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index a6b304c..702790a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
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--- a/DOCUMENTATION/content/documentation/index.md
+++ b/DOCUMENTATION/content/documentation/index.md
@@ -156,21 +156,82 @@ You might use the `--no-cache` option if you want full rebuilding (`docker-compo
-## Docker-Sync
+## Speed up with docker-sync
-Docker on the Mac [is slow](https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/77), at the time of writing. Especially for larger projects, this can be a problem. The problem is [older than March 2016](https://forums.docker.com/t/file-access-in-mounted-volumes-extremely-slow-cpu-bound/8076) - as it's a such a long-running issue, we're including it in the docs here.
+Docker for Mac is [slow](https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/77) due to poor performance when the application accesses files shared with the host machine.
+One solution is to use [docker-sync](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync).
-The problem originates in bind-mount performance on MacOS. Docker for Mac uses osxfs by default. This is not without reason, it has [a lot of advantages](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/osxfs/).
+In simple terms, docker-sync creates a docker container with a copy of all the application files that can be accessed very quickly from the other containers.
+On the other hand, docker-sync runs a process on the host machine that continuously tracks and updates files changes from the host to this intermediate container.
-Solutions to resolve this issue are easily installed however, we're hoping it'll be fixed by Docker themselves over time. They are currently [adding "cached and delegated" options](https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/77#issuecomment-283996750), which is partly available for Docker Edge.
+Out of the box, it comes pre-configured for OS X, but using it on Windows is very easy to set-up by modifying the `DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY` on the `.env`
-Options are [to switch over to NFS](https://github.com/IFSight/d4m-nfs) which is the simplest. The fastest option is [Docker-Sync "native"](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync) which is still quite easy to install.
+#### Usage
-Clone [this repo](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync-boilerplate) to your machine, copy `default/docker-sync.yml` to your Laradock directory and run `docker-sync-stack start`. Be sure to use `docker-sync-stack clean` to stop and `docker-compose build` to rebuild. More information can be found [in the Docker-sync docs](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync).
+Laradock comes with `sync.sh`, an optional bash script, that automates installing, running and stopping docker-sync. Note that to run the bash script you may need to change the permissions `chmod 755 sync.sh`
+1) Configure your Laradock environment as you would normally do and test your application to make sure that your sites are running correctly.
+2) Make sure to set `DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY` on the `.env`. Read the [syncing strategies](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync/wiki/8.-Strategies) for details.
+# osx: 'native_osx' (default)
+# windows: 'unison'
+# linux: docker-sync not required
+2) Install the docker-sync gem on the host-machine:
+./sync.sh install
+3) Start docker-sync and the Laradock environment.
+Specify the services you want to run, as you would normally do with `docker-compose up`
+./sync.sh up nginx mysql
+Please note that the first time docker-sync runs, it will copy all the files to the intermediate container and that may take a very long time (15min+).
+4) To stop the environment and docker-sync do:
+./sync.sh down
+#### Setting up Aliases (optional)
+You may create bash profile aliases to avoid having to remember and type these commands for everyday development.
+Add the following lines to your `~/.bash_profile`:
+alias devup="cd /PATH_TO_LARADOCK/laradock; ./sync.sh up nginx mysql" #add your services
+alias devbash="cd /PATH_TO_LARADOCK/laradock; ./sync.sh bash"
+alias devdown="cd /PATH_TO_LARADOCK/laradock; ./sync.sh down"
+Now from any location on your machine, you can simply run `devup`, `devbash` and `devdown`.
+#### Additional Commands
+Opening bash on the workspace container (to run artisan for example):
+ ```bash
+ ./sync.sh bash
+ ```
+Manually triggering the synchronization of the files:
+./sync.sh sync
+Removing and cleaning up the files and the docker-sync container. Use only if you want to rebuild or remove docker-sync completely. The files on the host will be kept untouched.
+./sync.sh clean
+**Additional Notes:**
+- You may run laradock with or without docker-sync at any time using with the same `.env` and `docker-compose.yml`, because the configuration is overridden automatically when docker-sync is used.
+- You may inspect the `sync.sh` script to learn each of the commands and even add custom ones.
+- If a container cannot access the files on docker-sync, you may need to set a user on the Dockerfile of that container with an id of 1000 (this is the UID that nginx and php-fpm have configured on laradock). Alternatively, you may change the permissions to 777, but this is **not** recommended.
+Visit the [docker-sync documentation](https://github.com/EugenMayer/docker-sync/wiki) for more details.
diff --git a/docker-compose.sync.yml b/docker-compose.sync.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20bb016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.sync.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+version: '2'
+### Applications Code Container #############################
+ applications:
+ image: tianon/true
+ volumes:
+ - applications-sync:/var/www:nocopy # nocopy is required
+### Volumes Setup #############################################
+ applications-sync:
+ external:
+ name: "applications-docker-sync"
diff --git a/docker-sync.yml b/docker-sync.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb70a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-sync.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+version: "2"
+ verbose: true
+ applications-docker-sync: # name of the intermediary sync volume
+ compose-dev-file-path: 'docker-compose.sync.yml' # docker-compose override file
+ src: '${APPLICATION}' # host source directory
+ sync_userid: 1000 # giving permissions to www-data user (as defined in nginx and php-fpm Dockerfiles)
+ sync_strategy: '${DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY}' # for osx use 'native_osx', for windows use 'unison'
+ sync_excludes: ['laradock', 'ignored_folder_example'] # ignored directories
diff --git a/env-example b/env-example
index 23eba15..91d295c 100644
--- a/env-example
+++ b/env-example
@@ -255,6 +255,13 @@ CADDY_CUSTOM_CADDYFILE=./caddy/Caddyfile
+### DOCKER-SYNC ################################################################################################
+# osx: 'native_osx' (default)
+# windows: 'unison'
+# linux: docker-sync not required
##### TO BE CONTINUE .................................
@@ -262,8 +269,6 @@ LARAVEL_ECHO_SERVER_PORT=6001
# .........
# .........
# Miscellaneous
@@ -281,3 +286,4 @@ PHP_IDE_CONFIG=serverName=laradock
# Fix for windows users to make sure the application path works.
diff --git a/sync.sh b/sync.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6955358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sync.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# This shell script is an optional tool to simplify
+# the installation and usage of laradock with docker-sync.
+# Make sure that the DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY is set in the .env
+# DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY=native_osx # osx
+# DOCKER_SYNC_STRATEGY=unison # windows
+# To run, make sure to add permissions to this file:
+# chmod 755 sync.sh
+# Install docker-sync: ./sync.sh install
+# Start sync and services with nginx and mysql: ./sync.sh up nginx mysql
+# Stop containers and sync: ./sync.sh down
+# prints colored text
+print_style () {
+ if [ "$2" == "info" ] ; then
+ COLOR="96m"
+ elif [ "$2" == "success" ] ; then
+ COLOR="92m"
+ elif [ "$2" == "warning" ] ; then
+ COLOR="93m"
+ elif [ "$2" == "danger" ] ; then
+ COLOR="91m"
+ else #default color
+ COLOR="0m"
+ fi
+ ENDCOLOR="\e[0m"
+ printf "$STARTCOLOR%b$ENDCOLOR" "$1"
+display_options () {
+ printf "Available options:\n";
+ print_style " install" "info"; printf "\t\t Installs docker-sync gem on the host machine.\n"
+ print_style " up [services]" "success"; printf "\t Starts docker-sync and runs docker compose.\n"
+ print_style " down" "success"; printf "\t\t\t Stops containers and docker-sync.\n"
+ print_style " bash" "success"; printf "\t\t\t Opens bash on the workspace.\n"
+ print_style " sync" "info"; printf "\t\t\t Manually triggers the synchronization of files.\n"
+ print_style " clean" "danger"; printf "\t\t Removes all files from docker-sync.\n"
+if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
+ print_style "Missing arguments.\n" "danger"
+ display_options
+ exit 1
+if [ "$1" == "up" ] ; then
+ print_style "Initializing Docker Sync\n" "info"
+ print_style "May take a long time (15min+) on the first run\n" "info"
+ docker-sync start;
+ print_style "Initializing Docker Compose\n" "info"
+ shift # removing first argument
+ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.sync.yml up -d ${@}
+elif [ "$1" == "down" ]; then
+ print_style "Stopping Docker Compose\n" "info"
+ docker-compose down
+ print_style "Stopping Docker Sync\n" "info"
+ docker-sync stop
+elif [ "$1" == "bash" ]; then
+ docker-compose exec workspace bash
+elif [ "$1" == "install" ]; then
+ print_style "Installing docker-sync\n" "info"
+ gem install docker-sync
+elif [ "$1" == "sync" ]; then
+ print_style "Manually triggering sync between host and docker-sync container.\n" "info"
+ docker-sync sync;
+elif [ "$1" == "clean" ]; then
+ print_style "Removing and cleaning up files from the docker-sync container.\n" "warning"
+ docker-sync clean
+ print_style "Invalid arguments.\n" "danger"
+ display_options
+ exit 1
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