ""; expect_failure(text1, XML_ERROR_RESERVED_PREFIX_XMLNS, "xmlns not rejected as an attribute"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test more reserved attributes */ START_TEST(test_ns_reserved_attributes_2) { const char *text1 = ""; const char *text2 = ""; const char *text3 = ""; expect_failure(text1, XML_ERROR_RESERVED_PREFIX_XML, "xml not rejected as an attribute"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); expect_failure(text2, XML_ERROR_RESERVED_NAMESPACE_URI, "Use of w3.org URL not faulted"); XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); expect_failure(text3, XML_ERROR_RESERVED_NAMESPACE_URI, "Use of w3.org xmlns URL not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test string pool handling of namespace names of 2048 characters */ /* Exercises a particular string pool growth path */ START_TEST(test_ns_extremely_long_prefix) { /* C99 compilers are only required to support 4095-character * strings, so the following needs to be split in two to be safe * for all compilers. */ const char *text1 = "" ""; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST /* Test unknown encoding handlers in namespace setup */ START_TEST(test_ns_unknown_encoding_success) { const char *text = "\n" "Hi"; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); run_character_check(text, XCS("Hi")); } END_TEST /* Test that too many colons are rejected */ START_TEST(test_ns_double_colon) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Double colon in attribute name not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_double_colon_element) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Double colon in element name not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test that non-name characters after a colon are rejected */ START_TEST(test_ns_bad_attr_leafname) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Invalid character in leafname not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_bad_element_leafname) { const char *text = ""; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Invalid character in element leafname not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Test high-byte-set UTF-16 characters are valid in a leafname */ START_TEST(test_ns_utf16_leafname) { const char text[] = /* * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 */ "<\0n\0:\0e\0 \0x\0m\0l\0n\0s\0:\0n\0=\0'\0U\0R\0I\0'\0 \0" "n\0:\0\x04\x0e=\0'\0a\0'\0 \0/\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("a"); CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, accumulate_attribute); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_utf16_element_leafname) { const char text[] = /* * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 */ "\0<\0n\0:\x0e\x04\0 \0x\0m\0l\0n\0s\0:\0n\0=\0'\0U\0R\0I\0'\0/\0>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("URI \x0e04"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("URI \xe0\xb8\x84"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_event_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_utf16_doctype) { const char text[] = /* ]>\n * where {KHO KHWAI} = U+0E04 = 0xe0 0xb8 0x84 in UTF-8 */ "\0<\0!\0D\0O\0C\0T\0Y\0P\0E\0 \0f\0o\0o\0:\x0e\x04\0 " "\0[\0 \0<\0!\0E\0N\0T\0I\0T\0Y\0 \0b\0a\0r\0 \0'\0b\0a\0z\0'\0>\0 " "\0]\0>\0\n" /* &bar; */ "\0<\0f\0o\0o\0:\x0e\x04\0 " "\0x\0m\0l\0n\0s\0:\0f\0o\0o\0=\0'\0U\0R\0I\0'\0>" "\0&\0b\0a\0r\0;" "\0<\0/\0f\0o\0o\0:\x0e\x04\0>"; #ifdef XML_UNICODE const XML_Char *expected = XCS("URI \x0e04"); #else const XML_Char *expected = XCS("URI \xe0\xb8\x84"); #endif CharData storage; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, start_element_event_handler); XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, MiscEncodingHandler, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_invalid_doctype) { const char *text = "\n" "&bar;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_INVALID_TOKEN, "Invalid character in document local name not faulted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_ns_double_colon_doctype) { const char *text = "\n" "&bar;"; expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_SYNTAX, "Double colon in document name not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Control variable; the number of times duff_allocator() will successfully allocate */ #define ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED (-1) #define REALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED (-1) static intptr_t allocation_count = ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; static intptr_t reallocation_count = REALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; /* Crocked allocator for allocation failure tests */ static void *duff_allocator(size_t size) { if (allocation_count == 0) return NULL; if (allocation_count != ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED) allocation_count--; return malloc(size); } /* Crocked reallocator for allocation failure tests */ static void *duff_reallocator(void *ptr, size_t size) { if (reallocation_count == 0) return NULL; if (reallocation_count != REALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED) reallocation_count--; return realloc(ptr, size); } /* Test that a failure to allocate the parser structure fails gracefully */ START_TEST(test_misc_alloc_create_parser) { XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memsuite = { duff_allocator, realloc, free }; unsigned int i; const unsigned int max_alloc_count = 10; /* Something this simple shouldn't need more than 10 allocations */ for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, &memsuite, NULL); if (parser != NULL) break; } if (i == 0) fail("Parser unexpectedly ignored failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parser not created with max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test memory allocation failures for a parser with an encoding */ START_TEST(test_misc_alloc_create_parser_with_encoding) { XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memsuite = { duff_allocator, realloc, free }; unsigned int i; const unsigned int max_alloc_count = 10; /* Try several levels of allocation */ for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(XCS("us-ascii"), &memsuite, NULL); if (parser != NULL) break; } if (i == 0) fail("Parser ignored failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parser not created with max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test that freeing a NULL parser doesn't cause an explosion. * (Not actually tested anywhere else) */ START_TEST(test_misc_null_parser) { XML_ParserFree(NULL); } END_TEST /* Test that XML_ErrorString rejects out-of-range codes */ START_TEST(test_misc_error_string) { if (XML_ErrorString((enum XML_Error)-1) != NULL) fail("Negative error code not rejected"); if (XML_ErrorString((enum XML_Error)100) != NULL) fail("Large error code not rejected"); } END_TEST /* Test the version information is consistent */ /* Since we are working in XML_LChars (potentially 16-bits), we * can't use the standard C library functions for character * manipulation and have to roll our own. */ static int parse_version(const XML_LChar *version_text, XML_Expat_Version *version_struct) { while (*version_text != 0x00) { if (*version_text >= ASCII_0 && *version_text <= ASCII_9) break; version_text++; } if (*version_text == 0x00) return XML_FALSE; /* version_struct->major = strtoul(version_text, 10, &version_text) */ version_struct->major = 0; while (*version_text >= ASCII_0 && *version_text <= ASCII_9) { version_struct->major = 10 * version_struct->major + (*version_text++ - ASCII_0); } if (*version_text++ != ASCII_PERIOD) return XML_FALSE; /* Now for the minor version number */ version_struct->minor = 0; while (*version_text >= ASCII_0 && *version_text <= ASCII_9) { version_struct->minor = 10 * version_struct->minor + (*version_text++ - ASCII_0); } if (*version_text++ != ASCII_PERIOD) return XML_FALSE; /* Finally the micro version number */ version_struct->micro = 0; while (*version_text >= ASCII_0 && *version_text <= ASCII_9) { version_struct->micro = 10 * version_struct->micro + (*version_text++ - ASCII_0); } if (*version_text != 0x00) return XML_FALSE; return XML_TRUE; } static int versions_equal(const XML_Expat_Version *first, const XML_Expat_Version *second) { return (first->major == second->major && first->minor == second->minor && first->micro == second->micro); } START_TEST(test_misc_version) { XML_Expat_Version read_version = XML_ExpatVersionInfo(); /* Silence compiler warning with the following assignment */ XML_Expat_Version parsed_version = { 0, 0, 0 }; const XML_LChar *version_text = XML_ExpatVersion(); if (version_text == NULL) fail("Could not obtain version text"); if (!parse_version(version_text, &parsed_version)) fail("Unable to parse version text"); if (!versions_equal(&read_version, &parsed_version)) fail("Version mismatch"); #if ! defined(XML_UNICODE) || defined(XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T) if (xcstrcmp(version_text, XCS("expat_2.2.7"))) /* needs bump on releases */ fail("XML_*_VERSION in expat.h out of sync?\n"); #else /* If we have XML_UNICODE defined but not XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T * then XML_LChar is defined as char, for some reason. */ if (strcmp(version_text, "expat_2.2.5")) /* needs bump on releases */ fail("XML_*_VERSION in expat.h out of sync?\n"); #endif /* ! defined(XML_UNICODE) || defined(XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T) */ } END_TEST /* Test feature information */ START_TEST(test_misc_features) { const XML_Feature *features = XML_GetFeatureList(); /* Prevent problems with double-freeing parsers */ parser = NULL; if (features == NULL) fail("Failed to get feature information"); /* Loop through the features checking what we can */ while (features->feature != XML_FEATURE_END) { switch(features->feature) { case XML_FEATURE_SIZEOF_XML_CHAR: if (features->value != sizeof(XML_Char)) fail("Incorrect size of XML_Char"); break; case XML_FEATURE_SIZEOF_XML_LCHAR: if (features->value != sizeof(XML_LChar)) fail("Incorrect size of XML_LChar"); break; default: break; } features++; } } END_TEST /* Regression test for GitHub Issue #17: memory leak parsing attribute * values with mixed bound and unbound namespaces. */ START_TEST(test_misc_attribute_leak) { const char *text = ""; XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memsuite = { tracking_malloc, tracking_realloc, tracking_free }; parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(XCS("UTF-8"), &memsuite, XCS("\n")); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_UNBOUND_PREFIX, "Unbound prefixes not found"); XML_ParserFree(parser); /* Prevent the teardown trying to double free */ parser = NULL; if (!tracking_report()) fail("Memory leak found"); } END_TEST /* Test parser created for UTF-16LE is successful */ START_TEST(test_misc_utf16le) { const char text[] = /* Hi */ "<\0?\0x\0m\0l\0 \0" "v\0e\0r\0s\0i\0o\0n\0=\0'\0\x31\0.\0\x30\0'\0?\0>\0" "<\0q\0>\0H\0i\0<\0/\0q\0>\0"; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("Hi"); CharData storage; parser = XML_ParserCreate(XCS("UTF-16LE")); if (parser == NULL) fail("Parser not created"); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)sizeof(text)-1, XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); } END_TEST static void alloc_setup(void) { XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memsuite = { duff_allocator, duff_reallocator, free }; /* Ensure the parser creation will go through */ allocation_count = ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; reallocation_count = REALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, &memsuite, NULL); if (parser == NULL) fail("Parser not created"); } static void alloc_teardown(void) { basic_teardown(); } /* Test the effects of allocation failures on xml declaration processing */ START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_xdecl) { const char *text = "\n" "Hello, world"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(parser, dummy_xdecl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* Resetting the parser is insufficient, because some memory * allocations are cached within the parser. Instead we use * the teardown and setup routines to ensure that we have the * right sort of parser back in our hands. */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST /* As above, but with an encoding big enough to cause storing the * version information to expand the string pool being used. */ static int XMLCALL long_encoding_handler(void *UNUSED_P(userData), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(encoding), XML_Encoding *info) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) info->map[i] = i; info->data = NULL; info->convert = NULL; info->release = NULL; return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_xdecl_2) { const char *text = "" "Hello, world"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetXmlDeclHandler(parser, dummy_xdecl_handler); XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, long_encoding_handler, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST /* Test the effects of allocation failures on a straightforward parse */ START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_pi) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "" "Hello, world" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, dummy_pi_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_pi_2) { const char *text = "\n" "" "Hello, world" "\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, dummy_pi_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_pi_3) { const char *text = ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, dummy_pi_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_comment) { const char *text = "\n" "" "Hi"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, dummy_comment_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_comment_2) { const char *text = "\n" "" "Hello, world" "" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, dummy_comment_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max allocations"); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_duff_loader(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { XML_Parser new_parser; unsigned int i; const unsigned int max_alloc_count = 10; /* Try a few different allocation levels */ for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; new_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (new_parser != NULL) { XML_ParserFree(new_parser); break; } } if (i == 0) fail("External parser creation ignored failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Extern parser not created with max allocation count"); /* Make sure other random allocation doesn't now fail */ allocation_count = ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; /* Make sure the failure code path is executed too */ return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } /* Test that external parser creation running out of memory is * correctly reported. Based on the external entity test cases. */ START_TEST(test_alloc_create_external_parser) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; char foo_text[] = ""; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, foo_text); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_duff_loader); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) { fail("External parser allocator returned success incorrectly"); } } END_TEST /* More external parser memory allocation testing */ START_TEST(test_alloc_run_external_parser) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "&entity;"; char foo_text[] = ""; unsigned int i; const unsigned int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, foo_text); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_null_loader); allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing ignored failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed with allocation count 10"); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_dbl_handler(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { intptr_t callno = (intptr_t)XML_GetUserData(parser); const char *text; XML_Parser new_parser; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; if (callno == 0) { /* First time through, check how many calls to malloc occur */ text = ("\n" "\n" "\n"); allocation_count = 10000; new_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (new_parser == NULL) { fail("Unable to allocate first external parser"); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } /* Stash the number of calls in the user data */ XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)(intptr_t)(10000 - allocation_count)); } else { text = ("" ""); /* Try at varying levels to exercise more code paths */ for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = callno + i; new_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (new_parser != NULL) break; } if (i == 0) { fail("Second external parser unexpectedly created"); XML_ParserFree(new_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } else if (i == max_alloc_count) { fail("Second external parser not created"); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } } allocation_count = ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(new_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { xml_failure(new_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } XML_ParserFree(new_parser); return XML_STATUS_OK; } /* Test that running out of memory in dtdCopy is correctly reported. * Based on test_default_ns_from_ext_subset_and_ext_ge() */ START_TEST(test_alloc_dtd_copy_default_atts) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;\n" ""; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_dbl_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_dbl_handler_2(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { intptr_t callno = (intptr_t)XML_GetUserData(parser); const char *text; XML_Parser new_parser; enum XML_Status rv; if (callno == 0) { /* Try different allocation levels for whole exercise */ text = ("\n" "\n" "\n"); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)(intptr_t)1); new_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (new_parser == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; rv = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(new_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); } else { /* Just run through once */ text = ("" ""); new_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (new_parser == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; rv =_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(new_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); } XML_ParserFree(new_parser); if (rv == XML_STATUS_ERROR) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; return XML_STATUS_OK; } /* Test more external entity allocation failure paths */ START_TEST(test_alloc_external_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;\n" ""; int i; const int alloc_test_max_repeats = 50; for (i = 0; i < alloc_test_max_repeats; i++) { allocation_count = -1; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_dbl_handler_2); XML_SetUserData(parser, NULL); allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } allocation_count = -1; if (i == 0) fail("External entity parsed despite duff allocator"); if (i == alloc_test_max_repeats) fail("External entity not parsed at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test more allocation failure paths */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_alloc_set_encoding(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { /* As for external_entity_loader() */ const char *text = "" "\xC3\xA9"; XML_Parser ext_parser; enum XML_Status status; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; if (!XML_SetEncoding(ext_parser, XCS("utf-8"))) { XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } status = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); if (status == XML_STATUS_ERROR) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; return XML_STATUS_OK; } START_TEST(test_alloc_ext_entity_set_encoding) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; int i; const int max_allocation_count = 30; for (i = 0; i < max_allocation_count; i++) { XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc_set_encoding); allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) break; allocation_count = -1; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Encoding check succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_allocation_count) fail("Encoding failed at max allocation count"); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL unknown_released_encoding_handler(void *UNUSED_P(data), const XML_Char *encoding, XML_Encoding *info) { if (!xcstrcmp(encoding, XCS("unsupported-encoding"))) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) info->map[i] = i; info->data = NULL; info->convert = NULL; info->release = dummy_release; return XML_STATUS_OK; } return XML_STATUS_ERROR; } /* Test the effects of allocation failure in internal entities. * Based on test_unknown_encoding_internal_entity */ START_TEST(test_alloc_internal_entity) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" ""; unsigned int i; const unsigned int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(parser, unknown_released_encoding_handler, NULL); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Internal entity worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Internal entity failed at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test the robustness against allocation failure of element handling * Based on test_dtd_default_handling(). */ START_TEST(test_alloc_dtd_default_handling) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>\n" ""; const XML_Char *expected = XCS("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntext in doc"); CharData storage; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 25; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); XML_SetDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_handler, dummy_end_doctype_handler); XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, dummy_entity_decl_handler); XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(parser, dummy_notation_decl_handler); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, dummy_pi_handler); XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, dummy_comment_handler); XML_SetCdataSectionHandler(parser, dummy_start_cdata_handler, dummy_end_cdata_handler); XML_SetUnparsedEntityDeclHandler( parser, dummy_unparsed_entity_decl_handler); CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, accumulate_characters); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Default DTD parsed despite allocation failures"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Default DTD not parsed with maximum alloc count"); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, expected); if (dummy_handler_flags != (DUMMY_START_DOCTYPE_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_END_DOCTYPE_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_ATTLIST_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_COMMENT_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_PI_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_START_CDATA_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_END_CDATA_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_UNPARSED_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG)) fail("Not all handlers were called"); } END_TEST /* Test robustness of XML_SetEncoding() with a failing allocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_explicit_encoding) { int i; const int max_alloc_count = 5; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (XML_SetEncoding(parser, XCS("us-ascii")) == XML_STATUS_OK) break; } if (i == 0) fail("Encoding set despite failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Encoding not set at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test robustness of XML_SetBase against a failing allocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_set_base) { const XML_Char *new_base = XCS("/local/file/name.xml"); int i; const int max_alloc_count = 5; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (XML_SetBase(parser, new_base) == XML_STATUS_OK) break; } if (i == 0) fail("Base set despite failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Base not set with max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test buffer extension in the face of a duff reallocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_buffer) { const char *text = get_buffer_test_text; void *buffer; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; /* Get a smallish buffer */ for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, 1536); if (buffer == NULL) fail("1.5K buffer reallocation failed"); memcpy(buffer, text, strlen(text)); if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE) == XML_STATUS_OK) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } reallocation_count = -1; if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded with no reallocation"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed with max reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Same test for external entity parsers */ static int XMLCALL external_entity_reallocator(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = get_buffer_test_text; XML_Parser ext_parser; void *buffer; enum XML_Status status; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) fail("Could not create external entity parser"); reallocation_count = (intptr_t)XML_GetUserData(parser); buffer = XML_GetBuffer(ext_parser, 1536); if (buffer == NULL) fail("Buffer allocation failed"); memcpy(buffer, text, strlen(text)); status = XML_ParseBuffer(ext_parser, (int)strlen(text), XML_FALSE); reallocation_count = -1; XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return (status == XML_STATUS_OK) ? XML_STATUS_OK : XML_STATUS_ERROR; } START_TEST(test_alloc_ext_entity_realloc_buffer) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_reallocator); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)(intptr_t)i); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_OK) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Succeeded with no reallocations"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Failed with max reallocations"); } END_TEST /* Test elements with many attributes are handled correctly */ START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_many_attributes) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>\n" "" ""; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite no reallocations"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at max reallocations"); } END_TEST /* Test handling of a public entity with failing allocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_public_entity_value) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; char dtd_text[] = "\n" "\n" "\n" "%e1;\n"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 50; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_public); /* Provoke a particular code path */ XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, dummy_entity_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocation"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed at max allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Entity declaration handler not called"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_subst_public_entity_value) { const char *text = "\n" "\n"; char dtd_text[] = "\n" "\n" "%ThisIsAStupidlyLongParameterNameIntendedToTriggerPoolGrowth12345" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP;"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_public); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocation"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_public_doctype) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 25; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_decl_handler, dummy_end_doctype_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != (DUMMY_START_DOCTYPE_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_END_DOCTYPE_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG)) fail("Doctype handler functions not called"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_parse_public_doctype_long_name) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 25; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetDoctypeDeclHandler(parser, dummy_start_doctype_decl_handler, dummy_end_doctype_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST static int XMLCALL external_entity_alloc(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *context, const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(base), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(systemId), const XML_Char *UNUSED_P(publicId)) { const char *text = (const char *)XML_GetUserData(parser); XML_Parser ext_parser; int parse_res; ext_parser = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(parser, context, NULL); if (ext_parser == NULL) return XML_STATUS_ERROR; parse_res = _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(ext_parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE); XML_ParserFree(ext_parser); return parse_res; } /* Test foreign DTD handling */ START_TEST(test_alloc_set_foreign_dtd) { const char *text1 = "\n" "&entity;"; char text2[] = ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 25; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetUserData(parser, &text2); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); if (XML_UseForeignDTD(parser, XML_TRUE) != XML_ERROR_NONE) fail("Could not set foreign DTD"); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test based on ibm/valid/P32/ibm32v04.xml */ START_TEST(test_alloc_attribute_enum_value) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "This is a \n \n\nyellow tiger"; char dtd_text[] = "\n" "\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 30; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); /* An attribute list handler provokes a different code path */ XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test attribute enums sufficient to overflow the string pool */ START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_attribute_enum_value) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "This is a yellow tiger"; /* We wish to define a collection of attribute enums that will * cause the string pool storing them to have to expand. This * means more than 1024 bytes, including the parentheses and * separator bars. */ char dtd_text[] = "\n" ""; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); /* An attribute list handler provokes a different code path */ XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test attribute enums in a #IMPLIED attribute forcing pool growth */ START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_implied_attribute) { /* Forcing this particular code path is a balancing act. The * addition of the closing parenthesis and terminal NUL must be * what pushes the string of enums over the 1024-byte limit, * otherwise a different code path will pick up the realloc. */ const char *text = "\n" "\n" "]>"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test attribute enums in a defaulted attribute forcing pool growth */ START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_default_attribute) { /* Forcing this particular code path is a balancing act. The * addition of the closing parenthesis and terminal NUL must be * what pushes the string of enums over the 1024-byte limit, * otherwise a different code path will pick up the realloc. */ const char *text = "\n" "\n]>"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetAttlistDeclHandler(parser, dummy_attlist_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test long notation name with dodgy allocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_notation) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>\n"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(parser, dummy_notation_decl_handler); XML_SetEntityDeclHandler(parser, dummy_entity_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite allocation failures"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != (DUMMY_ENTITY_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG | DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG)) fail("Entity declaration handler not called"); } END_TEST /* Test public notation with dodgy allocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_public_notation) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>\n"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(parser, dummy_notation_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite allocation failures"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Notation handler not called"); } END_TEST /* Test public notation with dodgy allocator */ START_TEST(test_alloc_system_notation) { const char *text = "\n" "\n" "\n" "]>\n"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; dummy_handler_flags = 0; XML_SetNotationDeclHandler(parser, dummy_notation_decl_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite allocation failures"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_NOTATION_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Notation handler not called"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_nested_groups) { const char *text = "\n" "" "]>\n" ""; CharData storage; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, record_element_start_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("doce")); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Element handler not fired"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_nested_groups) { const char *text = "\n" "" "]>\n" ""; CharData storage; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; CharData_Init(&storage); XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); XML_SetStartElementHandler(parser, record_element_start_handler); XML_SetUserData(parser, &storage); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); CharData_CheckXMLChars(&storage, XCS("doce")); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Element handler not fired"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_large_group) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "\n" "\n"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 50; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Element handler flag not raised"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_group_choice) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "\n" "This is a foo\n" "\n" "\n"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetElementDeclHandler(parser, dummy_element_decl_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_ELEMENT_DECL_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Element handler flag not raised"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_pi_in_epilog) { const char *text = "\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetProcessingInstructionHandler(parser, dummy_pi_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse completed despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_PI_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Processing instruction handler not invoked"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_comment_in_epilog) { const char *text = "\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetCommentHandler(parser, dummy_comment_handler); dummy_handler_flags = 0; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse completed despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); if (dummy_handler_flags != DUMMY_COMMENT_HANDLER_FLAG) fail("Processing instruction handler not invoked"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_long_attribute_value) { const char *text = "]>\n" ""; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_attribute_whitespace) { const char *text = ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_attribute_predefined_entity) { const char *text = ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 15; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test that a character reference at the end of a suitably long * default value for an attribute can trigger pool growth, and recovers * if the allocator fails on it. */ START_TEST(test_alloc_long_attr_default_with_char_ref) { const char *text = "]>\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test that a long character reference substitution triggers a pool * expansion correctly for an attribute value. */ START_TEST(test_alloc_long_attr_value) { const char *text = "]>\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 25; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing allocator"); if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test that an error in a nested parameter entity substitution is * handled correctly. It seems unlikely that the code path being * exercised can be reached purely by carefully crafted XML, but an * allocation error in the right place will definitely do it. */ START_TEST(test_alloc_nested_entities) { const char *text = "\n" ""; ExtFaults test_data = { "\n" "\n" "%pe2;", "Memory Fail not faulted", NULL, XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY }; /* Causes an allocation error in a nested storeEntityValue() */ allocation_count = 12; XML_SetUserData(parser, &test_data); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_faulter); expect_failure(text, XML_ERROR_EXTERNAL_ENTITY_HANDLING, "Entity allocation failure not noted"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_param_entity_newline) { const char *text = "\n" ""; char dtd_text[] = "\n'>" "%pe;\n"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 5; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_ce_extends_pe) { const char *text = "\n" ""; char dtd_text[] = "\n'>" "%pe;\n"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 5; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, dtd_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_realloc_attributes) { const char *text = "]>\n" "wombat\n"; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 5; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parse succeeded despite failing reallocator"); if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parse failed at maximum reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_long_doc_name) { const char *text = /* 64 characters per line */ ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_long_base) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&e;"; char entity_text[] = "Hello world"; const XML_Char *base = /* 64 characters per line */ XCS("LongBaseURI/that/will/overflow/an/internal/buffer/and/cause/it/t") XCS("o/have/to/grow/PQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789A/"); int i; const int max_alloc_count = 25; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, entity_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); if (XML_SetBase(parser, base) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); continue; } if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_long_public_id) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&e;"; char entity_text[] = "Hello world"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, entity_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_long_entity_value) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" "&e2;"; char entity_text[] = "Hello world"; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, entity_text); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_alloc); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_alloc_long_notation) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" " \n" "]>\n" "&e2;"; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), "Entity Foo" }, { XCS("bar"), "Entity Bar" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_alloc_parse_xdecl() */ alloc_teardown(); alloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST static void nsalloc_setup(void) { XML_Memory_Handling_Suite memsuite = { duff_allocator, duff_reallocator, free }; XML_Char ns_sep[2] = { ' ', '\0' }; /* Ensure the parser creation will go through */ allocation_count = ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; reallocation_count = REALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, &memsuite, ns_sep); if (parser == NULL) fail("Parser not created"); } static void nsalloc_teardown(void) { basic_teardown(); } /* Test the effects of allocation failure in simple namespace parsing. * Based on test_ns_default_with_empty_uri() */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_xmlns) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" ""; unsigned int i; const unsigned int max_alloc_count = 30; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; /* Exercise more code paths with a default handler */ XML_SetDefaultHandler(parser, dummy_default_handler); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* Resetting the parser is insufficient, because some memory * allocations are cached within the parser. Instead we use * the teardown and setup routines to ensure that we have the * right sort of parser back in our hands. */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at maximum allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test XML_ParseBuffer interface with namespace and a dicky allocator */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_parse_buffer) { const char *text = "Hello"; void *buffer; /* Try a parse before the start of the world */ /* (Exercises new code path) */ allocation_count = 0; if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, 0, XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Pre-init XML_ParseBuffer not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NO_MEMORY) fail("Pre-init XML_ParseBuffer faulted for wrong reason"); /* Now with actual memory allocation */ allocation_count = ALLOC_ALWAYS_SUCCEED; if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, 0, XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); /* Check that resuming an unsuspended parser is faulted */ if (XML_ResumeParser(parser) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Resuming unsuspended parser not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NOT_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); /* Get the parser into suspended state */ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, clearing_aborting_character_handler); resumable = XML_TRUE; buffer = XML_GetBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text)); if (buffer == NULL) fail("Could not acquire parse buffer"); memcpy(buffer, text, strlen(text)); if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_NONE) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Suspended XML_ParseBuffer not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_SUSPENDED) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_GetBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text)) != NULL) fail("Suspended XML_GetBuffer not faulted"); /* Get it going again and complete the world */ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, NULL); if (XML_ResumeParser(parser) != XML_STATUS_OK) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_ParseBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) fail("Post-finishing XML_ParseBuffer not faulted"); if (XML_GetErrorCode(parser) != XML_ERROR_FINISHED) xml_failure(parser); if (XML_GetBuffer(parser, (int)strlen(text)) != NULL) fail("Post-finishing XML_GetBuffer not faulted"); } END_TEST /* Check handling of long prefix names (pool growth) */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_prefix) { const char *text = "<" /* 64 characters per line */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" ":foo xmlns:" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "='http://example.org/'>" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Check handling of long uri names (pool growth) */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_uri) { const char *text = "" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test handling of long attribute names with prefixes */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_attr) { const char *text = "" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test handling of an attribute name with a long namespace prefix */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_attr_prefix) { const char *text = "" ""; const XML_Char *elemstr[] = { XCS("http://example.org/ e foo"), XCS("http://example.org/ a ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ") }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_TRUE); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)elemstr); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, triplet_start_checker, triplet_end_checker); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test attribute handling in the face of a dodgy reallocator */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_attributes) { const char *text = "" ""; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test long element names with namespaces under a failing allocator */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_element) { const char *text = "" ""; const XML_Char *elemstr[] = { XCS("http://example.org/") XCS(" thisisalongenoughelementnametotriggerareallocation foo"), XCS("http://example.org/ a bar") }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 30; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(parser, XML_TRUE); XML_SetUserData(parser, (void *)elemstr); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, triplet_start_checker, triplet_end_checker); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test the effects of reallocation failure when reassigning a * binding. * * XML_ParserReset does not free the BINDING structures used by a * parser, but instead adds them to an internal free list to be reused * as necessary. Likewise the URI buffers allocated for the binding * aren't freed, but kept attached to their existing binding. If the * new binding has a longer URI, it will need reallocation. This test * provokes that reallocation, and tests the control path if it fails. */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_binding_uri) { const char *first = "\n" " \n" ""; const char *second = "\n" " \n" ""; unsigned i; const unsigned max_realloc_count = 10; /* First, do a full parse that will leave bindings around */ if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, first, (int)strlen(first), XML_TRUE) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) xml_failure(parser); /* Now repeat with a longer URI and a duff reallocator */ for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { XML_ParserReset(parser, NULL); reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, second, (int)strlen(second), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocation"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Check handling of long prefix names (pool growth) */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_prefix) { const char *text = "<" /* 64 characters per line */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" ":foo xmlns:" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "='http://example.org/'>" ""; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 12; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Check handling of even long prefix names (different code path) */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_longer_prefix) { const char *text = "<" /* 64 characters per line */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "Q:foo xmlns:" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "Q='http://example.org/'>" ""; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 12; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_namespace) { const char *text1 = "<" /* 64 characters per line */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" ":e xmlns:" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "='http://example.org/'>\n"; const char *text2 = "<" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" ":f " "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" ":attr='foo'/>\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR && _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Using a slightly shorter namespace name provokes allocations in * slightly different places in the code. */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_less_long_namespace) { const char *text = "<" /* 64 characters per line */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678" ":e xmlns:" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678" "='http://example.org/'>\n" "<" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678" ":f " "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789AZ" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345678" ":att='foo'/>\n" ""; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 40; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_context) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), ""}, { XCS("bar"), "" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 70; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* This function is void; it will throw a fail() on error, so if it * returns normally it must have succeeded. */ static void context_realloc_test(const char *text) { ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), ""}, { XCS("bar"), "" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 6; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max reallocation count"); } START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_2) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_3) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_4) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_5) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_6) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_7) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; context_realloc_test(text); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_ge_name) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "\n" "&" /* 64 characters per line */ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" ";" ""; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), "" }, { XCS("bar"), "" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 10; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test that when a namespace is passed through the context mechanism * to an external entity parser, the parsers handle reallocation * failures correctly. The prefix is exactly the right length to * provoke particular uncommon code paths. */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_in_dtd) { const char *text1 = "\n" "]>\n" "<" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" ":doc xmlns:" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP" "='foo/Second'>&First;"; const char *text2 = ""; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo/First"), "Hello world" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_realloc_count = 20; for (i = 0; i < max_realloc_count; i++) { reallocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text1, (int)strlen(text1), XML_FALSE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR && _XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text2, (int)strlen(text2), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing reallocations"); else if (i == max_realloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max reallocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_default_in_ext) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" "&x;"; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), ""}, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 50; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_nsalloc_long_systemid_in_ext) { const char *text = "\n" "]>\n" "&en;"; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), "" }, { XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/") XCS("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO/"), "" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 55; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Parsing worked despite failing allocations"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Parsing failed even at max allocation count"); } END_TEST /* Test the effects of allocation failure on parsing an element in a * namespace. Based on test_nsalloc_long_context. */ START_TEST(test_nsalloc_prefixed_element) { const char *text = "\n" " \n" "]>\n" "\n" "&en;" ""; ExtOption options[] = { { XCS("foo"), "" }, { XCS("bar"), "" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i; const int max_alloc_count = 70; for (i = 0; i < max_alloc_count; i++) { allocation_count = i; XML_SetUserData(parser, options); XML_SetParamEntityParsing(parser, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS); XML_SetExternalEntityRefHandler(parser, external_entity_optioner); if (_XML_Parse_SINGLE_BYTES(parser, text, (int)strlen(text), XML_TRUE) != XML_STATUS_ERROR) break; /* See comment in test_nsalloc_xmlns() */ nsalloc_teardown(); nsalloc_setup(); } if (i == 0) fail("Success despite failing allocator"); else if (i == max_alloc_count) fail("Failed even at full allocation count"); } END_TEST static Suite * make_suite(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("basic"); TCase *tc_basic = tcase_create("basic tests"); TCase *tc_namespace = tcase_create("XML namespaces"); TCase *tc_misc = tcase_create("miscellaneous tests"); TCase *tc_alloc = tcase_create("allocation tests"); TCase *tc_nsalloc = tcase_create("namespace allocation tests"); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_basic); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_basic, basic_setup, basic_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_nul_byte); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_u0000_char); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_siphash_self); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_siphash_spec); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bom_utf8); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bom_utf16_be); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bom_utf16_le); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_nobom_utf16_le); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_illegal_utf8); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf8_auto_align); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_le_epilog_newline); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_not_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_latin1_umlauts); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_long_utf8_character); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_long_latin1_attribute); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_long_ascii_attribute); /* Regression test for SF bug #491986. */ tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_danish_latin1); /* Regression test for SF bug #514281. */ tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_french_charref_hexidecimal); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_french_charref_decimal); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_french_latin1); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_french_utf8); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf8_false_rejection); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_line_number_after_parse); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_column_number_after_parse); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_line_and_column_numbers_inside_handlers); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_line_number_after_error); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_column_number_after_error); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_really_long_lines); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_really_long_encoded_lines); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_end_element_events); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_attr_whitespace_normalization); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_xmldecl_misplaced); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_xmldecl_invalid); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_xmldecl_missing_attr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_xmldecl_missing_value); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_internal_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unrecognised_encoding_internal_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_wfc_undeclared_entity_unread_external_subset); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_wfc_undeclared_entity_no_external_subset); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_wfc_undeclared_entity_standalone); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_not_standalone_handler_reject); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_not_standalone_handler_accept); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_wfc_undeclared_entity_with_external_subset_standalone); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_entity_with_external_subset_unless_standalone); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_wfc_no_recursive_entity_refs); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_set_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_no_handler); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_set_bom); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_bad_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_bad_encoding_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_invalid_parse); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_invalid_suspended_parse); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_dtd_default_handling); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_dtd_attr_handling); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_empty_ns_without_namespaces); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ns_in_attribute_default_without_namespaces); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_parser_between_char_data_calls); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_repeated_stop_parser_between_char_data_calls); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_good_cdata_ascii); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_good_cdata_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_good_cdata_utf16_le); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_long_cdata_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_multichar_cdata_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_bad_surrogate_pair); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_cdata); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_cdata_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_stop_parser_between_cdata_calls); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_parser_between_cdata_calls); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_memory_allocation); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_default_current); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_dtd_elements); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_set_foreign_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_foreign_dtd_not_standalone); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_foreign_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_foreign_dtd_with_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_foreign_dtd_without_external_subset); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_empty_foreign_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_set_base); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_attributes); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_reset_in_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_resume_invalid_parse); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_resume_resuspended); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_cdata_default); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_subordinate_reset); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_subordinate_suspend); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_subordinate_xdecl_suspend); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_subordinate_xdecl_abort); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_explicit_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_trailing_cr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_trailing_cr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_trailing_rsqb); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_trailing_rsqb); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_good_cdata); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_user_parameters); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_ref_parameter); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_empty_parse); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_get_buffer_1); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_get_buffer_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_byte_info_at_end); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_byte_info_at_error); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_byte_info_at_cdata); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_predefined_entities); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_tag_in_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_not_predefined_entities); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ignore_section); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ignore_section_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ignore_section_utf16_be); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_ignore_section); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_external_entity_values); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_not_standalone); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_value_abort); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_public_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_attribute_enum_value); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_predefined_entity_redefinition); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_dtd_stop_processing); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_public_notation_no_sysid); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_nested_groups); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_group_choice); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_standalone_parameter_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_skipped_parameter_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_recursive_external_parameter_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_undefined_ext_entity_in_external_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_xdecl); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_abort_epilog); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_abort_epilog_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_epilog); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_in_sole_empty_tag); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unfinished_epilog); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_partial_char_in_epilog); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_hash_collision); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_resume_internal_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_resume_entity_with_syntax_error); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_suspend_resume_parameter_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_restart_on_error); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_reject_lt_in_attribute_value); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_reject_unfinished_param_in_att_value); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_trailing_cr_in_att_value); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_standalone_internal_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_skipped_external_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_skipped_null_loaded_ext_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_skipped_unloaded_ext_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_param_entity_with_trailing_cr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_character_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_character_entity_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_character_entity_3); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_character_entity_4); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_pi_handled_in_default); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_comment_handled_in_default); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_pi_yml); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_pi_xnl); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_pi_xmm); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_pi); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_be_pi); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_be_comment); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_le_comment); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_missing_encoding_conversion_fn); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_failing_encoding_conversion_fn); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_success); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_bad_name); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_bad_name_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_long_name_1); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_long_name_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_invalid_unknown_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_ascii_encoding_ok); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_ascii_encoding_fail); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_invalid_length); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_invalid_topbit); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_invalid_surrogate); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_invalid_high); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_invalid_attr_value); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16le_bom2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_latin1_utf16be_bom2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_utf16_be); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_utf16_le); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_utf16_unknown); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_ext_entity_utf8_non_bom); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf8_in_cdata_section); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf8_in_cdata_section_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_trailing_spaces_in_elements); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_attribute); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_second_attr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_attr_after_solidus); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_utf16_pe); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_attr_desc_keyword); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_attr_desc_keyword_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_doctype_utf16); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_doctype_plus); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_doctype_star); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_doctype_query); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_unknown_encoding_bad_ignore); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_entity_in_utf16_be_attr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_entity_in_utf16_le_attr); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_entity_public_utf16_be); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_entity_public_utf16_le); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_short_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_short_doctype_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_short_doctype_3); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_long_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_entity_2); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_entity_3); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_entity_4); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_bad_notation); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_default_doctype_handler); tcase_add_test(tc_basic, test_empty_element_abort); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_namespace); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_namespace, namespace_setup, namespace_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_return_ns_triplet); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_tagname_overwrite); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_tagname_overwrite_triplet); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_start_ns_clears_start_element); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_default_ns_from_ext_subset_and_ext_ge); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_1); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_2); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_3); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_prefix_with_empty_uri_4); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_unbound_prefix); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_default_with_empty_uri); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_duplicate_attrs_diff_prefixes); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_duplicate_hashes); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_attribute); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_unbound_prefix_on_element); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_parser_reset); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_long_element); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_mixed_prefix_atts); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_extend_uri_buffer); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_reserved_attributes); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_reserved_attributes_2); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_extremely_long_prefix); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_unknown_encoding_success); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_double_colon); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_double_colon_element); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_bad_attr_leafname); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_bad_element_leafname); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_utf16_leafname); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_utf16_element_leafname); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_utf16_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_invalid_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_namespace, test_ns_double_colon_doctype); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_misc); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_misc, NULL, basic_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_alloc_create_parser); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_alloc_create_parser_with_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_null_parser); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_error_string); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_version); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_features); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_attribute_leak); tcase_add_test(tc_misc, test_misc_utf16le); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_alloc); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_alloc, alloc_setup, alloc_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_xdecl); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_xdecl_2); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_pi); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_pi_2); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_pi_3); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_comment); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_comment_2); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_create_external_parser); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_run_external_parser); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_dtd_copy_default_atts); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_external_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_ext_entity_set_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_internal_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_dtd_default_handling); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_explicit_encoding); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_set_base); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_buffer); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_ext_entity_realloc_buffer); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_many_attributes); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_public_entity_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_subst_public_entity_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_public_doctype); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_parse_public_doctype_long_name); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_set_foreign_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_attribute_enum_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_attribute_enum_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_implied_attribute); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_default_attribute); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_notation); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_public_notation); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_system_notation); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_nested_groups); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_nested_groups); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_large_group); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_group_choice); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_pi_in_epilog); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_comment_in_epilog); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_long_attribute_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_attribute_whitespace); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_attribute_predefined_entity); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_attr_default_with_char_ref); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_attr_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_nested_entities); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_param_entity_newline); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_ce_extends_pe); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_realloc_attributes); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_doc_name); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_base); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_public_id); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_entity_value); tcase_add_test(tc_alloc, test_alloc_long_notation); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_nsalloc); tcase_add_checked_fixture(tc_nsalloc, nsalloc_setup, nsalloc_teardown); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_xmlns); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_parse_buffer); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_prefix); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_uri); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_attr); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_attr_prefix); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_attributes); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_element); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_binding_uri); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_prefix); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_longer_prefix); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_namespace); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_less_long_namespace); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_context); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_2); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_3); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_4); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_5); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_6); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_7); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_ge_name); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_realloc_long_context_in_dtd); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_default_in_ext); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_long_systemid_in_ext); tcase_add_test(tc_nsalloc, test_nsalloc_prefixed_element); return s; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, nf; int verbosity = CK_NORMAL; Suite *s = make_suite(); SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s); /* run the tests for internal helper functions */ testhelper_is_whitespace_normalized(); for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { char *opt = argv[i]; if (strcmp(opt, "-v") == 0 || strcmp(opt, "--verbose") == 0) verbosity = CK_VERBOSE; else if (strcmp(opt, "-q") == 0 || strcmp(opt, "--quiet") == 0) verbosity = CK_SILENT; else { fprintf(stderr, "runtests: unknown option '%s'\n", opt); return 2; } } if (verbosity != CK_SILENT) printf("Expat version: %" XML_FMT_STR "\n", XML_ExpatVersion()); srunner_run_all(sr, verbosity); nf = srunner_ntests_failed(sr); srunner_free(sr); return (nf == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }